Box 2
2.1: Memorandum by Jean Yavis Jones, Specialist in Social Legislation, Education and Public Welfare Division, regarding Universal School Lunch Program Background, Issues, and Analysis, Congressional Research Service, The Library of Congress, January 3, 1992. 21 pages.
2.2: Pamphlet: Making the Grade: A Healthier Course for School Lunches, Public Voice for Food and Health Policy, September 1988. 6 pages.
2.2: Statement by Dr. Suzanne S. Harris, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Agriculture for Food and Consumer Services in response to Recommendations Announced by Public Voice, August 25, 1988. 5 pages.
2.2: Letter from Marshall Matz to Ms. Ellen Haas, Executive Director, Public Voice for Food and Health Policy, objecting, as a board member of Public Voice, the publication of Making the Grade: A Healthier Course for School Lunches, September 19, 1988. 4 pages. 4 copies.
2.2: Letter from Ms. Jane T. Wynn, American School Food Service Association, to Ms. Ellen Haas, Executive Director, Public Voice for Food and Health Policy, challenging assertions made regarding school lunch and school breakfast programs, October 26, 1988. 2 pages.
2.2: Press release, Public Voice for Food and Health Policy, Public Voice Calls for Policy Changes in School Lunch Program, not dated. 2 pages.
2.2: Letter from Ellen Haas, Executive Director, and Diane B. Heiman, Esquire, Director of Gov. Affairs, Public Voice for Food and Health Policy, to Representative Thomas J. Tauke, U.S. House of Representatives, urging support for H.R. 5113, Rep. Thomas Luken’s “Cigarette Restrictions Act of 1988”, September 7, 1988. 1 page.
2.2: Fat in the American Diet: What’s the Balance and is Current Labeling Too Fuzzy?, 1988 Marketing Development Seminar, IICA, September 27, Chicago, Illinois, Diane Heiman, Esquire, Director of Government Affairs. 10 pages.
2.2: Letter from to Ms. Ellen Haas, Executive Director, Public Voice for Food and Health Policy, to Marshall L. Matz, Holland & Knight, expressing true surprise and deep disturbance that members of ASFSA have misunderstood the recent policy document as an attack on the NSLP, September 27, 1988. 3 pages. 5 copies.
2.2: The American School Food Service Association, Position Statement, School Nutrition Programs: An Integral Part of the School Environment, not dated. 2 pages. 3 copies.
2.2: Note from Ed Cooney, Food Research and Action Center, to Marshall Matz disputing a quote attributed to Cooney in the attached article: School cafeterias are dumping salt and fat in sound nutrition: Can they afford to stop; can they afford not to?, The American School Board Journal, 1988. 9 pages.
2.2: Article: New school lunch cookbook passes kids’ test, USA Today, October 12, 1988. 1 page.
2.2: Note from Eileen Kugler to Marshall in on Public Voice for Food and Health Policy notepaper regarding a revised brochure, not dated. 1 page.
2.2: Brochure: The National Evaluation of School Nutrition Programs: Final Report, Volume 1 – Overview and Presentation of Findings, not dated. Report contains only pages 5 and 6.
2.2: Public Voice for Food and Health Policy Advocacy Update, August/September 1988. 4 pages.
2.2: American School Food Service Association, Compilation, Public Voice for Food and Health Policy Report, September 23, 1988. Not paginated.
2.2: Letter from Janet H. Bantly, RD, Coordinator, School Nutrition Programs and CSFSA Legislative Chairman, to Mrs. Shirley Watkins, Director of Food And Nutrition Services, Memphis, Tennessee, regarding Marshall Matz on the board of Public Voice for Food and Health Policy, September 13, 1988. 1 page.
2.2: Letter from to Ms. Ellen Haas, Executive Director, Public Voice for Food and Health Policy, to Marshall L. Matz, Holland & Knight, expressing true surprise and deep disturbance that members of ASFSA have misunderstood the recent policy document as an attack on the NSLP, September 27, 1988. 3 pages.
2.2: Letter from Marshall Matz to Ms. Ellen Haas, Executive Director, Public Voice for Food and Health Policy, objecting, as a board member of Public Voice, the publication of Making the Grade: A Healthier Course for School Lunches, September 19, 1988. 4 pages. 2 copies.
2.2: The American School Food Service Association, Position Statement, School Nutrition Programs: An Integral Part of the School Environment, not dated. 2 pages.
2.2: Letter from Marshall L. Matz to Pat Bayer, Executive Director, ASFSA, regarding the upcoming release of a brochure by Public Voice for Food and Health Policy, August 15, 1988. 1 page.
2.2: Making the Grade: A Healthier Course for School Lunch, Eileen Gale Kugler, not dated. 13 pages.
2.2: Memorandum from ASFSA Headquarters regarding ASFSA’s response to Public Voice Report, September 6, 1988, 2 pages, with an attached copy of Making the Grade: A Healthier Course for School Lunches, Public Voice for Food and Health Policy, September 1988. 6 pages.
2.2: Making the Grade: A Healthier Course for School Lunches, Public Voice for Food and Health Policy, September 1988, 6 pages, with an included press release Public Voice Calls for Policy Changes in School Lunch Program, Public Voice for Food and Health Policy, not dated, 2 pages, and School Lunch Menus: Some Are Getting an “A” for Effort, not dated, 2 pages.
2.2: Article: Eating Well, A push to help students eat smart, The New York Times, September 14, 1988. 2 pages.
2.2: Letter from Marshall Matz to Ms. Ellen Haas, Executive Director, Public Voice for Food and Health Policy, objecting, as a board member of Public Voice, the publication of Making the Grade: A Healthier Course for School Lunches, September 19, 1988. 4 pages. 4 copies.
2.3: Media Alert: American School Food Service Association, regarding a press conference to respond to recent negative publicity, August 25, 1988. 1 page.
2.3: Letter from Augustus F. Hawkins, Chairman, Committee on Education and Labor, U.S. House of Representatives, to The American School Food Service Association, c/o Marshall Matz, Holland & Knight, regarding appreciation for all of ASFSA members’ efforts on behalf of H.R. 24, the Child Nutrition and WIC Amendments of 1989, August 10, 1989. 2 pages. 6 copies.
2.3: Statement by Scott Dunn, Acting Administrator, Food and Nutrition Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, regarding USDA’s response to Public Voice’s concern for the quality of the National School Lunch Program, August 30, 1989. 1 page.
2.3: Folder: School Lunch: What a Way to Grow!, American School Food Service Association Press Conference, August 30, 1989, containing ASFSA Provides Leadership for Child Nutrition Initiatives, not dated, 2 pages; letter from [George Bush], The White House, to the Members of the American School Food Service Association, regarding an expression of gratitude on behalf of the American people, April 21, 1989, 1 page; letter from Augustus F. Hawkins, Chairman, Committee on Education and Labor, U.S. House of Representatives, to The American School Food Service Association, c/o Marshall Matz, Holland & Knight, regarding appreciation for all of ASFSA members’ efforts on behalf of H.R. 24, the Child Nutrition and WIC Amendments of 1989, August 10, 1989, 2 pages, American School Food Service Association 1989 Legislative Issue Paper: Invest in Our Children, not dated, 2 pages; The American School Food Service Association, Position Statement, School Nutrition Programs: An Integral Part of the School Environment, not dated, 2 pages; Resolution, The American School Food Service Association, regarding the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, adopted July 26, 1987; Meal Pattern Minimum Requirements for School Lunches, Items and Quantities by Age Group, courtesy The American School Food Service Association, not dated, 1 page; and Testimony if The American School Food Service Association before the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry, United States Senate, June 14, 1989, nine pages. 3 copies.
2.3: Brochure: USDA Donated Foods, A Healthy Contribution to Child Nutrition, not dated, 6 pages.
2.3: Statement by Scott Dunn, Acting Administrator, Food and Nutrition Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, regarding USDA’s response to Public Voice’s concern for the quality of the National School Lunch Program, August 30, 1989. 1 page. 2 copies.
2.3: What’s for Lunch? A Progress Report on Reducing Fat in the School Lunch Program, not signed, not dated 13 pages.
2.3: Letter from Augustus F. Hawkins, Chairman, Committee on Education and Labor, U.S. House of Representatives, to The American School Food Service Association, c/o Marshall Matz, Holland & Knight, regarding appreciation for all of ASFSA members’ efforts on behalf of H.R. 24, the Child Nutrition and WIC Amendments of 1989, August 10, 1989. 2 pages.
2.3: Brochure: Public Voice for Food & Health Policy with press releases and membership application.
2.3: Letter from Jeff Shotland, on Public Voice for Food & Health Policy letterhead, to Robert Honson, Nutrition Services, Portland Public Schools, regarding a questionnaire, July 26, 1989. 2 pages.
2.3: Letter from Jeff Shotland, Director of Research, on Public Voice for Food & Health Policy letterhead, to Dorothy Caldwell, State Director, Food and Nutrition, Arkansas Dept. of Ed., regarding the creation of a survey, April 21, one page.
2.3: Letter from Dorothy Caldwell, M.S., R.D., Director, Child Nutrition Programs, Arkansas Department of Education, to Jeff Shotland, Director of Research, Public Voice for Food & Health Policy, regarding a brochure created by Public Voice for Food & Health Policy, April 26, 1989, 2 pages. 2 copies.
2.3: Letter from Steve Pinelli, President, New York State School Food Service Association, to Pat Bayer, ASFSA Executive Director, regarding Public Voice – Survey, May 1, 1989. 1 page.
2.3: Letter from Jeff Shotland, Director of Research, on Public Voice for Food & Health Policy letterhead, to Steven Pinelli, regarding an enclosed survey, April 25. 2 pages.
2.3: Letter from Steven E. Pinelli, President, New York State School Food Service Association, to Mr. Jeff Shotland, Director of Research, Public Voice, regarding NYSSFSA’s refusal to co-survey with Public Voice, May 1, 1989. 1 page.
2.3: Survey. 5 pages.
2.3: Letter from Steve Pinelli, President, New York State School Food Service Association, to Pat Bayer, ASFSA Executive Director, regarding Public Voice – Survey, May 1, 1989. 1 page.
2.3: Letter from Jeff Shotland, Director of Research, on Public Voice for Food & Health Policy letterhead, to Steven Pinelli, regarding an enclosed survey, April 25. 2 pages.
2.3: Letter from Steven E. Pinelli, President, New York State School Food Service Association, to Mr. Jeff Shotland, Director of Research, Public Voice, regarding NYSSFSA’s refusal to co-survey with Public Voice, May 1, 1989. 1 page.
2.3: Survey. 5 pages.
2.3: Letter from Dorothy Caldwell, M.S., R.D., Director, Child Nutrition Programs, Arkansas Department of Education, to Jeff Shotland, Director of Research, Public Voice for Food & Health Policy, regarding Caldwell’s displeasure at a letter Shotland wrote to Steven Pirelli on April 25, 1989, not dated. 1 page. 2 copies.
2.3: Partial letter appearing to be from Jeff Shotland, Director of Research, Public Voice for Food & Health Policy, to Dorothy Caldwell, M.S., R.D., Director, Child Nutrition Programs, Arkansas Department of Education, regarding Shotland’s distress at a letter from Caldwell of May 15, 1989, May 25, 1989, 1 page, with attached letter from Dorothy Caldwell, M.S., R.D., Director, Child Nutrition Programs, Arkansas Department of Education, to Jeff Shotland, Director of Research, Public Voice for Food & Health Policy, regarding working together to improve the health and wellbeing of the nation’s children, June 1, 1989. 1 page. 2 copies.
2.3: Memorandum from Marshall Matz to Pat Bayer regarding Public Voice, August 2, 1989. 1 page.
2.3: Letter from Jeff Shotland, Director of Nutrition, on Public Voice for Food & Health Policy letterhead, to Pat Bayer, Executive Director, American School Food Service Association, regarding the status of the school lunch survey, July 30, 1989. 2 pages.
2.3: Letter from Ellen Haas, Executive Director, and Jeff Shotland, Director of Nutrition, on Public Voice for Food & Health Policy letterhead, to Congressman Augustus Hawkins, Chairman, Education and Labor Committee, regarding concerns of Public Voice for Food and Health Policy about a number of critical child nutrition issues currently under consideration by Hawkins’ Committee and by the Full House (HR. 24), not dated. 2 pages.
2.3: Memorandum from Marshall Matz to Pat Bayer regarding Public Voice, August 2, 1989. 1 page.
2.3: Letter from Jeff Shotland, Director of Nutrition, on Public Voice for Food & Health Policy letterhead, to Pat Bayer, Executive Director, American School Food Service Association, regarding the status of the school lunch survey, July 30, 1989. 2 pages.
2.3: Letter from Ellen Haas, Executive Director, and Jeff Shotland, Director of Nutrition, on Public Voice for Food & Health Policy letterhead, to Congressman Augustus Hawkins, Chairman, Education and Labor Committee, regarding concerns of Public Voice for Food and Health Policy about a number of critical child nutrition issues currently under consideration by Hawkins’ Committee and by the Full House (HR. 24), not dated. 2 pages.
2.3: American School Food Service Association, Compilation, Public Voice for Food and Health Policy Report, September 23, 1988. Not paginated.
2.4: Note from Ellen to Dear Subscriber on Public Voice for Food and Health Policy notepaper, regarding tremendous increase in attention to Public Voice’s Agenda, not dated.
2.4: Advocacy Advocate, Public Voice for Food and Health Policy, Vol. 7 No. 8, September 1989. 4 pages, 2 copies.
2.4: Third Annual Women Take Charge Conference, Contraceptive Technology: Advancing the Options, April 17, 1989, A Conference Report, Public Voice for Food and Health Policy, Ellen Haas, Executive Director, 49 pages.
2.4: What’s for Lunch? A Progress Report on Reducing Fat in the School Lunch Program, Public Voice for Food and Health Policy, Summer 1989. 35 pages.
2.4: Press Release: 14 of Washington’s Finest Restaurants Serve Healthy Specialties at Public Voice Awards, Public Voice for Food and Health Policy, not dated. 4 pages.
2.4: Testimony of Ellen Haas, Executive Director, Public Voice for Food and Health Policy before the House Energy and Commerce Committee Subcommittee on Health and the Environment on H.R. 3155, “The Fish and Fish Products Safety Act of 1989”, September 15, 1989. 21 pages with accompanying charts.
2.4: Our Laissez-Fish Policy: The Feds Inspect All Beef and Poultry – Why Not Seafood?, by Ellen Haas, OUTLOOK, The Washington Post, not dated. 1 page.
2.4: Press Release: Public Voice Study Finds Barriers Thwart Efforts to Reduce Fat in School Lunch, Public Voice for Food and Health Policy, August 30, 1989. 2 pages.
2.4: Press Release: Public Voice to Honor Leahy, Emerson; Judy Collins to Offer Tribute to Leland, Public Voice for Food and Health Policy, September 12, 1989. 2 pages.
2.4: Fax from Kevin to Marshall Matz regarding the text of the letter sent to The Washington Post by Beverly Lowe, R.D., President, American School Food Service Association, September 18, 1989. 3 pages.
2.4: What’s For Lunch? A Progress Report On Reducing Fat In The School Lunch Program, Executive Summary, Public Voice for Food and Health Policy, not dated. 3 pages.
2.4: Article: What’s for Lunch at School, The Washington Post, September 16, 1989. 1 page. 6 copies.
2.4: Article: USDA Ships Too Much Fatty Food, School Cafeterias Say, The Washington Post, August 31, 1989. 1 page. 4 copies.
2.4: Letter from Jackie A. Strange, The Dole Foundation, to Financial Development Committee, regarding Mercedes Raffle, August 29, 1989. 1 page.
2.4: Article: Beyond Tate Tots, The Washington Post, September 5, 1989. 1 page. 5 copies.
2.4: Article: Inside the Beltway, Nutrition Week, Community Nutrition Institute, August 31, 1989. 1 page.
2.4: What’s for Lunch? A Progress Report on Reducing Fat in the School Lunch Program, Public Voice for Food and Health Policy, Summer 1989. 35 pages.
2.4: Food Purchase Report, United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Marketing Service, Canned and Frozen Peaches, July 19, 1989. 1 page.
2.4: Draft: United States Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service, regarding FNS shares Public Voice’s concerns for the quality of the National School Lunch Program, and are pleased that the Public Voice study acknowledges the positive changes they have made, August 29, 1989. 2 pages. 2 copies.
2.4: Article: Survey faults feds on fatty food, upi, August 30, 1989. 1 page.
2.4: Article: Fatty Foods Mar School Lunch? The Associated Press, August 30, 1989. 1 page.
2.4: Media Alert: American School Food Service Association, regarding a press conference to respond to recent negative publicity, August 25, 1989. 1 page.
2.4: Memorandum from Beverly Lowe, President, and Pat Bayer, Executive Director, American School Food Service Association, to Readers of “This Week”, regarding press conference, August 25, 1989. 1 page.
2.5: Letter from (Miss) Virginia R. Whitlatch, Supervisor, School Food Service, to The Honorable Don Bonker, United States Representative, regarding a request made by a member of Bonker’s staff for statistical information regarding the economic impact of the Administration’s Proposed Budget for the child nutrition programs in the Third Congressional District, March 25, 1985. 3 pages.
2.5: Lunch Participati[on] Ranked 1983-1984. 1 page.
2.5: Letter from Clifford O. Morris, Director, School Food Services Unit, State of New Mexico Department of Education, to The Honorable Pete Domenici, United States Senator, regarding maintaining Section 4 funding for the National School Lunch Program, January 11, 1985. 2 pages.
2.5: Letter from Marshall Matz, Counsel, American School Food Service Association, to The Honorable William H. Gray, III, Chairman, Committee on the Budget, U.S. House of Representatives, regarding Child Nutrition Budget Cut, January 18, 1985. 3 pages.
2.5: Letter from Marshall Matz, Counsel, American School Food Service Association, to The Honorable Robert Dole, United States Senate, regarding Child Nutrition Budget Cut, January 15, 1985. 3 pages.
2.5: Letter from Marshall Matz, Counsel, American School Food Service Association, to Mr. David Stockman, Office of Management and Budget, The White House, regarding Child Nutrition, January 3, 1985. 3 pages.
2.5: Key State Contact Phone List, not signed, not dated. 1 page.
2.5: Letter from Frank B. Brouillet, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, to The Honorable Slade Groton, United States Senator, regarding cuts to the child nutrition programs in the 1986 budget, January 25, 1985. 2 pages. 2 copies.
2.5: Report: The Effect On New York State of Cuts in the National School Lunch Program, not signed, not dated. 4 pages.
2.5: July 1983 – June 1984 Program Participation and Funding for the Child Nutrition Programs Operating in Minnesota Schools and Institutions, not attributed, not dated. 9 pages.
2.5: Memorandum from Annette Bomar, Chairman, S.E. Regional State Directors State Director, Georgia, to Nancy Perry, President, ASFSA, regarding Resolution, January 16, 1985. 2 pages.
2.5: Name of District: State of New Mexico, Average Daily Participation, October 1984. 1 page.
2.5: Name of District: Hays USD #489, Kansas, Average Daily Participation, October 1984. 1 page.
