Archived USDA Child Nutrition Recipes for CACFP

These archived Child Nutrition recipes for CACFP DO NOT reflect the current meal pattern requirements. Also, they may not meet the current nutrient guidelines for sodium, fat, saturated fat and/or sugar. These recipes are from the 1988 Quantity Recipes for School Food Service and
the 1995 Tool Kit for Healthy School Meals projects. While these recipes have been standardized and edited for consistency, they are provided only as an archive resource for reference purposes.


The current USDA Recipes for Child Care were updated to reflect the Food Safety and Inspection Service’s (FSIS) recommendations for retail foodservice based on the current FDA Food Code. Further information concerning USDA Recipes for Child Care can be found here.

Also, included are the new Recipes for Healthy Kids (R4HK). The 30 recipes from the R4HK competition are credited to support the whole grain-rich, red/orange, dark green, and beans/peas (legumes) vegetable subgroups for the meal patterns as part of the Nutrition Standards in School Meal Programs. The 30 kid-approved recipes are designated with an “r” at the end of the recipe number.

Funding for this project was provided by USDA/FNS through a cooperative agreement with ICN.

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