Education and Training Division News – 2nd Quarter 2019

By the end of this quarter, the ICN Training Team will have conducted 265 Face-to-Face trainings in 33 states and reached over 8,759 participants. ICN’s Materials Management and Shipping Coordinator has prepared and shipped over 10,200 materials for trainings, exhibits, and requested resources. Our training calendar is filling up quickly for the remainder of the [Read More]

2019-06-26T11:06:16-05:00June 25th, 2019|

Applied Research News – 2nd Quarter 2019

Throughout the spring quarter, Applied Research Division (ARD) researchers engaged in a variety of outreach and professional development activities as ambassadors of ICN. Activities included publications and traveling to several states to present at or to participate in conferences that addressed a diverse spectrum of needs in the field of child nutrition.

During the month [Read More]

2019-06-26T13:23:30-05:00June 24th, 2019|
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