2.5: Education and Labor Committee, Augustus F. Hawkins (D-Ca), Chairman, U.S. House of Representatives, Budget Fact Sheet, 4 pages, with attached report from Jean Yavis Jones, Specialist in Social Legislation, Education and Public Welfare Division, Congressional Research Service, The Library of Congress, to House Elementary, Secondary and Vocational Education Subcommittee, Attention: Jack Jennings, regarding Participation Response in the School Lunch Program if Subsidies are Eliminated for Meals Served to Non-poor Children, February 5, 1985. 5 pages.
2.5: Letter from Vivian Pilant, Director, Office if School Food Services, State of South Carolina Department of Education, to The Honorable Floyd D. Spence, House of Representatives, March 19, 1985, March 19, 1985, regarding concern for the Administration’s proposed $686 million budget cut for child nutrition programs, with attached South Carolina School Lunch Participation by Category – Paid, Free, Reduced, October 1984. 3 pages.
2.5: Letter from Vivian Pilant, Director, Office if School Food Services, State of South Carolina Department of Education, to The Honorable Strom Thurmond, United States Senate, regarding what would happen to South Carolina children if current budget proposals are passed, March 19, 1985, with attached South Carolina School Lunch Participation by Category – Paid, Free, Reduced, October 1984. 3 pages.
2.5: Letter from Harold L. Blackburn, Commissioner of Education, Kansas State Department of Education, to Senator Bob Dole, regarding the 1986 budget, which proposes large cuts in child nutrition programs, January 16, 1985. 2 pages.
2.5: Child Nutrition Programs Division, Iowa Department of Public Instruction (Sundry Statewide Program Information). 6 pages.
2.5: Impact of Proposed Federal Budget Cuts on Kansas Child Nutrition Programs, not attributed, not dated. 2 pages.
2.5: Chart showing effect of the federal budget proposal on meal prices in Wichita, Kansas, public schools, December 17, 1984. 1 page.
2.5: The Effect on New York State of Cuts in the National School Lunch Program, not dated. 4 pages.
2.5: The American School Food Service Association 1985 Legislative Issue Paper. 2 pages. 2 copies.
2.6: Letter from John Heinz, United States Senator, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Attorney at Law, regarding concern over the Administration’s proposed reduction in funding for child nutrition programs, June 12, 1985. 2 pages.
2.6: Letter from Donald W. Riegle, Jr., United States Senate, to Mr. Marshall Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, regarding thanks for supporting Riegle’s position concerning Senator Hawkins child nutrition amendment, June 12, 1985. 1 page.
2.6: Letter from Barbara L. Osthus, South Washington County Schools, Cottage Grove, Minnesota, to Marshall Matz, Attorney at Law, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, regarding testimony at hearings held by Senator Boschwitz on May 30, 1985, May 31, 1985. 1 page.
2.6: Letter from Lloyd Bentsen, United States Senate, Texas, to Mr. Marshall Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, regarding Bentsen’s efforts to restore funding for child nutrition programs, May 28, 1985. 1 page.
2.6: Letter from Lou Pastura for Samuel P. Bauer, Director, Child Nutrition Division, Food and Nutrition Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, to Ms. Sharon Cowan, regarding Cowan’s recent letter to President Reagan, April 3, 1985, with attached letter from Sharon Cowan, Moses Lake, Washington, to Honorable President Ronald Reagan, regarding proposed cuts in child nutrition programs along with huge increases in the defense budget, February 20, 1985. 3 pages.
2.6: Note from Marilyn Hunt, Hogan Administrative Center, School District of La Crosse, to Marshall, regarding people contacting Senator Andrews, not dated. 1 page.
2.6: Note from Howard White to Marshall listing Senators David Boren and Don Nickles, along with Congressmen Mickey Edwards and Augustus Hawkins, and noting that the attached letter from Donald L. Wright, Ed.D., Superintendent, Oklahoma City Public Schools, regarding child nutrition cuts as part of the 1986 budget, January 25, 1985, had been sent to all of them. 4 pages.
2.6: Letter from Edward M. Kennedy, United States Senate, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, American School Food Service Assn., Scott, Harrison & McLeod, regarding cuts in federally funded nutrition programs, April 13, 1985. 2 pages.
2.6: Letter from Paul S. Sarbanes, United States Senator, Maryland, to Dear Friend, regarding Sarbanes’ joining in sponsoring an amendment to the FY86 First Concurrent Budget Resolution to appropriate $1.6 billion for the School Lunch program, May 15, 1985. 1 page.
2.6: Letter from Paula Hawkins, United States Senator, Florida, to Jane Wynn, regarding Hawkins’ efforts to restore funding to nutrition programs for children, April 26, 1985. 1 page. 2 copies.
2.6: Marian E. Hopkins, Director, Legislative Affairs, Dairymen, to Marshall Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, regarding an invitation to a fundraiser for Congressman Butler Derrick of South Carolina, May 6, 1985. 1 page.
2.6: Letter from Mack Mattingly, United States Senate, to Miss Josephine Martin, Georgia Department of Education, regarding the Senate Budget Committee’s budget measure recommending elimination of the cash subsidy paid to schools and institutions for meals served to children from families with incomes in excess of 185 percent of the poverty level, April 17, 1985. 1 page.
2.6: Letter from Paul S. Sarbanes, United States Senator, Maryland, to Dear Friend, regarding Sarbanes’ joining in sponsoring an amendment to the FT86 Budget Resolution opposing the cuts to child nutrition programs, April 22, 1985. 1 page.
2.6: Letter from Alfonse D’Amato, United States Senator, New York, to Mrs. Anne Gennings, New Hartford Central School Dis., regarding opposing cutbacks to the school lunch and child nutrition programs, April 10, 1985. 1 page.
2.6: Letter from Bill Bradley, United States Senator, New Jersey, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, regarding the effects of funding cuts on New Jersey public schools and Bradley’s efforts to oppose efforts to reduced federal support for child nutrition, April 16, 1985. 2 pages.
2.6: Letter from William H. Gray, III, Chairman, Committee on the Budget, U.S. House of Representatives, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, regarding Gray making sure to sector of the economy bears more than a fair share of budget cuts, January 30, 1985. 1 page. 4 copies.
2.6: Letter from Paula Hawkins, United States Senator, Florida, to Jane Wynn, regarding Hawkins’ efforts to maintain and prudently increase support for child nutrition programs, November 6, 1984. 1 page.
2.6: Letter from Paul S. Sarbanes, United States Senator, Maryland, to Dear Friend, regarding Sarbanes doing all he can in the Senate to strengthen nutrition programs for the nation’s children, February 12, 1985. 1 page.
2.6: Letter from Frank R. Lautenberg, United States Senate, New Jersey, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, regarding those most vulnerable not being expected to carry a disproportionate share of the burden of reductions in federal programs, February 11, 1985. 1 page.
2.6: Letter from Augustus F. Hawkins, Chairman, Committee on Education and Labor, U.S. House of Representatives, to Jay Caton, Director, School Food Services, Jefferson County Schools, Louisville, Kentucky, regarding support for restoring funding to child nutrition programs, February 1, 1985. 1 page.
2.6: Letter from Ernest F. Hollings and Mark Andrews, United States Senate, to Dear Colleague, regarding the attached Hollings Budget Freeze Plan, January 4, 1985. 2 pages.
2.6: Letter from Daniel Patrick Moynihan, United States Senate, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, regarding the Administration’s proposal to reduce federal support of child nutrition programs in the next fiscal year, 1986, March 23, 1985. 2 pages.
2.6: Letter from Rita A. Hamman, Director, School Food Service, Kansas State Department of Education, to Senator Bob Dole, regarding concerns about the impact budget cuts would have in Kansas, January 17, 1985. 2 pages.
2.6: Letter from Harold L. Blackburn, Commissioner of Education, Kansas State Department of Education, to Senator Bob Dole, regarding the impact budget cuts would have in Kansas, January 16, 1985. 2 pages.
2.6: Letter from Thomas G. Clausen, Ph.D., State of Louisiana Superintendent of Education, to Senator J. Bennett Johnson, regarding Clausen’s request for support in defeating the Administration’s proposed $673 million cut in child nutrition funding, January 24, 1985. 1 page.
2.6: Letter from Vivian Pilant, Director, Office if School Food Services, State of South Carolina Department of Education, to The Honorable Strom Thurmond, United States Senate, regarding elimination of Section 4 funds and commodity foods for students above the poverty level, February 5, 1985. 2 pages.
2.6: Letter from Frank B. Brouillet, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, State of Washington, to The Honorable Slade Groton, United States Senator, regarding Brouillet’s doubts that the National School Lunch Program in Washington would survive if the current proposed budget cuts were enacted, with the attached Impact of Proposed 1986 Federal Budget Cut on Washington State Child Nutrition Programs, January 25, 1985. 4 pages.
2.6: Letter from Clifford O. Morris, Director, School Food Services Unit, State of New Mexico, to The Honorable Pete Domenici, United States Senator, thanking Domenici for a meeting during the American School Food Service Association’s Legislative Conference, March 5, 1985. 2 pages.
2.6: Letter from Clifford O. Morris, Director, School Food Services Unit, State of New Mexico, to The Honorable Pete Domenici, United States Senator, requesting maintaining the Section 4 funding for the National School Lunch Program, January 11, 1985. 2 pages.
2.6: Letter from Kerry Johnson, Administrator, Food Distribution Unit, School and Community Nutrition Services, to The Honorable Sam Nunn, Member, United States Senate, regarding a request for support and assistance in opposing the 1986 child nutrition cuts being proposed by President Reagan’s administration, January 16, 1985. 2 pages.
2.6: Letter from John H. Lawson, Commissioner of Education, The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Education, to The Honorable Edward M. Kennedy, expressing grave concerns regarding proposed cuts in funding for child nutrition programs, January 30, 1985. 1 page.
2.6: Letter from Robert L. Brunelle, Commissioner, Department of Education, State of New Hampshire, to The Honorable Judd Gregg, US House of Representatives, regarding the effects of cutting Section 4 funding on New Hampshire lunch programs, March 7, 1985. 1 page.
2.6: Letter from Joan H. Weatherholtz, Chief, Education Support Services Branch, Maryland State Department of Education, regarding the effects in Maryland of cuts in funding for federal child nutrition programs, March 6, 1985. 2 pages with enclosures: Highlights of the 1986 Federal Budget Proposal for Child Nutrition Programs, 1 page; The Impact of the President’s FY 1986 Budget Proposal on National School Lunch and Child Nutrition Programs Administered by the Maryland State Department of Education, Part I, Financial Impact, 3 pages; Part II, Operational Impact, 1 page; Maryland State Department of Education Proposed Budget Cuts – Fiscal Year 1986, Child Nutrition Programs, 3 pages; Maryland State Department of Education Proposed Budget Cuts – Fiscal Year 1986, Temporary Emergency Food Assistance Program, 1 page; State of Maryland Fact Sheet, Child Nutrition Programs, 2 pages.
2.6: Letter from Charles L. Matthew, Director, Child Nutrition Section, Minnesota Department of Education, to The Honorable Rudy Boschwitz, United States Senate, regarding the effects of Section 4 cuts on Minnesota child nutrition programs, January 18, 1985, 2 pages, with enclosures: July 1983 – June 1984 Program Participation and Funding for the Child Nutrition Programs Operating in Minnesota Schools and Institutions, 3 pages; Commodities Distributed to School, Institutions, Camps, Needy Family & Supplemental Program, July 1, 1983 to June 30, 1984, 1 page.
2.6: Minnesota Schools and Institutions Received Donated Foods as Follows:, 1 page; Total $ Distributed Commodities State of Minnesota, July 1, 1983 – June 30, 1984, 1 page; Commodities Purchased State of Minnesota by USDA During Federal Fiscal Year July 1, 1983 – June 30, 1984 for Nationwide FNS Programs, 1 page; American School Food Service Association 1985 Fact Sheet, Minnesota, School/School District/State, 2 pages.
2.6: Letter from Jennifer J. Graham, Director of Food Services, Minnesota Public Schools, Special School District No. 1, to Senator Rudy Boschwitz, regarding Graham’s deep concern about the future of the National School Lunch and Breakfast Programs because of proposed budget cuts, February 12, 1985. 2 pages.
2.6: Letter from Barbara L. Osthus, Supervisor of Food Service, South Washington County Schools, Cottage Grove, Minnesota, to The Honorable Rudy Boschwitz, regarding the Administration’s proposal to reduce funding of child nutrition programs by $686 million as part of the 1986 budget, 1 page.
2.6: Letter from Elizabeth P. McPherson, Director of Child Nutrition, Caswell County Schools, Yanceyville, North Carolina, to The Honorable Jesse Helms, U.S. Senate, urging Helms to oppose further cuts in child nutrition programs, March 25, 1985. 1 page.
2.6: Caswell County Schools School Nutrition Programs, Implications of Proposed Federal Budget Cuts (FY86), 2 Pages.
2.6: Letter from Rita A. Hamman, Director, School Food Service, Kansas State Department of Education, to Marshall Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, regarding enclosed copies of letters from Commissioner Blackburn and Hamman to Senators Dole and Kassebaum, March 21, 1985, 1 page, with enclosures: Letter from Rita A. Hamman, Director, School Food Service, Kansas State Department of Education, to Senator Nancy Kassebaum, regarding disappointment that the budget package passed by the Senate Budget Committee on March 13, 1985, included the President’s proposed funding cuts for child nutrition programs, March 19, 1985, 1 page; Letter from Rita A. Hamman, Director, School Food Service, Kansas State Department of Education, to Senator Bob Dole, regarding disappointment that the budget package passed by the Senate Budget Committee on March 13, 1985, included the President’s proposed funding cuts for child nutrition programs, March 19, 1985, 1 page; Letter from Harold Blackburn, Commissioner of Education, Kansas State Department of Education, to Senator Bob Dole, regarding the budget package passed by the Senate Budget Committee on March 13, 1985, which included proposed funding cuts for child nutrition programs, March 20, 1985, 1 page; Letter from Harold Blackburn, Commissioner of Education, Kansas State Department of Education, to Senator Nancy Kassebaum, regarding the budget package passed by the Senate Budget Committee on March 13, 1985, which included proposed funding cuts for child nutrition programs, March 20, 1985, 1 page; Impact of Proposed Federal Budget Cuts on Kansas Child Nutrition Programs, 1 page.
2.6: Letter from Cain M. Jones, Chicago Public Schools, to Congressman Sidney R. Yates, United States House of Representatives, regarding great concern for the Reagan Administration’s proposal to further reduce federal support for the National School Lunch Program, February 21, 1985. 1 page, with attached American School Food Service Association 1985 Fact Sheet, Chicago Public Schools – Chicago, Illinois, 2 pages.
2.6: Resolution passed by the Dayton Board of Education, Dayton, Ohio, March 18, 1985 opposing the child nutrition cuts in the proposed 1986 federal budget. 2 pages.
2.6: Letter from Jeannine M. Ross, Assistant Superintendent of Business, Unified School District No. 489, Hays, Kansas, to Senator Bob Dole, expressing concern about the Administration’s budget proposal to cut $672 million from the child nutrition programs, February 18, 1985. 1 page.
2.6: Letter from John Harris, Assistant Superintendent, Unified School District No. 428, Great Bend, Kansas, to Senator Robert Dole, asking assistance from Dole to prevent the drastic action of eliminating the paying-student reimbursement to school food service programs throughout the United States, February 8, 1985. 2 pages.
2.6: Route Slip, State of Alaska, from Ruth Benigno, to Marshall Matz: Attached are copies of letters to Alaska Senators. These are general. We’re getting together specific facts & figures for future ones, January 29, 1985, with attached: Letter from Harold Raynolds, Jr., Commissioner, State of Alaska Department of Education, to The Honorable Frank H. Murkowski, United States Senate, regarding Alaska Department of Education’s stand on child nutrition programs, 1 page; Letter from Harold Raynolds, Jr., Commissioner, State of Alaska Department of Education, to The Honorable Ted Stevens, United States Senate, regarding Alaska Department of Education’s stand on child nutrition programs, 1 page.
2.6: Letter from J. H. Walker, Director, Child Nutrition Programs, Mississippi Department of Education, to The Honorable William T. (Thad) Cochran, United States Senate, suggesting eliminating the Summer Food Service Program and the Family Day Care Home provision of the Child Care Food Program, and if necessary reducing the School Breakfast Program reimbursement in order to protect Section 4 funds, January 14, 1985. 1 page. 5 copies.
2.6: Letter from Ruth Allen, President, Washington School Food Service Association, Kenneth N. Baer, Legislative Chairman, Seattle School Food Service, and Carol A. Johnson, President-Elect, Washington School Food Service Association, Spokane School Food Service, to The Honorable Daniel J. Evans, Senator, regarding many school districts being forced out of the National School Lunch Program if current budget cut proposals are enacted, January 25, 1985. 2 pages. 3 copies.
2.6: Letter from Robert L. Nelson, Superintendent, Seattle Public Schools, to The Honorable Slade Gorton, United States Senate, regarding the disastrous effects of current budget cut proposals on the School Lunch Program in Seattle Public Schools, January 25, 1985. 2 pages.
2.6: Letter from Robert L. Nelson, Superintendent, Seattle Public Schools, to The Honorable Daniel J. Evans, United States Senate, regarding the disastrous effects of current budget cut proposals on the School Lunch Program in Seattle Public Schools, January 25, 1985. 2 pages.
2.6: Letter from Rita A. Hamman, Director, School Food Service, Kansas State Department of Education, to Senator Bob Dole, regarding concerns about the impact budget cuts would have in Kansas, January 17, 1985. 2 pages. 3 copies.
2.6: Letter from Harold L. Blackburn, Commissioner of Education, Kansas State Department of Education, to Senator Bob Dole, regarding the 1986 budget, which proposes large cuts in child nutrition programs, January 16, 1985. 2 pages. 2 copies.
2.6: Letter from Charles L. Matthew, Director, Child Nutrition Section, Minnesota Department of Education, to The Honorable Rudy Boschwitz, United States Senate, regarding the effects of Section 4 cuts on Minnesota child nutrition programs, January 18, 1985, 2 pages. 4 copies.
2.6: Letter from Clifford O. Morris, Director, School Food Services Unit, State of New Mexico Department of Education, to The Honorable Pete Domenici, United States Senator, regarding maintaining Section 4 funding for the National School Lunch Program, January 11, 1985. 2 pages. 2 copies.
2.6: Letter to All Persons Registered with the Clerk of the U.S House of Representatives Pursuant to the Federal Regulation of Lobbying Act, from Benjamin J. Guthrie, Clerk, U.S. House of Representatives, regarding October 10, 1985 Quarterly Report, September 27, 1985. 1 page. 2 copies.
2.6: Article: Key Players in Federal Food Program Legislation in the 99th Congress, Foodlines, January 1985. 1 page. 2 copies.
2.7: Letter from Bill Bradley, United States Senator, to Marshall Matz, Scott, Harrison and McLeod, regarding Bradley’s strong opposition to the Administration’s request to cut child nutrition programs, July 25, 1985. 3 pages.
