Page 11 - CNA Brochure
P. 11

Oral History Project

               The Oral History Project was created to capture and preserve the stories of past

                  and present child nutrition professionals who have dedicated their careers to

                  serving the nation’s children. Approaching 300 in number, the interviews are

                    transcribed and posted online. State agency personnel; program directors,

                       managers, cooks, and line staff; past presidents of the School Nutrition

                      Association; USDA personnel; and others connected with child nutrition

                  programs have all shared their stories. Spanning the early days up to modern

                times, topics covered include Works Progress Administration (WPA) supported

                 school lunch programs, the passage of the National School Lunch Act in 1946,

                 introduction of Offer vs. Serve, and the changes and challenges of the twenty-

                                                                      first century.

                Do you have a story to share or know someone who does? If so, please contact

               the Child Nutrition Archives at or 800-321-3054, Ext. 1384.
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