Resources for Inspiration

Resources for Inspiration

These State agency and allied organization resources contain tools and ideas that can inspire your culturally inclusive recipes team as you come together to collaborate on cultural recipes.  Resources for learning about cuisines and cultures may be used in promotional and education materials shared during the community collaboration process and highlighted during marketing of new menu items. 


  • Cultural toolkits developed by Washington State SNAP-Ed include culinary and dietary summaries of several cultural groups. These toolkits provide general information that may be useful when learning about the eating customs and traditions for different cultures represented in the school community.
  • Around the World in 80 Trays is a Wisconsin State initiative with the purpose of increasing global flavors in USDA School Meals Programs.  The website includes resources for school cafeteria-based events including menu and recipe resources, and educational activity materials.
  • Equity in School Meals: Planning for Culturally Diverse & Inclusive Menus,” is a webinar hosted by No Kid Hungry Center for Best Practices recorded in October 2022. This webinar features dynamic leaders who share their experiences planning culturally diverse and inclusive menus by connecting with their school community first and often. This webinar covers how to connect with students and families to learn what they like to eat; recipes that kids like; how to get started offering culturally diverse and inclusive menus; and more. 