2.7: Letter from John Heinz, United States Senator, to Marshall Matz, Esquire, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, regarding Heinz’s decision to support passage of the final budget resolution, July 10, 1985. 2 pages.
2.7: Letter from John F. Kerry, United States Senator, to Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, regarding Kerry’s vote against the budget resolution prepared by the White House and the Senate Republican leadership, July 12, 1985. 2 pages.
2.7: Letter from John M. Raftery, Director, The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Education, to Mr. Marshall Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, regarding many thanks for Matz’s words of wisdom during the recent Legislative Action Conference, March 12, 1985, 1 page, with the following attached letters: Letter from Gerry E. Studds, Congress of the United States, House of Representatives, to Mr. John Raftery, Massachusetts School Food Service Association, Inc., regarding thanks for taking the time to visit Studds in Washington on February 26, March 7, 1985,1 page; Letter from John Joseph Moakley, Member of Congress, House of Representatives, to Mr. John Raftery, thanking Raftery for taking the time to visit in Washington, February 28, 1985, 1 page; Letter from Leon E. Panetta, Chairman, U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on Agriculture, Subcommittee of Domestic Marketing, Consumer Relations, and Nutrition, to Mr. John M. Raftery, Director, Bureau of Nutrition, Massachusetts Department of Education, regarding Panetta’s appreciation for Raftery appearing before the Subcommittee on March 1, March 5, 1985, 1 page.
2.7: Letter from (Mrs.) Carol Davis Axtman, Director, South Dakota Department of Education and Cultural Affairs, Division of Elementary and Secondary Education, to Mr. Marshall Matz, Counsel, American School Food Association, regarding South Dakota’s position on budget talks, March 12, 1985. 1 page.
2.7: Letter from H. H. Winawer, Director, Child Nutrition Programs, Utah State Office of Education, to Marshall Matz, Counsel/ASFSA, regarding lobbying efforts and the recent Legislative Action Conference, March 6, 1985. 2 pages.
2.7: Letter from Doyle Border, Coordinator, Arkansas School Food Service, to Mr. Marshall Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, regarding the effects of proposed budget cuts on Arkansas schools’ participation in the National School Lunch Program, March 7, 1985. 1 page.
2.7: Letter from John F. Murphy, III, State Director, Division of Child Nutrition, State of North Carolina, to Mr. Marshall Matz, Partner, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, regarding the number of schools at risk in North Carolina, March 7, 1985. 1 page.
2.7: Letter from Daniel Patrick Moynihan, United States Senate, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, regarding Moynihan’s vigorous support to reduce the federal deficit, but deep concern about any further cuts in nutrition programs and income maintenance programs, especially when they would affect the same families, March 7, 1985. 2 pages.
2.7: Letter from J. H. Walker, Director, Child Nutrition Programs, Mississippi Department of Education, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison and McLeod, regarding attached copies of letters provided to the Mississippi congressional delegation, January 28, 1985, 1 page, with attached: Letter from J. H. Walker, Director, Child Nutrition Programs, Mississippi Department of Education, to Honorable William T. (Thad) Cochran, United States Senate, regarding drafting a budget plan with specific budget cuts to child nutrition, January 14, 1985, 1 page; Letter from J. H. Walker, Director, Child Nutrition Programs, Mississippi Department of Education, to Honorable Webb Franklin, Congress of the United States, regarding reducing or eliminating federal support for the paying child in the National School Lunch Program, November 28, 1984, 2 pages.
2.7: Letter from Isabel Lewis, Food Service Director, Bloomington Public Schools, Bloomington, Minnesota, to Mr. Marshall Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, regarding enclosed copies of letters to Senators Boschwitz, Durenberger and Mr. Hawkins, February 5, 1985, 1 page, with attachments: Letter from Isabel Lewis, Director, Bloomington Schools Food Service, to Dear:, with the handwritten notation: Sent to Boschwitz, Durenberger, Hawkins, regarding the loss of Section 4 funds, January 31, 1985. 1 page.
2.7: Memorandum from Isabel Lewis to All Food Service Employees requesting that they write to Senators Rudy Boschwitz and Dave Durenberger regarding a proposed elimination of all school lunch upper income subsidies, with an enclosed sample statement, January 29, 1985. 2 pages.
2.7: Letter from Marshall Matz to ASFSA Executive Board regarding Congressional Correspondence, with attached following letters, July 15, 1985. 1 page.
2.7: Letter from Augustus F. Hawkins, Chairman, Committee on Education and Labor, U.S. House of Representatives, to Marshall L. Matz, Counsel, ASFSA, c/o Scott, Harrison & McLeod, assuring that Hawkins will do all he can to oppose reported budget cuts, January 24, 1985. 1 page.
2.7: Letter from Jesse Helms, Chairman, Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry, United States Senate, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, requesting additional information from the American School Food Service Association regarding several included topics, January 22, 1985. 2 pages.
2.7: Letter from William H. Gray, III, Chairman, Committee on the Budget, U.S. House of Representatives, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, assuring that Gray will weigh Matz’ counsel on the issue of child nutrition most carefully, January 30, 1985. 1 page.
2.7: Letter from Barry Goldwater, United States Senate, Arizona, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Counsel, American School Food Service Association, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, assuring that Goldwater will take Matz’ views into consideration when addressing child nutrition issues in the Senate, January 16, 1985. 1 page.
2.7: Letter from Strom Thurmond, The President Pro Tempore, United States Senate, to Honorable Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, assuring that Thurmond will give proposed child nutrition budget cuts his most careful consideration and study, January 17, 1985. 1 page. 2 copies.
2.7: Letter from William Proxmire, Committee on Appropriations, United States Senate, to Marshall L. Matz, Counsel, American School Food Service Association, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, assuring that when the President’s budget proposal arrives in the Senate Proxmire will have Matz’ comments very much in mind, January 28, 1985. 1 page. 2 copies.
2.7: Letter from Christopher J. Dodd, United States Senator, Connecticut, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Counsel, American School Food Service Association, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, assuring that Dodd will consider Matz’ concerns and views when the Senate addresses child nutrition issues, January 16, 1985. 1 page.
2.7: Letter from Christopher J. Dodd, United States Senator, Connecticut, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, regarding the Administration’s proposed cuts to the School Lunch Program, January 28, 1985. 1 page. 2 copies.
2.7: Letter from John Glenn, United States Senator, to Mr. Marshall Matz, regarding adequate funding for the school lunch program, February 21, 1985. 1 page.
2.7: Letter from Thad Cochran, United States Senator, Mississippi, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, assuring that Cochran will keep Matz’ views in mind as they continue to work on the appropriations bill, February 15, 1985. 1 page.
2.7: Letter from Lowell Weicker, Jr., United States Senator, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, stating the Weicker is unalterably opposed to cuts in child nutrition programs, January 23, 1985. 2 pages.
2.7: Letter from Paul Trible, United States Senate, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Esquire, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, commending Matz for acknowledging that school lunches might have to bear a share of the sacrifice involved in reducing the federal deficit, January 25, 1985. 1 page.
2.7: Letter from William F. Goodling, Pennsylvania, House of Representatives, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Counsel, American School Food Service Association, c/o Scott, Harrison & McLeod, assuring that Goodling’s commitment to the future well-being of the various child nutrition programs remains unchanged, January 25, 1985. 2 pages.
2.7: Letter from Lloyd Bentsen, United States Senate, Texas, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, assuring that Bentsen will study the Administration’s budget proposals closely, January 23, 1985. 1 page.
2.7: Letter from Charles McC. Mathias, Jr. United States Senator, Maryland, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, regarding Mathias supporting efforts to improve the funding and effectiveness of school lunch, child nutrition, WIC, and child care food programs, January 22, 1985. 1 page.
2.7: Letter from Ernest F. Hollings, United States Senate, South Carolina, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, thanking Matz for his informative letter and opposing cuts in the budget that go beyond Hollings’s budget freeze, January 16, 1985. 1 page.
2.7: Letter from Paul Simon, U. S. Senator, Illinois, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Counsel, American School Food Service Assoc., thanking Matz for letting him know of his opposition to proposed cuts in child nutrition programs, and assuring Matz that he will actively fight any efforts by the Administration to reduce the program further, January 29, 1985. 1 page.
2.7: Letter from Wendell H. Ford, United States Senate, Kentucky, to Dear Mr. Matz, stating that they face an uphill battle to preserve supplemental feeding programs, but that it is a battle that Ford looks forward to fighting, February 8, 1985. 1 page.
2.7: Letter from Howell Heflin, United States Senate, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, opposing cuts to child nutrition programs, February 8, 1985. 1 page.
2.7: Letter from Gary Hart, United States Senate, Colorado, to Marshall L. Matz, Esq., assuring Matz that he will continue to fight Administration attempts to reduce funding for this vital program, February 7, 1985. 2 pages.
2.7: Letter from Orrin G. Hatch, United States Senator, Utah, to Marshall L. Matz, assuring Matz that he will study each recommendation judiciously and then will only support those cuts that will not be detrimental to children, February 20, 1985. 1 page.
2.7: Letter from Pete Wilson, United States Senate, California, to Mr. Marshall Matz, sharing Matz’ concern for the well-being of the nation’s school-aged children, March 1, 1985. 1 page.
2.7: Letter from Thad Cochran, United States Senator, Mississippi, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, assuring Matz that Cochran will keep Matz’ views in mind when continuing to work on this appropriations bill, March 26, 1985. 1 page.
2.7: Letter from John W. Warner, United States Senate, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, assuring Matz that he shares his desire to insure that all children continue to receive nutritious meals, March 27, 1985. 1 page.
2.7: Letter from John Glenn, United States Senator, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Attorney at Law, regarding a strong federal role in the fight against hunger, March 21, 1985. 1 page.
2.7: Letter from William Proxmire, United States Senate, Wisconsin, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, regarding FY86 funding for programs and activities that fall within the agriculture appropriations bill, March 21, 1985. 1 page.
2.7: Letter from Strom Thurmond, The President Pro Tempore, United States Senate, to Honorable Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, assuring that Thurmond has given Matz’ views careful consideration, March 21, 1985. 1 page.
2.7: Letter from Charles McC. Mathias, Jr. United States Senator, Maryland, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, regarding Mathias supporting efforts to improve the funding and effectiveness of school lunch, child nutrition, WIC, and child care food programs, March 21, 1985. 1 page.
2.7: Letter from Paul S. Sarbanes, United States Senator, Maryland, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, pledging to continue to do all he can in the Senate to strengthen nutrition programs which respond to the needs of the nation’s children, March 26, 1985. 2 pages.
2.7: Letter from Paul Laxalt, U.S. Senator, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Counsel, American School Fund [sic] Service Association, assuring that Laxalt is sensitive to the needs of Nevada’s school children, March 25, 1985. 2 pages.
2.7: Letter from Steve Symms, United States Senator, Idaho, to Mr. Marshall Matz, Counsel, ASFSA, regarding maintaining the integrity of those programs which do not contribute substantially to the deficit, March 25, 1985. 1 page.
2.7: Letter from Lloyd Bentsen, United States Senate, Texas, to Mr. Marshall Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, regarding Bentsen’s efforts to restore funding for child nutrition programs, March 25, 1985. 1 page.
2.7: Letter from Orrin G. Hatch, United States Senator, Utah, to Marshall L. Matz, assuring Matz that he will study each recommendation judiciously and then will only support those cuts that will not be detrimental to children, March 25, 1985. 1 page.
2.7: Letter from Howard M. Metzenbaum, United States Senator, Ohio, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, stating that as a member of the Budget Committee Metzenbaum intends to work vigorously to see that children in need receive nutritious meals, March 27, 1985. 1 page.
2.7: Letter from Jim Sasser, United States Senator, Tennessee, regarding continuing support for child nutrition programs, March 29, 1985. 1 page.
2.7: Letter from John W. Warner, United States Senate, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, assuring Matz that he shares his desire to insure that all children continue to receive nutritious meals, March 29, 1985. 1 page.
2.7: Letter from Ernest F. Hollings, United States Senate, South Carolina, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Counsel, American School Food Service Association, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, regarding Hollings proposing his own plan as an alternative , April 15, 1985. 1 page.
2.7: Letter from Albert Gore, Jr., United States Senator, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, expressing deep concern about school nutrition programs, April 5, 1985. 1 page.
2.7: Letter from John F. Kerry, United States Senator, Massachusetts, to Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, stating that they are in total agreement on the topic of child nutrition cuts, April 2, 1985. 1 page.
2.7: Letter from Daniel Patrick Moynihan, United States Senate, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, regarding Moynihan’s vigorous support to reduce the federal deficit, but deep concern about any further cuts in nutrition programs and income maintenance programs, especially when they would affect the same families, April 15, 1985. 2 pages.
2.7: Letter from Frank R. Lautenberg, United States Senate, New Jersey, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Counsel, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, regarding the trend of sacrificing vital domestic programs at the hands of increased military spending, April 12, 1985. 1 page.
2.7: Letter from Christopher J. Dodd, United States Senator, Connecticut, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, regarding spreading cuts equitably across the spectrum, April 8, 1985. 1 page.
2.7: Letter from Christopher J. Dodd, United States Senator, Connecticut, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, assuring Matz that he will do all that he can to see that the child nutrition programs are not short changed, April 15, 1985. 1 page.
2.7: Letter from Pete Wilson, United States Senate, California, to Mr. Marshall Matz, sharing Matz’ concern for the well-being of the nation’s school-aged children, April 12, 1985. 1 page.
2.7: Letter from John D. Rockefeller, IV, United States Senate, West Virginia, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, regarding Rockefeller’s disturbance that vital programs such as school lunches being selected being selected by the Reagan Administration to tackle the deficit, April 23, 1985. 1 page.
2.7: Letter from David L. Boren, United States Senate, Oklahoma, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, assuring Matz that he can be certain that Boren will oppose any cut in the school lunch program, April 22, 1985. 1 page.
2.7: Letter from Donald W. Riegle, Jr., United States Senate, to Mr. Marshall Matz, Law Office, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, regarding questioning the priorities of cutting funds for vital programs affection our nation’s children while seeking massive and unnecessarily large increases in funds for defense, April 12, 1985. 2 pages.
2.7: Letter from David L. Boren, United States Senate, Oklahoma, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, assuring Matz that he can be certain that Boren will oppose any cut in the school lunch program, April 15, 1985. 1 page.
2.7: Letter from J. James Exon, United States Senator, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, stating that we will strongly work for the continuation of nutrition programs and do all he can to see that they are protected as much as possible during this next round of budget deliberations, April 23, 1985. 1 page.
2.7: Letter from Bill Bradley, United States Senator, New Jersey, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, regarding the effects of funding cuts on New Jersey public schools and Bradley’s efforts to oppose efforts to reduced federal support for child nutrition, April 22, 1985. 2 pages.
2.7: Letter from Ernest F. Hollings, United States Senate, South Carolina, to Mr. Hugh Scott, Attorney at Law, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, regarding Hollings’s total opposition to the spending reductions the Administration proposes for child nutrition, April 22, 1985. 1 page.
2.7: Letter from Mark Andrews, United States Senate, North Dakota, to Mr. Hugh Scott, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, thanking Scott for his support of the Hawkins amendment to the child nutrition program, April 22, 1985. 1 page.
2.7: Letter from Paul Simon, U. S. Senator, Illinois, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, stating that Simon will do all he can to see that recent cuts in child nutrition programs are restored, April 30, 1985. 1 page.
2.7: Letter from Donald W. Riegle, Jr., United States Senate, Michigan, to Mr. Marshall Matz, regarding Riegle remaining opposed to the Administration’s continued efforts to cut important child nutrition programs, May 2, 1985. 2 pages.
2.7: Letter from Thomas F. Eagleton, United States Senator, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, stating that Eagleton does not accept the President’s priorities and will not support his proposed cuts in child nutrition programs, May 11, 1985. 1 page.
2.7: Letter from Lowell Weicker, Jr., United States Senator, Mr. Marshall Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, regarding recent Senate votes on budget cuts, May 17, 1985. 1 page.
2.7: Letter from John Heinz, United States Senator, Pennsylvania, to Honorable Hugh Scott, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, regarding Heinz sharing Scott’s concern that meal services which provide critical nutrition to needy children receive full funding, May 23, 1985. 2 pages.
2.7: Letter from Paul Simon, U. S. Senator, Illinois, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Counsel, American School Food Service A, stating that Simon, because of Matz’ recent correspondence, would like to update Matz on nutrition assistance to children, families and schools, May 30, 1985. 2 pages.
2.7: Letter from Gary Hart, United States Senate, Colorado, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, regarding Senator Hawkins’s child nutrition amendment to the budget resolution, June 6, 1985. 1 page.
2.7: Letter from Arlen Specter, United States Senate, Pennsylvania, to Honorable Hugh Scott, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, regarding child nutrition programs maintaining current funding for Fiscal Year 1986, May 24, 1985. 1 page.
2.7: Letter from Alfonse D’Amato, United States Senator, New York, to Marshall L. Matz, Esq., American School Food Serv. Assn., thanking Matz for kind comments for D’Amato’s efforts regarding Senator Hawkins’ child nutrition amendment, June 11, 1985. 1 page.
2.7: Letter from Harris W. Fawell, M.C., House of Representatives, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, regarding Fawell’s vote against the Bartlett Amendment during the Education and Labor Committee’s mark-up of H.R. 7, the School Lunch and Child Nutrition Amendments of 1985, June 17, 1985. 1 page.
2.7: There are 2 copies of the preceding correspondence.
2.8: Letter from John A. Peukert, Director of Food and Nutrition Services, San Bernardino City Unified School District, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, ASFSA Washington Counsel, Scott, Harrison and McLeod, regarding Matz’ suggestion that every ASFSA member write to their Senators with copies of letters Peukert wrote to Senators Ayala and Cranston of California, April 22, 1985. 1 page.
2.8: Letter from John A. Peukert, Director of Food and Nutrition Services, San Bernardino City Unified School District, to The Honorable Alan Cranston, The United States Senate, regarding Perkert’s concern about the Administration’s budget proposal to cut $672 million from the child nutrition programs, April 18, 1985. 1 page.
2.8: Letter from John A. Peukert, Director of Food and Nutrition Services, San Bernardino City Unified School District, to The Honorable Ruben Ayala, The United States Senate, regarding Perkert’s concern about the Administration’s budget proposal to cut $672 million from the child nutrition programs, April 18, 1985. 1 page.
2.8: Letter from Gary Ashley, Executive Vice President, Georgia School Board Association, Inc., to Senator Mack Mattingly, opposing the proposed cuts in the school lunch program, April 25, 1985. 1 page.
2.8: Letter from Gary Ashley, Executive Vice President, Georgia School Board Association, Inc., to Senator Sam Nunn, opposing the proposed cuts in the school lunch program, April 25, 1985. 1 page.
2.8: Letter from Josephine Martin, Director, Local Systems Support Division, Georgia Department of Education, to Honorable Mack Mattingly, Member, United States House of Representatives, urging Mattingly to co-sponsor the floor amendment which Senator Paula Hawkins will offer to restore the $300 million cut in child nutrition proposals agreed to in the compromise budget plan, May 1, 1985. 1 page.
2.8: Letter from H. Brisbin Skiles, Director, Division of School Food Services, Office of Public Instruction, Helena, Montana, to Marshall Matz, Counsel/ASFSA, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, regarding the impact on Montana schools of the current Administration proposal, April 19, 1985. 1 page.
2.8: Letter from H. Brisbin Skiles to Ed Argenbright regarding Current Senate Leadership/Administration Budget Agreement, School Lunch Program, April 19, 1985. 1 page.
2.8: Letter from Clifford O. Morris, Director, School Food Service, State of New Mexico Department of Education, to The Honorable Jeff Bingaman, United States Senator, requesting support for Senator Paula Hawkins of Florida in her efforts to amend the Dole/White House budget proposal and avoid funding cuts in child nutrition, April 19, 1985. 1 page.
2.8: Letter from Clifford O. Morris, Director, School Food Service, State of New Mexico Department of Education, to The Honorable Pete Domenici, United States Senator, requesting Domenici alter his earlier stance about funding cuts for child nutrition, April 19, 1985. 1 page.
2.8: Letter from Charles McDaniel, State Superintendent of Schools, Georgia Department of Education, to Honorable Sam Nunn, Member, United States Senate, requesting Nunn’s vigorous opposition to proposed cuts in funding for child nutrition, April 18, 1985. 1 page.
2.8: House Joint Resolution No. 34 in the Legislature of the State of Alaska, Fourteenth Legislature – First Session, urging Congress to maintain the current level of federal funding for child nutrition programs, April 9, 1985. 2 pages.
2.8: Letter from Kathryn Kolasa, Ph.D., R.D., SNE President, Society for Nutrition Education, Oakland, California, to President Ronald Reagan, The White House, regarding the Administration’s proposed budget for FY 1986 as it relates to food and nutrition programs, April 2, 1985. 3 pages.
2.8: Note from Jo to Marshall with attached copy of resolution passed by House of Representatives. It was sponsored by the Speaker – Tom Murphy. Also sending copy of the editorial, not dated, with attached: H. R. No. 350, By: Representative Murphy of the 18th, 3 pages; Article: School-lunch cutback unacceptable, The Atlanta Constitution, March 21, 1985. 1 page.
2.8: Letter from Phyllis Griffith, R.D., Food Service Supervisor, Columbus Public Schools, Ohio School Food Service Association, to Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison and McLeod, regarding the attached copy of a letter Griffith sent to former Ohio Congressman Samuel Devine, March 8, 1985, 1 page, with attached: Letter from Phyllis Griffith, R.D., Food Service Supervisor, Columbus Public Schools, Ohio School Food Service Association, to Mr. Samuel L. Devine, Attorney at Law, Bricker and Eckler Law Offices, regarding Devine’s scheduled appearance before the Ohio School Food Service Association, March 8, 1985. 1 page.
2.8: Letter from H. H. Winawer, Director, Child Nutrition Programs, Utah State Office of Education, to Marshall Matz, Counsel/ASFSA, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, regarding the impact of the loss of Section 4 funds, April 16, 1985. 2 pages.
2.8: Letter from J. Bennett Johnston, United States Senator, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Counsel, American School Food Serv., Assn., regarding being responsible and even-handed when implementing budget cuts, March 29, 1985. 1 page.
2.8: Letter from John C. Foster, The State Senate, Atlanta, Georgia, to The Honorable Sam Nunn, United States Senate, urging opposition to the proposal to eliminate federal support for the paying child, March 26, 1985. 1 page.
2.8: Letter from John C. Foster, The State Senate, Atlanta, Georgia, to The Honorable Ed Jenkins, United States House of Representatives, urging opposition to the proposal to eliminate federal support for the paying child, March 26, 1985. 1 page.
2.8: Letter from John C. Foster, The State Senate, Atlanta, Georgia, to The Honorable Mack Mattingly, United States Senate, urging opposition to the proposal to eliminate federal support for the paying child, March 26, 1985. 1 page.
2.8: Rough draft of letter from Joy R. Huie, Chairman, Legislative Committee, Georgia School Food Service Assoc., to State Legislators, expressing appreciation to the Georgia General Assembly for legislative efforts on their behalf during the recent session, March 28, 1985. 1 page.
2.8: Letter from Gerald N. Tyrozzi, Commissioner of Education, State of Connecticut, to Senator Robert Dole, requesting support in defeating the Administration’s proposed $678 million cut in child nutrition programs, March 21, 1985. 2 pages.
2.8: Connecticut’s Delegation, not dated. 2 pages.
2.8: Letter from Bill Honig, Superintendent of Public Instruction, California Department of Education, to The Honorable Alan Cranston, Member, U.S. Senate, urging Cranston to assist in taking steps to restore the education and child nutrition assumptions to their FY 1985 levels, March 18, 1985. 2 pages.
2.8: Letter from Bill Honig, Superintendent of Public Instruction, California Department of Education, to The Honorable Glenn Anderson, Member U.S. House of Representatives, regarding the Administration’s FY 1986 budget proposal, with two enclosed documents: California State Department of Education, Highlights, President’s FY 1986 Budget, Elementary & Secondary Education, and California State Department of Education, Impact on California, March 16, 1985. 10 pages.
2.8: Report of the effects of the FY 86 budget proposals on Iowa, not signed, not dated. 6 pages.
2.8: Resolution No. 12/84-85 by the Board of Directors, Sumner School District No. 320. Pierce County, Washington, regarding going on record as opposing any further cuts in the National School Lunch Program, and communicating this resolution to their Congressmen and Senators, not dated. 1 page.
2.8: Letter from Dr. Richard H. Weathermon, Superintendent, Sumner School District No. 320, Sumner, Washington, to Slade Gorton, Senator, indicating opposition to any further cuts in the National School Lunch Program, March 29, 1985. 1 page.
2.8: Letter from Dr. Richard H. Weathermon, Superintendent, Sumner School District No. 320, Sumner, Washington, to David J. Evans, Senator, indicating opposition to any further cuts in the National School Lunch Program, March 29, 1985. 1 page.
2.8: Letter from Dr. Richard H. Weathermon, Superintendent, Sumner School District No. 320, Sumner, Washington, to Rod Chandler, Representative, indicating opposition to any further cuts in the National School Lunch Program, March 29, 1985. 1 page.
2.8: Letter from Dr. Richard H. Weathermon, Superintendent, Sumner School District No. 320, Sumner, Washington, to Mike Lowery, Representative, indicating opposition to any further cuts in the National School Lunch Program, March 29, 1985. 1 page.
2.8: Letter from Dr. Richard H. Weathermon, Superintendent, Sumner School District No. 320, Sumner, Washington, to John R. Miller, Representative, indicating opposition to any further cuts in the National School Lunch Program, March 29, 1985. 1 page.
2.8: Letter from Dr. Richard H. Weathermon, Superintendent, Sumner School District No. 320, Sumner, Washington, to Don Bonker, Representative, indicating opposition to any further cuts in the National School Lunch Program, March 29, 1985. 1 page.
2.8: Letter from Dr. Richard H. Weathermon, Superintendent, Sumner School District No. 320, Sumner, Washington, to Sid Morrison, Representative, indicating opposition to any further cuts in the National School Lunch Program, March 29, 1985. 1 page.
2.8: Letter from Dr. Richard H. Weathermon, Superintendent, Sumner School District No. 320, Sumner, Washington, to Thomas Foley, Representative, indicating opposition to any further cuts in the National School Lunch Program, March 29, 1985. 1 page.
2.8: Letter from Dr. Richard H. Weathermon, Superintendent, Sumner School District No. 320, Sumner, Washington, to Norman Dicks, Representative, indicating opposition to any further cuts in the National School Lunch Program, March 29, 1985. 1 page.
2.8: Letter from Dr. Richard H. Weathermon, Superintendent, Sumner School District No. 320, Sumner, Washington, to Senator Marcus Gaspard, State of Washington, indicating opposition to any further cuts in the National School Lunch Program, March 29, 1985. 1 page.
2.8: Letter from Dr. Richard H. Weathermon, Superintendent, Sumner School District No. 320, Sumner, Washington, to George Walk, Representative, State of Washington, indicating opposition to any further cuts in the National School Lunch Program, March 29, 1985. 1 page.
2.8: Letter from Dr. Richard H. Weathermon, Superintendent, Sumner School District No. 320, Sumner, Washington, to Dan Grimm, Representative, State of Washington, indicating opposition to any further cuts in the National School Lunch Program, March 29, 1985. 1 page.
2.8: Letter from Clifford O. Morris, Director, School Food Services Unit, State of New Mexico Department of Education, to The Honorable William Armstrong, United States Senator, urging support of a freeze budget regarding child nutrition programs, March 14, 1985. 1 page.
2.8: Letter from Clifford O. Morris, Director, School Food Services Unit, State of New Mexico Department of Education, to The Honorable Jeff Bingaman, United States Senate, regarding planning an amendment on the Senate floor to remove child nutrition from the budget resolution and opposing the devastating cuts, March 15, 1985. 1 page.
2.8: Letter from Clifford O. Morris, Director, School Food Services Unit, State of New Mexico Department of Education, to The Honorable Nancy Landon Kassebaum, United States Senator, urging support of a freeze budget regarding child nutrition programs, March 14, 1985. 1 page.
2.8: Letter from Clifford O. Morris, Director, School Food Services Unit, State of New Mexico Department of Education, to The Honorable Orrin Hatch, United States Senator, urging support of a freeze budget regarding child nutrition programs, March 14, 1985. 1 page.
2.8: Letter from Clifford O. Morris, Director, School Food Services Unit, State of New Mexico Department of Education, to The Honorable John Danforth, United States Senator, urging support of a freeze budget regarding child nutrition programs, March 14, 1985. 1 page.
2.8: Letter from Clifford O. Morris, Director, School Food Services Unit, State of New Mexico Department of Education, to The Honorable Charles E. Grassley, United States Senator, urging support of a freeze budget regarding child nutrition programs, March 14, 1985. 1 page.
2.8: Letter from Clifford O. Morris, Director, School Food Services Unit, State of New Mexico Department of Education, to The Honorable Pete V. Domenici, United States Senator, urging support of a freeze budget regarding child nutrition programs, March 14, 1985. 1 page.
2.8: Letter from James O. Hansen, Secretary, South Dakota Department of Education and Cultural Affairs, to Senator James Abdnor, urging Abdnor to oppose the cuts for child nutrition in President Reagan’s fiscal year 1986 budget, March 8, 1985. 1 page.
2.8: Letter from James O. Hansen, Secretary, South Dakota Department of Education and Cultural Affairs, to Senator Larry Pressler, urging Pressler to oppose the cuts for child nutrition in President Reagan’s fiscal year 1986 budget, March 8, 1985. 1 page.
2.8: Letter from Edward J. Post, Director, Bureau for Food and Nutrition Services, State of Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, to Marshall Matz, Attorney, Scott, Harrison &McLeod; Jean [Gene] White, Chairman, Public Policy & Legislative Committee, ASFSA.
2.8: Ann Smith, Executive Director, ASFSA, regarding correspondence opposing proposed F.Y. 1986 budget cuts, March 18, 1985. 1 page.
2.8: Letter from Herbert J. Grover, State Superintendent, State of Wisconsin, sent to the 11 Wisconsin Congressional Delegates, regarding their position on the F.Y. 1986 budget proposal, March 13, 1985. 2 pages.
2.8: Memo Alert, National Association of State Agencies for Food Distribution, from Edward J. Post, NASAFD President, to State/Territory Membership, John Drown, Chairman, Industry Advisory Committee, regarding proposed F.Y. 1986 budget cuts, March 18, 1985. 1 page.
2.8: Letter from Louis E. Smith, Legislative Liaison, National Association of State Agencies for Food Distribution, to: Congressman William H. Gray, III; Senator Pete Domenici; Congressman Augustus Hawkins; Congressman James Jeffords; Senator Jesse Helms; Senator Edword Zorinsky; Senator Robert Dole; Senator Robert Byrd; Congressman Jim Wright; Congressman Robert Michel soliciting support to oppose any budget cuts for child nutrition programs, March 12, 1985. 3 pages.
2.8: Letter from Joan H. Weatherholtz, Chief, Educational Support Services Branch, Maryland State Department of Education, to The Honorable Charles Mathias, Senator, sharing Weatherholtz’ concerns about the impact of the Administration’s proposed budget cuts in the national school lunch and child nutrition programs, March 6, 1985. 2 pages.
2.8: Letter from Joan H. Weatherholtz, Chief, Educational Support Services Branch, Maryland State Department of Education, to The Honorable Paul Sarbanes, Senator, sharing Weatherholtz’ concerns about the impact of the Administration’s proposed budget cuts in the national school lunch and child nutrition programs, March 6, 1985. 2 pages.
2.8: Letter from Joan H. Weatherholtz, Chief, Educational Support Services Branch, Maryland State Department of Education, to The Honorable Barbara Mikulski, Congresswoman, sharing Weatherholtz’ concerns about the impact of the Administration’s proposed budget cuts in the national school lunch and child nutrition programs, March 6, 1985. 2 pages.
2.8: Letter from Joan H. Weatherholtz, Chief, Educational Support Services Branch, Maryland State Department of Education, to The Honorable Beverly Byron, Congresswoman, sharing Weatherholtz’ concerns about the impact of the Administration’s proposed budget cuts in the national school lunch and child nutrition programs, March 6, 1985. 2 pages.
2.8: Letter from Joan H. Weatherholtz, Chief, Educational Support Services Branch, Maryland State Department of Education, to The Honorable Parren Mitchell, Congressman, sharing Weatherholtz’ concerns about the impact of the Administration’s proposed budget cuts in the national school lunch and child nutrition programs, March 6, 1985. 2 pages.
2.8: Letter from Joan H. Weatherholtz, Chief, Educational Support Services Branch, Maryland State Department of Education, to The Honorable Helen Bentley, Congresswoman, sharing Weatherholtz’ concerns about the impact of the Administration’s proposed budget cuts in the national school lunch and child nutrition programs, March 6, 1985. 2 pages.
2.8: Letter from Joan H. Weatherholtz, Chief, Educational Support Services Branch, Maryland State Department of Education, to The Honorable Marjorie Holt, Congresswoman, sharing Weatherholtz’ concerns about the impact of the Administration’s proposed budget cuts in the national school lunch and child nutrition programs, March 6, 1985. 2 pages.
2.8: Letter from Joan H. Weatherholtz, Chief, Educational Support Services Branch, Maryland State Department of Education, to The Honorable Steny Hoyer, Congressman, sharing Weatherholtz’ concerns about the impact of the Administration’s proposed budget cuts in the national school lunch and child nutrition programs, March 6, 1985. 2 pages.
2.8: Letter from Joan H. Weatherholtz, Chief, Educational Support Services Branch, Maryland State Department of Education, to The Honorable Michael Barnes, Congressman, sharing Weatherholtz’ concerns about the impact of the Administration’s proposed budget cuts in the national school lunch and child nutrition programs, March 6, 1985. 2 pages.
2.8: Letter from Joan H. Weatherholtz, Chief, Educational Support Services Branch, Maryland State Department of Education, to The Honorable Roy Dyson, Congressman, sharing Weatherholtz’ concerns about the impact of the Administration’s proposed budget cuts in the national school lunch and child nutrition programs, March 6, 1985. 2 pages.
2.8: Letter from Robert E. Boose, Commissioner, State of Maine Department of Educational and Cultural Services, to The Honorable Senator William Cohen, United States Senate, regarding the importance of the national school lunch programs to Maine, March 12, 1985. 1 page.
2.8: Letter from Robert E. Boose, Commissioner, State of Maine Department of Educational and Cultural Services, to The Honorable Senator George Mitchell, United States Senate, regarding the importance of the national school lunch programs to Maine, March 12, 1985. 1 page.
2.8: Letter from Gene M. West, Director, Child Nutrition Programs, State of Maine Department of Educational and Cultural Services, to Senator William Cohen, regarding the devastation if Maine loses Section 4 funds and commodities for paying students, March 5, 1985. 1 page.
2.8: Letter from Gene M. West, Director, Child Nutrition Programs, State of Maine Department of Educational and Cultural Services, to Senator George Mitchell, regarding the devastation if Maine loses Section 4 funds and commodities for paying students, March 5, 1985. 1 page.
2.8: Letter from Anna H. Duncan, President, Florida School Food Service Association, Inc., to The Honorable Lawton M. Chiles, United States Senator, Florida, expressing concerns on 1985 Administration proposed cuts in child feeding programs, February 1, 1985. 1 page.
2.8: Letter from A. Craig Phillips, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, State of North Carolina, to The Honorable Jesse Helms, United States Senate, expressing concern over proposed budget cuts to child nutrition programs, February 25, 1985. 2 pages.
2.8: Letter from John R. McKernan, Jr., Member of Congress, to Ms. Gene M. West, Director, School Nutrition Programs, Maine Department of Educational and Cultural Services, regarding West’s suggestions on how to save money in child nutrition programs, March 14, 1985. 2 pages.
2.8: Letter from John R. McKernan, Jr., Member of Congress, to The Honorable William F. Goodling, Ranking Minority Member, Subcommittee on Elementary, Secondary and Vocational Education, regarding Ms. Gene M. West, Director of School Nutrition Programs in Maine, and her letter with two suggestions for cost savings in the program, March 14, 1985. 1 page.
2.8: Letter from Gene M. West, Director, School Nutrition Programs, State of Maine Department of Educational and Cultural Services, to Representative John R. McKernan, Jr., regarding suggestions for cost savings in child nutrition programs, March 5, 1985. 2 pages.
2.8: Letter from Josephine Martin, Director, Local Systems Support Division, Georgia Department of Education, to The Honorable Sam Nunn, Member, United States Senate, stating opposition to the proposed budget cut of 672 million dollars in child nutrition programs, January 15, 1985. 1 Page.
2.8: Letter from Josephine Martin, Director, Local Systems Support Division, Georgia Department of Education, to The Honorable Mack Mattingly, Member, United States Senate, stating opposition to the proposed budget cut of 672 million dollars in child nutrition programs, January 15, 1985. 1 Page.
2.8: Letter from Kerry Johnson, Administrator, Food Distribution Unit, School and Community Nutrition Services, Georgia Department of Education, to The Honorable Mack Mattingly, Member, United States Senate, requesting support and assistance in opposing the 1986 child nutrition cuts being proposed by President Reagan’s administration, January 16, 1985. 2 pages.
2.8: Letter from Clifford O. Morris, Director, School Food Services Unit, State of New Mexico Department of Education, to Dear Senate Budget Committee Member, regarding areas of concern by the American School Food Service Association and those in child nutrition programs administration, March 6, 1985. 2 pages.
2.8: Letter from Lowell Weicker, Jr., United States Senator, to Ms. Nancye B. Perry, Hartford Public Schools Food Service Department, stating unalterable opposition to cuts in child nutrition programs, February 20, 1985. 2 pages. 2 copies.
2.8: Letter from Lloyd H. Littlefield, Ph.D., Director, Food and Nutrition Services, State of New Hampshire Department of Education, to Attorney Marshall Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, with enclosed letters that were sent to the New Hampshire Congressional Delegation from the Commissioner of Education in New Hampshire, March 8, 1985. 1 page.
2.8: Letter from Robert L. Brunelle, Commissioner, Department of Education, State of New Hampshire, to The Honorable Robert C. Smith, US House of Representatives, regarding New Hampshire’s reliance on Section IV funds to support the National School Lunch Program, March 7, 1985. 1 page.
2.8: Letter from Robert L. Brunelle, Commissioner, Department of Education, State of New Hampshire, to The Honorable Warren Rudman, United States Senate, regarding New Hampshire’s reliance on Section IV funds to support the National School Lunch Program, March 7, 1985. 1 page.
2.8: Letter from Robert L. Brunelle, Commissioner, Department of Education, State of New Hampshire, to The Honorable Gordon Humphrey, United States Senate, regarding New Hampshire’s reliance on Section IV funds to support the National School Lunch Program, March 7, 1985. 1 page.
2.8: Letter from John H. Lawson, Commissioner of Education, The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Education, to The Honorable John Kerry, Senator, expressing grave concerns regarding proposed cuts in funding for child nutrition programs, January 30, 1985. 1 page.
2.8: Letter from Clifford O. Morris, Director, School Food Services Unit, State of New Mexico Department of Education, to The Honorable Pete Domenici, United States Senator, regarding maintaining Section 4 funding for the National School Lunch Program, January 11, 1985. 2 pages.
2.8: Letter from Thomas G. Clausen, Ph.D., Superintendent of Education, State of Louisiana, to Senator Russell B. Long, requesting support in defeating the Administration’s proposed $673 million cuts in child nutrition, January 24, 1985. 1 page.
2.8: Letter from Harold L. Blackburn, Commissioner of Education, Kansas State Department of Education, to Senator Bob Dole, regarding the 1986 budget, which proposes large cuts in child nutrition programs, January 16, 1985. 2 pages.
2.8: Letter from Margaret Collins, President, North Carolina School Food Service Association, and Margy D. Fink, Legislative Chairman, North Carolina School Food Service Association, to Senator Jesse A. Helms, regarding the school lunch program not surviving in many areas of North Carolina if the 1986 budget cut proposals are enacted, February 4, 1985. 2 pages.
2.8: Letter from Vivian B. Pilant, Director, Office of School Food Services, State of South Carolina Department of Education, to The Honorable Ernest F. Hollings, United States Senate, requesting assistance to maintain the Section 4 funding and community support in child nutrition programs, February 5, 1985. 2 pages.
2.8: Letter from Richard L. Champagne, Superintendent of Schools, New Hampshire School Administrative Unit 29, to The Honorable Gordon J. Humphrey, United States Senator, urging Humphrey to oppose budget cuts and support continued good nutrition for America’s children, February 14, 1985. 1 page.
2.8: Letter from Donald B. Alward, Assistant Superintendent for Business Management, Warwick Public Schools, Warwick, Rhode Island, to Senator Claiborne Pell, urging Pell to assist the Reagan Administration in better understanding the objectives of the National School Lunch Program and the benefits that have been derived therefrom for the past decade, February 12, 1985. 3 pages.
2.8: Letter from Donald B. Alward, Assistant Superintendent for Business Management, Warwick Public Schools, Warwick, Rhode Island, to Congresswoman Claudine Schneider, urging Schneider to assist the Reagan Administration in better understanding the objectives of the National School Lunch Program and the benefits that have been derived therefrom for the past decade, February 12, 1985. 3 pages.
2.8: Letter from Donald B. Alward, Assistant Superintendent for Business Management, Warwick Public Schools, Warwick, Rhode Island, to Senator John H. Chafee, urging Chafee to assist the Reagan Administration in better understanding the objectives of the National School Lunch Program and the benefits that have been derived therefrom for the past decade, February 12, 1985. 3 pages.
2.8: Letter from Carolyn Alvis, College Hill Lunchroom, Plainview, Texas, to Marshall Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, requesting help in keeping the lunch school program as it now stands, handwritten, not dated. 1 page.
2.8: Letter from Frances Marshall, Plainview, Texas, to Marshall Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, requesting help in keeping the school lunch program as it stands now, handwritten, January 28, 1985. 1 page.
2.8: Letter from Mrs. Richard N. [Willborn], Plainview, Texas, to Marshall Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, requesting help in supporting the school lunch program as it stands now, handwritten, not dated. 1 page.
2.8: Letter from Vera Reese, Plainview, Texas, to Marshall Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, opposing subsidy cuts for the paid school lunch, handwritten, not dated. 1 page.
2.8: Letter from Nancy Cox to Marshall Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, requesting help in supporting the school lunch program as it stands now, handwritten, January 28, 1985. 1 page.
2.8: Letter from Marshall L. Matz, Counsel, American School Food Service Association, to The Honorable Jesse Helms, Chairman, Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry, United States Senate, regarding child nutrition, January 25, 1985. 5 pages.
2.8: Letter from Marshall L. Matz, Counsel, American School Food Service Association, to The Honorable Thomas P. O’Neill, Jr., Speaker of the House, U.S. House of Representatives, regarding child nutrition budget cut, January 22, 1985. 3 pages.
2.8: Letter from Marshall L. Matz, Counsel, American School Food Service Association, to The Honorable Gary W. Hart, United States Senate, regarding child nutrition budget cut, January 15, 1985. 3 pages.
2.8: Letter from Marshall L. Matz, Counsel, American School Food Service Association, to The Honorable Pete V. Domenici, United States Senate, regarding child nutrition budget cut, January 15, 1985. 3 pages. 4 copies.
2.8: Letter from Marshall L. Matz, Counsel, American School Food Service Association, to The Honorable Robert Dole, United States Senate, regarding child nutrition budget cut, January 15, 1985. 3 pages.
2.8: Letter from Marshall L. Matz, Counsel, American School Food Service Association, to The Honorable Rudy Boschwitz, United States Senate, regarding child nutrition budget cut, January 15, 1985. 3 pages.
2.8: Letter from Marshall L. Matz, Counsel, American School Food Service Association, to The Honorable John C. Danforth, United States Senate, regarding child nutrition budget cut, January 15, 1985. 3 pages. 2 copies.
1.9: Letter from Vivian B. Pilant, Director, Office of School Food Services, State of South Carolina Department of Education, to The Honorable Ernest F. Hollings, United States Senate, requesting assistance to maintain the Section 4 funding and commodity support in the child nutrition programs, February 5, 1982. 2 pages.
1.9: Letter from Frank B. Brouillet, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Olympia, Washington, to The Honorable Slade Groton, United States Senator, urging Brouillet to maintain the Section 4 funding and commodity support in the child nutrition programs, January 25, 1985. 2 pages.
1.9: Letter from Rita A. Hamman, Director, School Food Service, Kansas State Department of Education, to Senator Bob Dole, regarding the importance of Section 4 funds and commodity assistance, or cash in lieu of commodities to Kansas, January 17, 1985. 2 pages.
1.9: Letter from Vivian Pilant, Director, Office if School Food Services, State of South Carolina Department of Education, to The Honorable Strom Thurmond, United States Senate, regarding elimination of Section 4 funds and commodity foods for students above the poverty level, February 5, 1985. 2 pages.
1.9: Letter from Marshall L. Matz, Counsel, American School Food Service Association, to The Honorable Thomas P. O’Neill, Jr., Speaker of the House, U.S. House of Representatives, regarding child nutrition budget cut, January 22, 1985. 3 pages. 4 copies.
1.9: Letter from Marshall L. Matz, Counsel, American School Food Service Association, to The Honorable Jim Wright, Majority Leader, U.S. House of Representatives, regarding child nutrition budget cut, January 22, 1985. 3 pages. 2 copies.
1.9: Letter from Marshall L. Matz, Counsel, American School Food Service Association, to The Honorable Richard A. Gephardt, U.S. House of Representatives, regarding child nutrition budget cut, January 22, 1985. 3 pages. 2 copies.
1.9: Letter from Marshall L. Matz, Counsel, American School Food Service Association, to The Honorable Pete Wilson, United States Senate, regarding child nutrition budget cut, January 15, 1985. 3 pages.
1.9: Letter from Marshall L. Matz, Counsel, American School Food Service Association, to The Honorable Augustus F. Hawkins, Chairman, Education and Labor Committee, U.S. House of Representatives, regarding child nutrition budget cut, January 18, 1985. 3 pages.
1.9: Letter from Marshall L. Matz, Counsel, American School Food Service Association, to The Honorable James M. Jeffords, U.S. House of Representatives, regarding child nutrition budget cut, January 18, 1985. 3 pages.
1.9: Letter from Marshall L. Matz, Counsel, American School Food Service Association, to The Honorable William F. Goodling, U.S. House of Representatives, regarding child nutrition budget cut, January 18, 1985. 3 pages.
1.9: Letter from Marshall L. Matz, Counsel, American School Food Service Association, to The Honorable William H. Gray, III, Chairman, Committee on the Budget, U.S. House of Representatives, regarding child nutrition budget cut, January 18, 1985. 3 pages.
1.9: Chart showing projected losses and gains for Breakfast, Section 4, and Commodities, not signed, not dated. 6 pages.
1.9: Letter from Juana Cortez, Employed at Lakeside School, Plainview, Texas, to Marshall Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, requesting help in supporting the lunch school program as it now stands, not dated. 1 page.
1.9: Letter from (Mrs.) Anita Sizemore, Director Lunchrooms, Plainview Independent School District, Plainview, Texas, to Marshall Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, thanking Matz for his consideration in keeping the lunch school program as it is now operating, January 29, 1985. 1 page.
1.9: Letter from Opal [?] King, Cook Manager; Lavern Abbott, Baker; Freddie Williams, Meat Cook; [Geneva] King, Vegetable Cook; LaVerne Cunningham, Cook, Thunderbird School, Plainview, Texas, to Marshall Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, requesting help in support of the current program, handwritten, January 30, 1985. 1 page.
1.9: Letter from Mrs. Ethel Cole, Plainview, Texas, to Marshall Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, regarding the grant for school lunches, handwritten, January 29, 1985. 1 page.
1.9: Letter from Barbara McMurrian, Certified Specialist, Plainview Independent School, President, Plainview School Food Service Association, Plainview, Texas, to Marshall Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, requesting help in keeping the lunch school program as it now stands, February 25, 1985. 1 page.
1.9: Letter from Lola Astleford, Food Service Director, Burnsville – Eagan – Savage Independent School District 191, Burnsville, Minnesota, to Marshall Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, regarding the School Lunch Program being targeted for disproportionate budget cuts, January 24, 1985. 1 page.
1.9: Letter from Marshall L. Matz, Counsel, American School Food Service Association, to The Honorable Augustus F. Hawkins, Chairman, Education and Labor Committee, U.S. House of Representatives, regarding child nutrition budget cut, January 18, 1985. 3 pages.
1.9: Letter from Marshall L. Matz, Counsel, American School Food Service Association, to The Honorable James M. Jeffords, U.S. House of Representatives, regarding child nutrition budget cut, January 18, 1985. 3 pages.
1.9: Letter from Marshall L. Matz, Counsel, American School Food Service Association, to The Honorable William F. Goodling, U.S. House of Representatives, regarding child nutrition budget cut, January 18, 1985. 3 pages.
1.9: Letter from Marshall L. Matz, Counsel, American School Food Service Association, to The Honorable Thomas S. Foley, Majority Whip, U.S. House of Representatives, regarding child nutrition budget cut, January 22, 1985. 3 pages. 2 copies.
2.10: Article: Budget Compromise Eases Original Cuts In Aid for Students, The New York Times, April 5, [1985?]. 1 page.
2.10: Article: Cuts Would Pare Lunch Programs: Area Schools May Lose $1.5 Million, The Columbia Record, Columbia, South Carolina, March 22, 1985. 2 pages.
2.10: Editorial Cartoon of man holding sign that reads ‘More Cuts In School Lunches’, and President Reagan says, “Gosh – For a moment I thought you said ‘Launches’, with missiles lined up in the background, The Washington Post, March 17, 1985. 1 page.
2.10: Article: Civil Service Pension Curbs Included in Budget Unit Plan: Child-Nutrition Programs Face $700 Million Cut, The Washington Post, March 16, 1985. 1 page.
2.10: Article: School-lunch Program Facing Smaller Piece of Budget Pie, Rocky Mountain News, Denver, Colorado, February 8, 1985. 1 page.
2.10: Article: School Lunch Participation Drop Feared, Rocky Mountain News, Denver, Colorado, February 5, 1985. 1 page.
2.10: Article: Reagan Administration Takes Aim at Food Service Industry: School Lunch Program at Crossroads, Says ASFSA Official, Yankee Food Service, Weymouth, Massachusetts, January 1985. 2 pages.
2.10: Article: State Students May Miss Lunch, The Daily Oklahoman, February 8, 1985. 1 page.
2.10: Article: Groups Preparing Strategy On Cuts: Reagan’s Proposals for Trims in Social Spending Prompt Action on Many Fronts, The New York Times, December 7, [1984?]. 1 page.
2.11: Letter from Doris Bishop, Legislative Chairman, ISFSA, and Jim Friedl, President-Elect, ISFSA, to Marshall Matz, with the attached Implications of Federal Budget Proposals on Iowa Programs, and an attached handwritten note: Marsh, Hope enclosed information is helpful – Understand Tom Smith will be testifying May 2 to the Nutrition sub Committee of the Senate agri committee. I feel his estimates are too Conservative Jim Friedl. 3 pages.
2.11: A Place to Grow, Iowa School Food Service Association, Child Nutrition Programs Annual Report, February 26, 1985. 59 pages.
2.11: Letter from Marshall Matz, Counsel, American School Food Service Association, to The Honorable Robert Dole, United States Senate, regarding Child Nutrition Budget Cut, January 15, 1985. 3 pages. 10 copies.
2.11: Letter from Marshall Matz, Counsel, American School Food Service Association, to Mr. David Stockman, Director, Office of Management and Budget, The White House, regarding Child Nutrition, January 3, 1985. 3 pages. 6 copies.
2.12: Letter from Augustus F. Hawkins, Chairman, Committee on Education and Labor, U.S. House of Representatives, to Marshall L. Matz, Counsel, ASFSA, c/o Scott, Harrison & McLeod, assuring that Hawkins will do all he can to oppose reported budget cuts, January 24, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from Jesse Helms, Chairman, Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry, United States Senate, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, requesting additional information from the American School Food Service Association regarding several included topics, January 22, 1985. 2 pages.
2.12: Letter from William H. Gray, III, Chairman, Committee on the Budget, U.S. House of Representatives, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, regarding Gray making sure to sector of the economy bears more than a fair share of budget cuts, January 30, 1985. 1 page. 4 copies.
2.12: Letter from Barry Goldwater, United States Senate, Arizona, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Counsel, American School Food Service Association, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, assuring that Goldwater will take Matz’ views into consideration when addressing child nutrition issues in the Senate, January 16, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from Strom Thurmond, The President Pro Tempore, United States Senate, to Honorable Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, assuring that Thurmond will give proposed child nutrition budget cuts his most careful consideration and study, January 17, 1985. 1 page. 2 copies.
2.12: Letter from William Proxmire, Committee on Appropriations, United States Senate, to Marshall L. Matz, Counsel, American School Food Service Association, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, assuring that when the President’s budget proposal arrives in the Senate Proxmire will have Matz’ comments very much in mind, January 28, 1985. 1 page. 2 copies.
2.12: Letter from Christopher J. Dodd, United States Senator, Connecticut, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, regarding the Administration’s proposed cuts to the School Lunch Program, January 28, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from John Glenn, United States Senator, to Mr. Marshall Matz, regarding adequate funding for the school lunch program, February 21, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from Thad Cochran, United States Senator, Mississippi, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, assuring that Cochran will keep Matz’ views in mind as they continue to work on the appropriations bill, February 15, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from Lowell Weicker, Jr., United States Senator, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, stating the Weicker is unalterably opposed to cuts in child nutrition programs, January 23, 1985. 2 pages.
2.12: Letter from Paul Trible, United States Senate, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Esquire, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, commending Matz for acknowledging that school lunches might have to bear a share of the sacrifice involved in reducing the federal deficit, January 25, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from William F. Goodling, Pennsylvania, House of Representatives, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Counsel, American School Food Service Association, c/o Scott, Harrison & McLeod, assuring that Goodling’s commitment to the future well-being of the various child nutrition programs remains unchanged, January 25, 1985. 2 pages.
2.12: Letter from Lloyd Bentsen, United States Senate, Texas, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, assuring that Bentsen will study the Administration’s budget proposals closely, January 23, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from Charles McC. Mathias, Jr. United States Senator, Maryland, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, regarding Mathias supporting efforts to improve the funding and effectiveness of school lunch, child nutrition, WIC, and child care food programs, January 22, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from Ernest F. Hollings, United States Senate, South Carolina, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, thanking Matz for his informative letter and opposing cuts in the budget that go beyond Hollings’s budget freeze, January 16, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from Christopher J. Dodd, United States Senator, Connecticut, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, regarding the Administration’s proposed cuts to the School Lunch Program, January 28, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from Paul Simon, U. S. Senator, Illinois, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Counsel, American School Food Service Assoc., thanking Matz for letting him know of his opposition to proposed cuts in child nutrition programs, and assuring Matz that he will actively fight any efforts by the Administration to reduce the program further, January 29, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from Wendell H. Ford, United States Senate, Kentucky, to Dear Mr. Matz, stating that they face an uphill battle to preserve supplemental feeding programs, but that it is a battle that Ford looks forward to fighting, February 8, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from Howell Heflin, United States Senate, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, opposing cuts to child nutrition programs, February 8, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from Gary Hart, United States Senate, Colorado, to Marshall L. Matz, Esq., assuring Matz that he will continue to fight Administration attempts to reduce funding for this vital program, February 7, 1985. 2 pages.
2.12: Letter from Orrin G. Hatch, United States Senator, Utah, to Marshall L. Matz, assuring Matz that he will study each recommendation judiciously and then will only support those cuts that will not be detrimental to children, February 20, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from Pete Wilson, United States Senate, California, to Mr. Marshall Matz, sharing Matz’ concern for the well-being of the nation’s school-aged children, March 1, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from Thad Cochran, United States Senator, Mississippi, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, assuring Matz that Cochran will keep Matz’ views in mind when continuing to work on this appropriations bill, March 26, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from John W. Warner, United States Senate, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, assuring Matz that he shares his desire to insure that all children continue to receive nutritious meals, March 27, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from John Glenn, United States Senator, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Attorney at Law, regarding a strong federal role in the fight against hunger, March 21, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from William Proxmire, United States Senate, Wisconsin, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, regarding FY86 funding for programs and activities that fall within the agriculture appropriations bill, March 21, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from Strom Thurmond, The President Pro Tempore, United States Senate, to Honorable Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, assuring that Thurmond has given Matz’ views careful consideration, March 21, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from Charles McC. Mathias, Jr. United States Senator, Maryland, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, regarding Mathias supporting efforts to improve the funding and effectiveness of school lunch, child nutrition, WIC, and child care food programs, March 21, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from Paul S. Sarbanes, United States Senator, Maryland, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, pledging to continue to do all he can in the Senate to strengthen nutrition programs which respond to the needs of the nation’s children, March 26, 1985. 2 pages.
2.12: Letter from Paul Laxalt, U.S. Senator, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Counsel, American School Fund [sic] Service Association, assuring that Laxalt is sensitive to the needs of Nevada’s school children, March 25, 1985. 2 pages.
2.12: Letter from Steve Symms, United States Senator, Idaho, to Mr. Marshall Matz, Counsel, ASFSA, regarding maintaining the integrity of those programs which do not contribute substantially to the deficit, March 25, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from Lloyd Bentsen, United States Senate, Texas, to Mr. Marshall Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, regarding Bentsen’s efforts to restore funding for child nutrition programs, March 25, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from Orrin G. Hatch, United States Senator, Utah, to Marshall L. Matz, assuring Matz that he will study each recommendation judiciously and then will only support those cuts that will not be detrimental to children, March 25, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from Howard M. Metzenbaum, United States Senator, Ohio, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, stating that as a member of the Budget Committee Metzenbaum intends to work vigorously to see that children in need receive nutritious meals, March 27, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from Jim Sasser, United States Senator, Tennessee, regarding continuing support for child nutrition programs, March 29, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from John W. Warner, United States Senate, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, assuring Matz that he shares his desire to insure that all children continue to receive nutritious meals, March 29, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from Ernest F. Hollings, United States Senate, South Carolina, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Counsel, American School Food Service Association, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, regarding Hollings proposing his own plan as an alternative , April 15, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from Albert Gore, Jr., United States Senator, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, expressing deep concern about school nutrition programs, April 5, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from John F. Kerry, United States Senator, Massachusetts, to Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, stating that they are in total agreement on the topic of child nutrition cuts, April 2, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from Daniel Patrick Moynihan, United States Senate, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, regarding Moynihan’s vigorous support to reduce the federal deficit, but deep concern about any further cuts in nutrition programs and income maintenance programs, especially when they would affect the same families, April 15, 1985. 2 pages.
2.12: Letter from Frank R. Lautenberg, United States Senate, New Jersey, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Counsel, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, regarding the trend of sacrificing vital domestic programs at the hands of increased military spending, April 12, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from Christopher J. Dodd, United States Senator, Connecticut, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, regarding spreading cuts equitably across the spectrum, April 8, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from Christopher J. Dodd, United States Senator, Connecticut, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, assuring Matz that he will do all that he can to see that the child nutrition programs are not short changed, April 15, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from Pete Wilson, United States Senate, California, to Mr. Marshall Matz, sharing Matz’ concern for the well-being of the nation’s school-aged children, April 12, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from John D. Rockefeller, IV, United States Senate, West Virginia, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, regarding Rockefeller’s disturbance that vital programs such as school lunches being selected being selected by the Reagan Administration to tackle the deficit, April 23, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from David L. Boren, United States Senate, Oklahoma, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, assuring Matz that he can be certain that Boren will oppose any cut in the school lunch program, April 22, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from Donald W. Riegle, Jr., United States Senate, to Mr. Marshall Matz, Law Office, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, regarding questioning the priorities of cutting funds for vital programs affection our nation’s children while seeking massive and unnecessarily large increases in funds for defense, April 12, 1985. 2 pages.
2.12: Letter from David L. Boren, United States Senate, Oklahoma, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, assuring Matz that he can be certain that Boren will oppose any cut in the school lunch program, April 15, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from J. James Exon, United States Senator, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, stating that we will strongly work for the continuation of nutrition programs and do all he can to see that they are protected as much as possible during this next round of budget deliberations, April 23, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from Bill Bradley, United States Senator, New Jersey, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, regarding the effects of funding cuts on New Jersey public schools and Bradley’s efforts to oppose efforts to reduced federal support for child nutrition, April 22, 1985. 2 pages.
2.12: Letter from Ernest F. Hollings, United States Senate, South Carolina, to Mr. Hugh Scott, Attorney at Law, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, regarding Hollings’s total opposition to the spending reductions the Administration proposes for child nutrition, April 22, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from Mark Andrews, United States Senate, North Dakota, to Mr. Hugh Scott, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, thanking Scott for his support of the Hawkins amendment to the child nutrition program, April 22, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from Paul Simon, U. S. Senator, Illinois, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, stating that Simon will do all he can to see that recent cuts in child nutrition programs are restored, April 30, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from Donald W. Riegle, Jr., United States Senate, Michigan, to Mr. Marshall Matz, regarding Riegle remaining opposed to the Administration’s continued efforts to cut important child nutrition programs, May 2, 1985. 2 pages.
2.12: Letter from Thomas F. Eagleton, United States Senator, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, stating that Eagleton does not accept the President’s priorities and will not support his proposed cuts in child nutrition programs, May 11, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from Lowell Weicker, Jr., United States Senator, Mr. Marshall Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, regarding recent Senate votes on budget cuts, May 17, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from John Heinz, United States Senator, Pennsylvania, to Honorable Hugh Scott, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, regarding Heinz sharing Scott’s concern that meal services which provide critical nutrition to needy children receive full funding, May 23, 1985. 2 pages.
2.12: Letter from Paul Simon, U. S. Senator, Illinois, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Counsel, American School Food Service A, stating that Simon, because of Matz’ recent correspondence, would like to update Matz on nutrition assistance to children, families and schools, May 30, 1985. 2 pages.
2.12: Letter from Gary Hart, United States Senate, Colorado, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, regarding Senator Hawkins’s child nutrition amendment to the budget resolution, June 6, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from Augustus F. Hawkins, Chairman, Committee on Education and Labor, U.S. House of Representatives, to Marshall L. Matz, Counsel, ASFSA, c/o Scott, Harrison & McLeod, assuring that Hawkins will do all he can to oppose reported budget cuts, January 24, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from William H. Gray, III, Chairman, Committee on the Budget, U.S. House of Representatives, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, regarding Gray making sure to sector of the economy bears more than a fair share of budget cuts, January 30, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from Jesse Helms, Chairman, Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry, United States Senate, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, requesting additional information from the American School Food Service Association regarding several included topics, January 22, 1985. 2 pages.
2.12: Letter from Barry Goldwater, United States Senate, Arizona, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Counsel, American School Food Service Association, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, assuring that Goldwater will take Matz’ views into consideration when addressing child nutrition issues in the Senate, January 16, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from Strom Thurmond, The President Pro Tempore, United States Senate, to Honorable Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, assuring that Thurmond will give proposed child nutrition budget cuts his most careful consideration and study, January 17, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from William Proxmire, Committee on Appropriations, United States Senate, to Marshall L. Matz, Counsel, American School Food Service Association, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, assuring that when the President’s budget proposal arrives in the Senate Proxmire will have Matz’ comments very much in mind, January 28, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from Christopher J. Dodd, United States Senator, Connecticut, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, regarding the Administration’s proposed cuts to the School Lunch Program, January 28, 1985. 1 page. 2 copies.
2.12: Letter from John Glenn, United States Senator, to Mr. Marshall Matz, regarding adequate funding for the school lunch program, February 21, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from Thad Cochran, United States Senator, Mississippi, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, assuring that Cochran will keep Matz’ views in mind as they continue to work on the appropriations bill, February 15, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from Lowell Weicker, Jr., United States Senator, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, stating the Weicker is unalterably opposed to cuts in child nutrition programs, January 23, 1985. 2 pages.
2.12: Letter from Paul Trible, United States Senate, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Esquire, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, commending Matz for acknowledging that school lunches might have to bear a share of the sacrifice involved in reducing the federal deficit, January 25, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from William F. Goodling, Pennsylvania, House of Representatives, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Counsel, American School Food Service Association, c/o Scott, Harrison & McLeod, assuring that Goodling’s commitment to the future well-being of the various child nutrition programs remains unchanged, January 25, 1985. 2 pages.
2.12: Letter from Lloyd Bentsen, United States Senate, Texas, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, assuring that Bentsen will study the Administration’s budget proposals closely, January 23, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from Charles McC. Mathias, Jr. United States Senator, Maryland, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, regarding Mathias supporting efforts to improve the funding and effectiveness of school lunch, child nutrition, WIC, and child care food programs, January 22, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from Ernest F. Hollings, United States Senate, South Carolina, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, thanking Matz for his informative letter and opposing cuts in the budget that go beyond Hollings’s budget freeze, January 16, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from Paul Simon, U. S. Senator, Illinois, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Counsel, American School Food Service Assoc., thanking Matz for letting him know of his opposition to proposed cuts in child nutrition programs, and assuring Matz that he will actively fight any efforts by the Administration to reduce the program further, January 29, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from Wendell H. Ford, United States Senate, Kentucky, to Dear Mr. Matz, stating that they face an uphill battle to preserve supplemental feeding programs, but that it is a battle that Ford looks forward to fighting, February 8, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from Howell Heflin, United States Senate, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, opposing cuts to child nutrition programs, February 8, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from Gary Hart, United States Senate, Colorado, to Marshall L. Matz, Esq., assuring Matz that he will continue to fight Administration attempts to reduce funding for this vital program, February 7, 1985. 2 pages.
2.12: Letter from Orrin G. Hatch, United States Senator, Utah, to Marshall L. Matz, assuring Matz that he will study each recommendation judiciously and then will only support those cuts that will not be detrimental to children, February 20, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from Pete Wilson, United States Senate, California, to Mr. Marshall Matz, sharing Matz’ concern for the well-being of the nation’s school-aged children, March 1, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from Thad Cochran, United States Senator, Mississippi, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, assuring Matz that Cochran will keep Matz’ views in mind when continuing to work on this appropriations bill, March 26, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from John W. Warner, United States Senate, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, assuring Matz that he shares his desire to insure that all children continue to receive nutritious meals, March 27, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from John Glenn, United States Senator, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Attorney at Law, regarding a strong federal role in the fight against hunger, March 21, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from William Proxmire, United States Senate, Wisconsin, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, regarding FY86 funding for programs and activities that fall within the agriculture appropriations bill, March 21, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from Strom Thurmond, The President Pro Tempore, United States Senate, to Honorable Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, assuring that Thurmond has given Matz’ views careful consideration, March 21, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from Charles McC. Mathias, Jr. United States Senator, Maryland, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, regarding Mathias supporting efforts to improve the funding and effectiveness of school lunch, child nutrition, WIC, and child care food programs, March 21, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from Paul S. Sarbanes, United States Senator, Maryland, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, pledging to continue to do all he can in the Senate to strengthen nutrition programs which respond to the needs of the nation’s children, March 26, 1985. 2 pages.
2.12: Letter from Paul Laxalt, U.S. Senator, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Counsel, American School Fund [sic] Service Association, assuring that Laxalt is sensitive to the needs of Nevada’s school children, March 25, 1985. 2 pages.
2.12: Letter from Steve Symms, United States Senator, Idaho, to Mr. Marshall Matz, Counsel, ASFSA, regarding maintaining the integrity of those programs which do not contribute substantially to the deficit, March 25, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from Lloyd Bentsen, United States Senate, Texas, to Mr. Marshall Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, regarding Bentsen’s efforts to restore funding for child nutrition programs, March 25, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from Orrin G. Hatch, United States Senator, Utah, to Marshall L. Matz, assuring Matz that he will study each recommendation judiciously and then will only support those cuts that will not be detrimental to children, March 25, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from Howard M. Metzenbaum, United States Senator, Ohio, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, stating that as a member of the Budget Committee Metzenbaum intends to work vigorously to see that children in need receive nutritious meals, March 27, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from Jim Sasser, United States Senator, Tennessee, regarding continuing support for child nutrition programs, March 29, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from John W. Warner, United States Senate, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, assuring Matz that he shares his desire to insure that all children continue to receive nutritious meals, March 29, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from Ernest F. Hollings, United States Senate, South Carolina, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Counsel, American School Food Service Association, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, regarding Hollings proposing his own plan as an alternative , April 15, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from Albert Gore, Jr., United States Senator, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, expressing deep concern about school nutrition programs, April 5, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from John F. Kerry, United States Senator, Massachusetts, to Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, stating that they are in total agreement on the topic of child nutrition cuts, April 2, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from Daniel Patrick Moynihan, United States Senate, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, regarding Moynihan’s vigorous support to reduce the federal deficit, but deep concern about any further cuts in nutrition programs and income maintenance programs, especially when they would affect the same families, April 15, 1985. 2 pages.
2.12: Letter from Frank R. Lautenberg, United States Senate, New Jersey, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Counsel, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, regarding the trend of sacrificing vital domestic programs at the hands of increased military spending, April 12, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from Christopher J. Dodd, United States Senator, Connecticut, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, regarding spreading cuts equitably across the spectrum, April 8, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from Christopher J. Dodd, United States Senator, Connecticut, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, assuring Matz that he will do all that he can to see that the child nutrition programs are not short changed, April 15, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from Pete Wilson, United States Senate, California, to Mr. Marshall Matz, sharing Matz’ concern for the well-being of the nation’s school-aged children, April 12, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from John D. Rockefeller, IV, United States Senate, West Virginia, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, regarding Rockefeller’s disturbance that vital programs such as school lunches being selected being selected by the Reagan Administration to tackle the deficit, April 23, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from David L. Boren, United States Senate, Oklahoma, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, assuring Matz that he can be certain that Boren will oppose any cut in the school lunch program, April 22, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from Donald W. Riegle, Jr., United States Senate, to Mr. Marshall Matz, Law Office, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, regarding questioning the priorities of cutting funds for vital programs affection our nation’s children while seeking massive and unnecessarily large increases in funds for defense, April 12, 1985. 2 pages.
2.12: Letter from David L. Boren, United States Senate, Oklahoma, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, assuring Matz that he can be certain that Boren will oppose any cut in the school lunch program, April 15, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from J. James Exon, United States Senator, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, stating that we will strongly work for the continuation of nutrition programs and do all he can to see that they are protected as much as possible during this next round of budget deliberations, April 23, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from Bill Bradley, United States Senator, New Jersey, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, regarding the effects of funding cuts on New Jersey public schools and Bradley’s efforts to oppose efforts to reduced federal support for child nutrition, April 22, 1985. 2 pages.
2.12: Letter from Ernest F. Hollings, United States Senate, South Carolina, to Mr. Hugh Scott, Attorney at Law, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, regarding Hollings’s total opposition to the spending reductions the Administration proposes for child nutrition, April 22, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from Mark Andrews, United States Senate, North Dakota, to Mr. Hugh Scott, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, thanking Scott for his support of the Hawkins amendment to the child nutrition program, April 22, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from Paul Simon, U. S. Senator, Illinois, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, stating that Simon will do all he can to see that recent cuts in child nutrition programs are restored, April 30, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from Donald W. Riegle, Jr., United States Senate, Michigan, to Mr. Marshall Matz, regarding Riegle remaining opposed to the Administration’s continued efforts to cut important child nutrition programs, May 2, 1985. 2 pages.
2.12: Letter from Thomas F. Eagleton, United States Senator, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, stating that Eagleton does not accept the President’s priorities and will not support his proposed cuts in child nutrition programs, May 11, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from Lowell Weicker, Jr., United States Senator, Mr. Marshall Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, regarding recent Senate votes on budget cuts, May 17, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from John Heinz, United States Senator, Pennsylvania, to Honorable Hugh Scott, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, regarding Heinz sharing Scott’s concern that meal services which provide critical nutrition to needy children receive full funding, May 23, 1985. 2 pages.
2.12: Letter from Paul Simon, U. S. Senator, Illinois, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Counsel, American School Food Service Association, stating that Simon, because of Matz’ recent correspondence, would like to update Matz on nutrition assistance to children, families and schools, May 30, 1985. 2 pages.
2.12: Letter from Gary Hart, United States Senate, Colorado, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, regarding Senator Hawkins’s child nutrition amendment to the budget resolution, June 6, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from Arlen Specter, United States Senate, Pennsylvania, to Honorable Hugh Scott, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, regarding child nutrition programs maintaining current funding for Fiscal Year 1986, May 24, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from Alfonse D’Amato, United States Senator, New York, to Marshall L. Matz, Esq., American School Food Serv. Assn., thanking Matz for kind comments for D’Amato’s efforts regarding Senator Hawkins’ child nutrition amendment, June 11, 1985. 1 page.
2.12: Letter from Harris W. Fawell, M.C., House of Representatives, to Mr. Marshall L. Matz, Scott, Harrison & McLeod, regarding Fawell’s vote against the Bartlett Amendment during the Education and Labor Committee’s mark-up of H.R. 7, the School Lunch and Child Nutrition Amendments of 1985, June 17, 1985. 1 page.
2.13: Report: Three Year Progress Report on ASFSA Headquarters Operations, Ann G. Smith, Executive Director, May 21, 1987. 15 pages.
2.13: The Communicators’ History, The Communicators, Denver, Colorado, not dated. 1 page.
2.13: The Communicators …, The Communicators, Denver, Colorado, not dated. 2 pages.
2.13: The Communicators, Pay Bayer, President, The Communicators, Denver, Colorado, not dated. 2 pages.
2.13: Selected Client List, The Communicators, Denver, Colorado, not dated. 2 pages.
2.13: 10 Key Elements That Will Strengthen ASFSA, Help It Grow And Build A Positive Image, Steps Needed to Effect Change Immediately, The Communicators, Denver, Colorado, not dated. 6 pages.
2.13: Letter from Thelma L. Becker, President, A.S.F.S.A., to Ms. Linda Worsham, Wake County Public School System, Child Nutrition Services, Raleigh, North Carolina, regarding Ann Smith’s contract not being renewed as executive director of the American School Food Service Association, June 16, 1987. 2 pages.
2.13: Letter from Linda Myers Worsham, Wake County Public School System, Child Nutrition Services, to Thelma Becker, President, ASFSA, Director of Food Service, Souderton Area School District, Souderton, Pennsylvania, regarding the decision to terminate Ann Smith as executive director of the association, May 25, 1987. 2 pages.
2.13: Letter from Thelma L. Becker, President, A.S.F.S.A., to Ms. Sharon Schwenk, Monroe, North Carolina, regarding requested information, June 16, 1987. 1 page.
2.13: Letter from Sharon S. Schwenk, President-elect, NCSFSA, to Ms. Thelma Becker, President, ASFSA, regarding the dismissal of Ann Smith, June 5, 1987. 2 pages.
2.13: Memorandum from Vivian Pilant, Jim Michaelson, and Marie Pouwels, to ASFSA Executive Board, regarding proposed expectations for the position of executive director, June 10, 1987. 4 pages.
2.13: Letter from Pat Bayer, President, the Communicators, to Mrs. Thelma Becker, President, and Mrs. Jane Wynn, President Elect, American School Food Service Association, regarding the position of executive director for ASFSA, May 22, 1987. 3 pages.
2.13: Letter from Pat Bayer, President, the Communicators, to Mrs. Thelma Becker, President, and Mrs. Jane Wynn, President Elect, American School Food Service Association, regarding the position of executive director for ASFSA, June 12, 1987. 3 pages.
2.13: American School Food Service Association, Organization Effectiveness Review, Executive Board Summary, May 1987. 16 pages.
2.13: American School Food Service Association, 1987 Employee Survey Results, Supplement, National Norm Comparison, May 1987. 10 pages.
2.13: American School Food Service Association, 1987 Employee Survey Results, Supplement, Employee Comparisons, May 1987. 9 pages.
2.13: Favorable Ratings, May 11, 1987. 22 pages.
2.13: Favorable – Unfavorable Ratings, May 11, 1987. 22 pages.
2.14: Nutrition Action, Health Newsletter, September 1992. 16 pages.
2.14: Fax from Kevin Dando to Marshall, regarding endorsement letter info, with attached letter from Elizabeth P. McPherson, President, to Dear – , regarding the Universal Student Nutrition Act, November 28, 1992. 8 pages.
2.14: Fax from Kevin Dando to Marshall, regarding how do you want to handle the part that I’ve marked, for your January column? 3 pages.
2.14: Friends of Dick Luger Kick-Off Reception invitation, December 1, [?].
2.14: Letter from George A. Sanderson, Director, School Food and Nutrition Services of New Orleans, Inc., to The Honorable Patrick J. Leahy, regarding Betty Jo Nelson’s resignation as Administrator of USDA’s Food and Nutrition Service, November 19, 1992. 1 page.
2.14: Letter from Suzanna du Verrier, Director of Food Services, to The Honorable Leon Panetta, encouraging Panetta to recommend Shirley Watkins as Assistant Secretary of Food and Consumer Services, November 12, 1992. 1 page.
2.14: Letter from Marlene Gunn, Director, Bureau of Child Nutrition and 92 MSFSA Program Chair, to Marshall Matz, Esquire, Olsson, Frank and Weeda, regarding Matz’ presentation to the Twenty-Third Annual Conference of the Mississippi School Food Serviced Association, November 19, 1992. 1 page.
2.14: Robert Kevin Dando bi, November 20, 1992. 1 page.
2.14: Article: The Readiness Goal: A child’s preparation for learning – and for life – must begin long before the first day of school, The GAO Journal, Fall/Winter 1992. 7 pages.
2.14: Letter from Mary Ann Grewohl, Supervisor of Food Service, Salinas City School District, to Mr. Kevin Dando, ASFSA, regarding a copy of a letter Grewohl recently sent to Congressman Leon E. Panetta, not dated. 1 page.
2.14: Letter from Mary Ann Grewohl, Food Service Supervisor, Member, American School Food Service Association, Legislative Chair, Northern California School Food Service Association, to The Honorable Leon E. Panetta, supporting Shirley Watkins to become Assistant Secretary of Food and Consumer Services at the United States Department of Agriculture, November 5, 1992. 1 page.
2.14: Fax from Kevin to Public Policy and Legislative Committee, with an attached congratulatory letter being sent to all the freshman Senators and Representatives, November 13, 1992. 2 pages.
2.14: Letter from Delores (Dee) Smith, President, Iowa School Food Service Association, Cedar Rapids Community School District, to The Honorable Tom Harkin, Senator, asking for support of Shirley Watkins as Assistant Secretary of Food and Consumer Services, November 11, 1992. 1 page.
2.14: Letter from Elizabeth Hanna, M.S., R.D., Legislative Chair, Iowa School Food Service Association, West Des Moines Community School District, to The Honorable Tom Harkin, Senator, regarding Shirley Watkins as Assistant Secretary of Food and Consumer Services, November 11, 1992. 1 page.
2.14: American School Food Service Association List of Congressional Freshmen – Class of 1993, in alphabetical order by state, as of November 4, 1992. 6 pages.
2.14: Letter from Elizabeth P. McPherson, President, American School Food Service Association, to Governor Bill Clinton, President-Elect, promoting Shirley Watkins to be named Assistant Secretary of Food and Consumer Services, November 4, 1992. 1 page. 3 copies.
2.14: Article: How Well Run is the Federal Government? An Open Letter to the Next President, Financial World, October 27, 1992. 3 pages.
2.14: Memorandum from Kevin Dando to PPL Committee Members regarding Shirley Watkins support letters, November 4, 1992. 1 page. 2 copies.
2.14: Memorandum from Kevin Dando to PPL Committee Members regarding December PPL Meeting, November 6, 1992. 3 pages. 2 copies.
2.14: Fax from Dorothy Caldwell, President-elect, ASFSA, to Marshall Matz, regarding meeting in Little Rock, November 3, 1992. 1 page.
2.14: Memorandum from Marilyn Hurt to PPL Committee regarding Outcome of EB Meeting, November 3, 1992. 1 page.
2.14: List of groups to send endorsement letter, October 29, 1992. 3 pages.
2.14: Memorandum from Kevin to Public Policy and Legislative Committee regarding Universal Questions and Answers List, October 28, 1992. 3 pages. 2 versions.
2.14: Letter from Marshall L. Matz, Olsson, Frank and Weeda, P. C., to Chris Bosak, R.D., L.D., Assistant Director, Nutrition Services, Portland Public Schools, regarding a meeting of the Oregon School Food Service Association, with an attached invoice for professional services rendered, October 26, 1992. 2 pages.
2.14: Letter from Chris Bosak, R.D., L.D., Assistant Director, Nutrition Services, Portland Public Schools, to Marshall L. Matz, Olsson, Frank and Weeda, P. C., regarding choices of activities while Matz is in Oregon, October 1, 1992. 2 pages.
2.14: PP&L Agenda, October 30 thru November 1, 1992. 1 page.
2.14: Form letter from Marilyn Hurt, ASFSA Public Policy and Legislative Committee Chair, regarding the Universal Student Nutrition Act, October 21, 1992. 2 pages.
2.14: Fax from Diane to Marshall, regarding FYI – Are these the growers who support Clinton-Gore, with attached article: Farm-interest gifts emerge in Miller-Scholl race, [illegible attribution], October 21, 1992. 1 page.
2.14: Fax from Zoe Slagle – ACDA, Michigan Department of Education, to Sage Smith, Olsson, Frank and Weeda, requesting names of Committees/Sub. Committees members who will be involved with CLOC, indicating those up for election and those not running, not dated. 1 page.
2.14: Resume of Shirley Robinson Watkins, not dated. 3 pages. 2 copies.
2.14: Memorandum from Kevin Dando to PPL Committee Members regarding “Universal Kit” Q&A Paper, October 14, 1992. 3 pages.
2.14: Sample enforcement letter from Marilyn Hurt, ASFSA Public Policy and Legislative Chair, regarding universal endorsement, October 13, 1992. 2 pages.
2.14: H.R. 5490 in the House of Representatives, 102d Congress, 2d Session, June 25, 1992. 6 pages.
2.14: Universal Vision: America’s Children Ready to Learn, American School Food Service Association, June 1992. 2 pages.
2.14: Memo from Lynn to FRAC Staff regarding The Milk Wars, October 1, 1992. 2 pages.
2.14: Proclamation: National School Lunch Week, 1992, By the President of the United States, Proclamation 6483 of October 1, 1992, Presidential Documents, Federal Register, October 5, 1992. 2 pages.
2.14: Fax from Marilyn Hurt to Marshall Matz, regarding the first draft of an endorsement letter, October 8, 1992. 2 pages.
2.14: Letter from George Miller, House of Representatives, Congress of the United States, to Dear Colleague, regarding support for Universal Student Nutrition Act, July 27, 1992. 1 page.
2.14: Fax from Kevin to Marshall regarding June Harris’ call that she needs a response in the next hour to the attached Bill in the Senate of the United States, 102d Congress, 2d Session, September 25, 1992. 4 pages.
2.14: Invitation: Best Practices Awards, National School Lunch Program, School Breakfast Program, United States Department of Agriculture, October 14, 1992. 1 page.
2.14: Letter from Marilyn Hurt, American School Food Service Association, to PP & L Members, regarding CRE Response, September 29, 1992. 2 pages.
2.14: Excerpt from Hunger in America: The Federal Response, 2 pages.
2.15: Letter from Marshall Matz, Olsson, Frank and Weeda, to Mr. Stanley C. Garnett, Director, Child Nutrition Division, U.S. Department of Agriculture, thanking Garnett for a copy of the Child Nutrition Regulations, September 22, 1992. 1 page.
2.15: Letter from Stanley C. Garnett, Director, Child Nutrition Division, to Mr. Marshall Matz, Olsson/Frank/Weeda, regarding a copy of the Child Nutrition Regulations with enlarged print for easier reference and readability, September 17, 1992. 1 page.
2.15: Fax from Kevin Dando to the Public Policy and Legislative Committee, with the attached Statement by Ellen Haas, Executive Director of Public Voice for Food and Health Policy on “Agriculture First: Nutrition, Commodities and the National School Lunch Program”, September 17, 1992. 3 pages.
2.15: Fax from Marshall Matz to Kevin Dando, with attached invitation to fundraiser for Steve Gunderson for Congress, and the message: Let’s do – we need a Republican, September 15, 1992. 3 pages.
2.15: Fax from M. Matz to Kevin Dando with attached copy of invitation to a reception for Congressman Cal Dooley, September 10, 1992. 2 pages.
2.15: Memorandum from Elizabeth P. McPherson, ASFSA President, and Marilyn Hurt, Public Policy and Legislative Committee Chair, to ASFSA Board, PP&L Committee, State Directors, and State Legislative Chairs, regarding CRE Interim Rule, August 26, 1992. 4 pages.
2.15: United States Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service, 7 CFR Parts 210, 215, 220, signed by George A. Braley, Acting Administrator, August 20, 1992. 46 pages.
2.15: Memorandum from Kevin Dando to ASFSA Public Policy and Legislative Committee, regarding PPL Committee, August 21, 1992. 2 pages.
2.15: Fax from Rene Weber, School Food Service Department, Diocese of Cleveland, to Marshall Matz, regarding whether Weber’s letter to J. Glenn is too strong, or not strong enough, August 14, [1992?]. 1 page.
2.15: Letter from Elizabeth P. McPherson, ASFSA President, to The Honorable Patrick Leahy and the Honorable Richard Lugar, Committee on Agriculture, United States Senate, regarding S. 2759, August 13, 1992. 1 page.
2.15: Letter from Elizabeth P. McPherson, ASFSA President, to Dennis Fargas, Budget Analyst, House Education and Labor Committee, regarding the above letter to, The Honorable Patrick Leahy and the Honorable Richard Lugar, August 13, 1992. 1 page.
2.15: Memorandum from Marshall Matz, Olsson, Frank and Weeda, P. C., to ASFSA, regarding CLOC/Commodities, August 6, 1992. 5 pages.
2.15: Memorandum from Marshall Matz, Olsson, Frank and Weeda, P. C., to O.J. Byrnside and Kevin Dando, regarding Vacation, August 10, 1992. 1 page.
2.15: Letter from Marshall Matz, Olsson, Frank and Weeda, P. C., to Mr. Ed Wentzell, regarding the Thomas P. O’Hearn Award, August 10, 1992. 1 page.
2.15: Letter from Nancy F. Stiles, 1991-92 President, New Hampshire School Food Service Association, to Dear Friend of Ed Wentzell, regarding Wentzell’s retirement as New Hampshire Food Service Association’s Legislative Chair, July 1992. 1 page.
2.15: Fiscal Year 1993 Appropriations for Major Programs Under the Jurisdiction of the Subcommittee on Elementary, Secondary, and Vocational Education (cont.) in millions of dollars, August 4, 1992. Page 5 of 18.
2.15: Second draft of letter from Elizabeth P. McPherson to The Honorable Patrick Leahy and The Honorable Richard Lugar, Committee on Agriculture, United States Senate, regarding S. 2759, not dated. 1 page.
2.15: H 6814 – H 6819, Congressional Record – House, July 28, 1992. 6 pages.
2.15: S 10916 – S 10919, Congressional Record – Senate, July 30, 1992. 4 pages.
2.15: Letter from Marshall Matz, Olsson, Frank and Weeda, P. C., to The Honorable George Miller, U.S. House of Representatives, regarding the positive reaction to Miller’s bill and remarks, July 31, 1992. 1 page.
2.15: 2327, Pertaining to the National School Lunch Act, Congressional Record – Senate, June 24, 1992. 1 page. 2 copies.
2.15: Memorandum from Marshall Matz, Olsson, Frank and Weeda, P. C., to Mr. Rocky Kuhn and Ms. Irma Pearson, Senate Appropriations Committee, Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, and Related Agencies, regarding Coordinated Review Efforts (CRE) Regulations, May 5, 1992, 2 pages, with attachments:
2.15: U.S. Wheat Situation: Implications For Domestic Food Programs and Consumers, CRS Report to Congress, Congressional Research Service – The Library of Congress, April 27, 1992. 2 pages.
2.15: Memorandum from Marshall Matz, Olsson, Frank and Weeda, P. C., to ASFSA, regarding Bonus Flour, May 5, 1992. 1 page.
2.16: Memorandum from Marshall Matz, Olsson, Frank and Weeda, P. C., to ASFSA, regarding Bonus Flour, May 5, 1992. 1 page.
2.16: Memorandum from Marshall Matz, Olsson, Frank and Weeda, P. C., to ASFSA and ACDA Board of Directors, regarding SAE For Commodity Distribution, May 7, 1992. 2 pages.
2.16: Memorandum from Marshall Matz, Olsson, Frank and Weeda, P. C., to Congressman George Miller, regarding ASFSA Speech, July 6, 1992. 3 pages.
2.16: Letter from Marshall L. Matz, Counsel, American School Food Service Association, to Honorable Patrick Leahy, Chairman, Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry, U.S. Senate, supporting the confirmation of Betty Jo Nelson as Assistant Secretary for Food and Consumer Services, May 19, 1992. 1 page.
2.16: Article: Pizza Restaurant Oversight Urged By Food Service Group, Food Chemical News, April 20, 1992. 1 page.
2.16: Letter from Marshall L. Matz, Counsel, American School Food Service Association, to The Honorable Roy Romer, Governor of Colorado, regarding Platform Committee, April 22, 1992. 1 page.
2.16: Letter from Marshall L. Matz, Counsel, American School Food Service Association, to The Honorable Nancy Pelosi, U.S. House of Representatives, regarding Platform Committee, April 22, 1992. 1 page.
2.16: Letter from Marshall L. Matz, Counsel, American School Food Service Association, to Mr. Bill Martin, Republican National Committee, regarding Platform Committee, April 22, 1992. 1 page.
2.16: Letter from Marshall L. Matz, Counsel, American School Food Service Association, to The Honorable Bill McCollum, U.S. House of Representatives, regarding Platform Committee, April 22, 1992. 1 page.
2.16: Memorandum from Sage Smith to Marshall Matz, regarding Republican Platform Committee, April 22, 1992. 1 page.
2.16: Letter from Dorothy Caldwell, MS, RD, Vice President, American School Food Service Association, to The Honorable Dale Bumpers, Senator, thanking Bumpers for co-sponsoring S 2327, a bill to postpone implementation of the Coordinated Review Effort until July 1, 1993, April 15, 1991. 1 page.
2.16: Letter from Dorothy Caldwell, MS, RD, Director, Child Nutrition, Arkansas Department of Education, to The Honorable Dale Bumpers, Senator, encouraging support for NFSMI funding as near the authorized level as possible, April 15, 1992. 1 page.
2.16: Letter from Rodney E. Leonard, Executive Director, Community Nutrition Institute, to Ms. Dorothy Caldwell, Director, Child Nutrition Programs, AR DOE, requesting Caldwell’s assistance in gaining much needed funding for the National Food Service Management Institute, April 7, 1992. 1 page.
2.16: Memorandum from Marshall Matz to Betty Jo Nelson regarding CLOC Meeting with Secretary Madigan, April 9, 1992. 1 page.
2.16: Memorandum from Marshall Matz to Diane Shust and John Lawrence regarding Universal Options, March 30, 1992. 4 pages. 2 copies.
2.16: Memorandum from Marshall Matz to ASFSA regarding Meeting with Secretary Madigan, April 8, 1992. 1 page.
2.16: Letter from Josephine Busha, Chief, Child Nutrition Programs, Vermont Department of Education, to The Honorable Patrick J. Leahy, Senator, expressing concern about the over-hasty implementation of USDA’s CRE regulations and asking for support of S. 2327, April 3, 1992. 2 pages.
2.16: Memorandum from Marshall Matz to ASFSA regarding Beyond Beef, April 6, 1992. 1 page.
2.16: Notice: Industry and Small Business Participation; Meeting on the Format of the Nutrition Label, Federal Register, Vol. 57, No. 64, April 2, 1992. 1 page.
2.16: Letter from Annette Bomar, Chairperson, Public Policy and Legislative Committee, American School Food Service Association, to H. Russell Cross, Ph.D., Administrator, Food and Safety Inspection Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture, regarding Pizza Inspection, April 1, 1992. 1 page.
2.16: Letter from Annette Bomar, Chairperson, Public Policy and Legislative Committee, American School Food Service Association, to Mr. Marshall Matz, Holland & Knight, thanking Matz for his participation in the 1992 Legislative Action Conference, March 23, 1992. 1 page.
2.16: Letter from Charles A. Brown, Supervisor, Food Services, State of Idaho Department of Education, to Marshall Matz, Esquire, ASFSA, regarding Universal Feeding, March 26, 1992. 1 page.
2.16: Letter from Annette Bomar, Chair, ASFSA Public Policy and Legislative Committee, ASFSA, Attn: Kevin Dando, regarding ASFSA’s opposition to the proposed cap in entitlement spending, March 30, 1992. 1 page.
2.16: Letter from Patrick Leahy, Chairman; Richard Lugar, Ranking Minority Member; Robert Dole, Minority Leader; and Mitch McConnell, Ranking Minority Member, Subcommittee on Nutrition and Investigations, United States Senate, to The Honorable Edward Madigan, Secretary, U.S. Department of Agriculture, regarding the Department’s Coordinated Review Effort for the school lunch program, March 24, 1992. 2 pages.
2.16: Memorandum from Majority Staff, Senate Agriculture, to Interested Parties, regarding Entitlements Cap Proposal, March 27, 1992. 3 pages. 2 copies.
2.16: Memorandum from Marshall L. Matz to Annette Bomar regarding CLOC, March 27, 1992. 1 page.
2.16: Letter from Betty Jo Nelson, Administrator, Food and Nutrition Service, United States Department of Agriculture, to Honorable Patrick J. Leahy, Chairman, Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry, United States Senate, regarding information on the Commodity Letter of Credit (CLOC) Modification Demonstration Evaluation, March 27, 1992. 4 pages.
2.16: Draft (Suggested by Marshall) of a letter from Annette Bomar, Public Policy and Legislative Committee, to H. Russell Cross, Ph.D., Administrator, Food Safety Inspection Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, regarding Pizza Inspection, March 20, 1992. 2 pages. 2 copies.
2.16: Draft for discussion of a Congressional Resolution requesting the Secretary of Agriculture to conduct a study of the options for implementing a universal-type school meal program, sent to Executive Committee plus Jo Martin, March 26, 1992. 4 pages.
2.16: Memorandum from Marshall Matz to Annette Bomar regarding CLOC, March 25, 1992. 1 page.
2.16: Letter from Annette Bomar, Chair, Public Policy and Legislative Committee, ASFSA, to Ms. Foylen L. Bryant, President, American Commodity Distribution Association, regarding coordination between ASFSA and ACDA, March 24, 1992. 1 page.
2.16: Memorandum from Marshall Matz to Interested Parties regarding CLOC, March 24, 1992. 1 page.
2.16: Letter from Marshall L. Matz, Holland & Knight, to Mr. Rodney E. Leonard, Publisher, Nutrition Week, regarding appreciation for the article done by John Morrill in the March 13th edition, which summarized all pending food legislation, March 20, 1992. 1 page.
2.16: Memorandum from Marshall L. Matz, Holland & Knight, to Irma Pearson, regarding School Lunch Questions, March 12, 1992. 1 page.
2.16: Letter from Marshall L. Matz, Holland & Knight, to Ms. Marian Wright Edelman, President, Children’s Defense Fund, regarding School Lunch, March 12, 1992. 1 page.
2.16: Note from Marshall Matz to The Honorable Tom Harkin regarding Harkin’s stature in the Senate, March 11, 1992. 1 page.
2.16: Article: Controlling Federal Expenditures in the National School Lunch Program: The Relationship between Changes in Household Eligibility and Federal Policy, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, Vol. 11, No. 1, 42-57 (1992).
2.16: American School Food Service Association Political Action Committee Minutes, February 29, 1992. 1 page.
2.16: Memorandum from Marshall Matz to Eddie Kimbrell regarding ASFSA, March 9, 1992. 1 page.
2.16: Series of thank you notes from Marshall to Charlie, Chris, Chuck, Patrick, Senator, Dennis, Wendell, and Jack, not dated.
2.16: Letter from Marshall L. Matz, Counsel, American School Food Service Association, Holland & Knight, to The Honorable Kent Conrad, United States Senate, expressing appreciation for Conrad’s high interest and comments at the child nutrition hearing, March 5, 1992. 1 page. 2 copies.
2.16: Letter from Marshall L. Matz, Counsel, American School Food Service Association, Holland & Knight, to The Honorable Mitch McConnell, United States Senate, expressing appreciation for Conrad’s high interest and comments at the child nutrition hearing, March 5, 1992. 1 page. 2 copies.
2.16: Draft copy of a letter from Annette Bomar, Chair, Public Policy and Legislative Committee, ASFSA, to Ms. Foylen L. Bryant, President, American Commodity Distribution Association, regarding coordination between ASFSA and ACDA, not dated. 1 page.
2.16: Study of Income Verification in the National School Lunch Program: Final Report, Volume I. Prepared by: Abt Associates, Inc., Cambridge, MA, February 1990. 2 pages. 2 copies.
2.16: Letter from Josephine Busha, Chief, Child Nutrition Programs, Vermont Department of Education, to Ed Barron, Deputy Chief Counsel, Committee on Agriculture and Forestry, United States Senate, regarding the hearing next week, February 24, 1992. 3 pages.
2.17: Draft (Suggested by Marshall) of a letter from Annette Bomar, Public Policy and Legislative Committee, to H. Russell Cross, Ph.D., Administrator, Food Safety Inspection Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, regarding Pizza Inspection, March 20, 1992. 2 pages.
2.17: Explanation of Section 1016. Exemption and Study of Certain Food Products. H.R. 3029, Food, Agriculture, Conservation, and Trade Act Amendments of 1991. 2 pages.
2.17: Letter from Maureen D. Rankin, Chief, Child Nutrition Section, Northeast Region, United States Department of Agriculture, to All State Child Nutrition Directors, New York Summer and Child Care Office, regarding Policy Reevaluation – Participation in the Special Milk Program of Split-Session Pre-Kindergarten Programs, December 12, 1990. 1 page.
2.17: Letter from Catherine A. Bertini, Assistant Secretary for Food and Consumer Services, Department of Agriculture, to Ms. Vivian Pilant, Chair, Public Policy and Legislative Committee, American School Food Service Association, regarding the sale and service of commercially prepared fresh meat-topped pizza in schools that participate in the National School Lunch Program, December 14, 1990. 1 page.
2.17: Letter from Betty Jo Nelson, Administrator, Food and Nutrition Service, United States Department of Agriculture, to All Regional Administrators, regarding Sales Agency Agreements for Commercially Prepared Food in the National School Lunch Program, November 27, 1990. 2 pages.
2.17: Letter from Clayton Yeutter, Secretary, Department of Agriculture, to The Honorable Nancy Landon Kassebaum, United States Senate, regarding the sale of Pizza Hut meat-topped pizzas in schools, November 21, 1990. 2 pages.
2.17: Article: USDA Halts Pizza Hut School Lunch Sales Under FNS Rules, Food Chemical News, November 26, 1990. 1 page.
2.17: Letter from Bob Dole, United States Senate, to The Honorable Clayton Yeutter, Secretary of Agriculture, U.S. Department of Agriculture, regarding several questions about the implementation of the Federal Meat Inspection Act with regard to pizza, November 20, 1990. 2 pages.
2.17: Letter from Vivian Pilant, Chair, Public Policy and Legislative Committee, American School Food Service Association, to Honorable Catherine A. Bertini, Assistant Secretary for Food and Consumer Services, U.S. Department of Agriculture, regarding sometimes conflicting information regarding regulatory restrictions of the sale of non-U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) inspected meat-topped pizzas for use in schools, October 22, 1990. 2 pages.
2.17: Letter from Lester M. Crawford, DVM, PhD, Administrator, Food Safety and Inspection Service, Department of Agriculture, to Mr. Peyton George, regarding the sale of meat pizzas to schools that participate in the National School Lunch Program, August 31, 1990. 1 page.
2.17: Letter from Lester M. Crawford, DVM, PhD, Administrator, Food Safety and Inspection Service, Department of Agriculture, to Mr. Payton George, Pizza Hut, Inc., regarding policing of the sales agency agreements between the corporation and the school lunch entities, October 3, 1990. 1 page.
2.17: Limitation On Meal Contracting, Public Health and Welfare, 42 & 1758. 1 page.
2.17: Letter from John Drown, General Manager, SCHWAN’S Food Service, to Pay Bayer, Executive Director, American School Food Service Association, regarding Pizza Hut attempting to sell their meat products to school feeding programs, September 14, 1990. 1 page.
2.17: Letter from John Drown, General Manager, SCHWAN’S Food Service, to Shirley Watkins, Director of Food & Nutrition Services, Memphis City Schools, regarding Pizza Hut attempting to sell their meat products to school feeding programs, September 14, 1990. 1 page.
2.17: Letter from John Drown, General Manager, SCHWAN’S Food Service, to Sue Greig, President Elect, American School Food Service Association, regarding Pizza Hut attempting to sell their meat products to school feeding programs, September 14, 1990. 1 page.
2.17: Letter from John Drown, General Manager, SCHWAN’S Food Service, to Elizabeth P. McPherson, President-Elect Elect, American School Food Service Association, regarding Pizza Hut attempting to sell their meat products to school feeding programs, September 14, 1990. 1 page.
2.17: Letter from John Drown, General Manager, SCHWAN’S Food Service, to Anne Gennings, President, American School Food Service Association, regarding Pizza Hut attempting to sell their meat products to school feeding programs, September 14, 1990. 1 page.
2.17: Letter from John Drown, General Manager, SCHWAN’S Food Service, to Beverly Lowe, Past President, American School Food Service Association, regarding Pizza Hut attempting to sell their meat products to school feeding programs, September 14, 1990. 1 page.
2.17: Draft of letter from Vivian Pilant, to Honorable Catherine A. Bertini, Assistant Secretary for Food and Consumer Services, U.S. Department of Agriculture, regarding sometimes conflicting information regarding regulatory restrictions of the sale of non-U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) inspected meat-topped pizzas for use in schools, October 18, 1990. 3 pages.
2.17: Letter from Lester M. Crawford, DVM, PhD, Administrator, Food Safety and Inspection Service, Department of Agriculture, to Mr. Peyton George, regarding the sale of meat pizzas to schools that participate in the National School Lunch Program, August 31, 1990. 1 page.
2.17: Letter from Lester M. Crawford, DVM, PhD, Administrator, Food Safety and Inspection Service, Department of Agriculture, to Mr. Peyton George, Pizza Hut, Inc., regarding policing of the sales agency agreements between the corporation and the school lunch entities, October 3, 1990. 1 page.
2.17: Article: USDA Sends Mixed Signals on Whether School Lunches Can Buy Uninspected Pizzas, Nutrition Week, Community Nutrition Institute, October 12, 1990. 2 pages.
2.17: Letter from Rodney E. Leonard, Executive Director, Community Nutrition Institute, and Thomas Devine, Legal Director, Government Accountability Project, to Secretary Clayton Yeutter, Department of Agriculture, regarding differing views between Food Safety and Inspection Service and Food and Nutrition Service, October 15, 1990. 3 pages.
2.17: Article: Domino’s Pizza Delivers to Public Schools, Dorms, The Washington Post, September 21, 1990. 1 page.
2.17: Letter from Lester M. Crawford, DVM, PhD, Administrator, Food Safety and Inspection Service, Department of Agriculture, to Mr. Peyton George, regarding the sale of meat pizzas to schools that participate in the National School Lunch Program, August 31, 1990. 1 page.
2.17: Letter from Lester M. Crawford, DVM, PhD, Administrator, Food Safety and Inspection Service, Department of Agriculture, to Mr. Peyton George, Pizza Hut, Inc., regarding policing of the sales agency agreements between the corporation and the school lunch entities, October 3, 1990. 1 page.
2.17: Letter from Frances G. Williams, Executive Director, National Frozen Pizza Institute, to The Honorable JoAnn Smith, Assistant Secretary of Agriculture for Marketing and Inspection Services, United States Department of Agriculture, regarding grave concerns over the introduction of uninspected meat-topped pizzas into the School Lunch Program, July 17, 1990. 7 pages.
2.17: Letter from Teresa Roll Kerwick, Corporate Counsel, Pizza Hut, Inc., to Lester M. Crawford, DVM, PhD, Administrator, United States Department of Agriculture, Food Safety and Inspection Service, regarding the Pizza Hut School Lunch Program, September 10, 1990. 5 pages.
2.17: Exhibit A to September 10, 1990 Letter to Lester M. Crawford from Pizza Hut, Inc., not dated. 5 pages.
2.18: Fax from Kevin to Marshall regarding the line item veto report language (both versions), May 14, 1990. 5 pages.
2.18: Memorandum from Laurie Thompson to Marshall Matz regarding Line-Item Veto Legislation, June 12, 1990. 6 pages.
2.18: Memorandum from Laurie A. Thompson to Marshall L. Matz regarding CEF Emergency Meeting, July 11, 1990. 1 page.
2.18: Alert: From Becky Timmons, President, to CEF Members, regarding CEF Position of Deficit Reduction and Budget Process Reform, not dated. 2 pages.
2.18: Draft copy of Statement on Deficit Reduction and Budget Process Reform, The Committee for Education Funding, July 1990. 7 pages.
2.18: The Balanced Budget Amendment, Congressional Record – House, June 28, 1990. 1 page.
2.18: List of Cosponsors Since the Beginning of the 101st Congress for…H.J.R.268 By Stenholm (D-TX) – Constitution of the United States, Amendment – Balanced Budget, Currently: 86 Democrats, 164 Republicans, 250 Cosponsors, Federal Register, June 29, 1990. 3 pages.
2.18: Memorandum from Joel Packer to CEF Members regarding Balanced Budget Amendment Set For Floor Vote, July 10, 1990. 3 pages with additional page of handwritten notes.
2.18: Comparative Statement of New Budget (Obligational) Authority for 1990 and Budget Estimates and Amounts Recommended in the Bill for 1991 – Continued, with the handwritten note: Officially Embargoed Until Full Committee Mark-up July 12, 1990. 7 pages.
2.18: The Administration’s Domestic Proposals, CBO, not dated. 1 page.
2.18: Public Law 101-147: A Summary, Legislative Update, not dated. 1 page.
2.18: Fiscal Year 1991 Budget Proposal for Child Nutrition Programs, with an attached sample letter to Members of Congress, not attributed, not dated. 1 page.
2.18: Schedule of House and Senate FY 1991 Appropriations Bills. 1 page.
2.19: ASFSA 44th Annual National Conference Program Responsibilities. 1 page.
2.19: Letter from Dot Dusenberry, 44th Annual National Program Chair, to Marshall Matz, Esq., Holland & Knight, regarding Matz’ responsibilities during the upcoming conference, June 15, 1990. 1 page.
2.19: Letter from Dorothy B. Dusenberry, Program Chairman, Annual National Conference, to Marshall Matz, Esquire, Holland & Knight, regarding Matz introducing Catherine Bertini at the upcoming conference, May 21, 1990. 1 page.
2.19: Letter from Dorothy B. Dusenberry, Program Chairman, Annual National Conference, to Marshall Matz, Holland & Knight, regarding program timing at the upcoming conference, February 23, 1990. 2 pages.
2.19: Memorandum from Meetings Department, American School Food Service Association, to American School Food Service Association V.I.P.’s, regarding Housing for 1990 Annual National Conference, March 5, 1990. 1 page.
2.19: VIP Housing Request Form, American School Food Service Association 44th Annual National Conference. 2 pages.
2.19: Memo from Sue Greig to Committee Chairmen regarding Committee Days, June 29, 1990. 3 pages.
2.19: Reception invitation from Anne Gennings, Incoming President of the American School Food Service Association, at the Lounge in Rivergate, July 17, 1990.
2.19: Letter from Annette Bomar, Chair, State Directors and Supervisors Section, to Dear Panel Member, regarding the session “Intent, Interpretation, and Implementation” at the ASFSA Annual National Conference, July 1, 1990. 2 pages.
2.19: Invest in Our Children: Toward a National Nutrition Policy, 1990 Legislative Issue Paper, American School Food Service Association. 2 pages.
2.19: Memorandum from Annette Bomar to Mr. Marshall Matz and Ms. Vivian Pilant regarding State Administrative Expense (SAE), June 19, 1990. 1 page.
2.19: Sample letter to Senators and Representatives expressing appreciation for support for child nutrition and the National School Lunch Program, not dated. 6 copies.
2.19: Letter from Vivian B. Pilant, Chairman, Public Policy and Legislative Committee, ASFSA, to Mr. Ed. Barron, Senate Committee on Agriculture, requesting Barron’s participation at a legislative update workshop at the Annual National Conference in New Orleans, not dated. 1 page.
2.19: Letter from Vivian B. Pilant, Chairman, Public Policy and Legislative Committee, ASFSA, to Mr. Dave Johnson, Senate Committee on Agriculture, requesting Barron’s participation at a legislative update workshop at the Annual National Conference in New Orleans, not dated. 1 page.
2.19: Letter from Vivian B. Pilant, Chairman, Public Policy and Legislative Committee, ASFSA, to Ms. Diane Stark, Education and Labor Committee, requesting Barron’s participation at a legislative update workshop at the Annual National Conference in New Orleans, not dated. 1 page.
2.19: Letter from Vivian B. Pilant, Chairman, Public Policy and Legislative Committee, ASFSA, to Ms. Mary Jane Fisk, Education and Labor Committee, requesting Barron’s participation at a legislative update workshop at the Annual National Conference in New Orleans, not dated. 1 page.
2.19: Memorandum from Beverly Lowe, Anne Gennings, and Josephine Martin, to National Committee Members, regarding An Invitation to Attend ASFSA’s Five-Year Planning Seminar, November 9-13, 1990, Bethesda Hyatt, Bethesda, Maryland, May 15, 1990. 7 pages.
2.19: Letter from Mary Klatko, ASFSA, to Marshall Matz, Holland and Knight, regarding Jeanette Phillips at the Annual National Conference, June 13, 1990. 1 page.
2.19: Article: Welfare for Coupon Clippers, Time, May 7, 1990. 1 page.
2.19: Notices, Federal Register, May 3, 1990. 2 pages.
2.20: Invest in Our Children: Toward a National Nutrition Policy, 1990 Legislative Issue Paper, American School Food Service Association. 2 pages. 15 pages.
2.20: The Honorable William F. Goodling of Pennsylvania Testimony Before the Subcommittee On Rural Development and Agriculture, Committee on Appropriations, March 29, 1990. 6 pages.
2.21: EFAP Total Pounds. 2 pages.
2.21: Memorandum from Marshall Matz, Holland & Knight, to Bill Bates, regarding TEFAP Funding, May 4, 1990. 1 page.
2.21: Farm Bill Side-By-Side Nutrition Title. 4 pages.
2.22: Letter from Mary Klatko, Supervisor, Food & Nutrition Service, The Howard County Public School System, to Senator Paul Sarbanes, regarding the Commercial Warehousing and Distribution provision of the 1990 Farm Bill, October 22, 1990. 1 page.
2.22: Letter from Mary Klatko, Supervisor, Food & Nutrition Service, The Howard County Public School System, to Representative Thomas McMillen, regarding the Commercial Warehousing and Distribution provision of the 1990 Farm Bill, October 22, 1990. 1 page.
2.22: Letter from Mary Klatko, Supervisor, Food & Nutrition Service, The Howard County Public School System, to Representative Helen Bentley, regarding the Commercial Warehousing and Distribution provision of the 1990 Farm Bill, October 22, 1990. 1 page.
2.22: Letter from Mary Klatko, Supervisor, Food & Nutrition Service, The Howard County Public School System, to Senator Barbara Mikulski, regarding the Commercial Warehousing and Distribution provision of the 1990 Farm Bill, October 22, 1990. 1 page.
2.22: Rules and Regulations, Federal Register, March 23, 1987. 2 pages.
2.22: Sec. 3A. Advance Funding for State Option Contracts, not dated. 1 page.
2.22: Memorandum from Marshall Matz, Washington Counsel, and Kevin Dando, Government Affairs Specialist, to 1990 Farm Bill Conferees, regarding School Lunch, September 17, 1990. 1 page.
2.22: Congressional Record – Senate, July 31, 1990. 2 pages.
2.22: Leahy Nutrition Amendment, Commercial Warehousing and Distribution, not dated. 1 page. 2 copies.
2.22: Leahy Nutrition Amendment, Commodity Acceptability Amendment, not dated. 1 page.
2.22: Issue: Background: Warehousing and Distribution of Donated Food, not dated. 2 pages.
2.22: Various documents regarding USDA Commodity Distribution Program: Warehousing and Distribution Requirement.
2.22: Letter from Shyrl Dougherty, R.D., CSFSA Legislative Chair, to The Honorable Augustus Hawkins, Chairman, Committee on Education and Labor, United States House of Representatives, regarding the issue of warehousing for commodity products, June 19, 1990. 1 page.
2.22: Letter from Patrick Leahy, United States Senator, to Ms. Josephine Busha, Child Nutrition Coordinator, State of Vermont Department of Education, regarding the Commodity Distribution Program, May 11, 1990. 1 page.
2.22: Letter from Foylen L. Bryant, President-Elect, American Commodity Distribution Association, to Mr. Marshall Matz, Holland and Knight, regarding a letter sent to six congressional aids, June 22, 1990. 1 page.
2.22: Commercial Warehousing and Distribution, not dated. 1 page.
2.22: Letter from Foylen L. Bryant, President-Elect, American Commodity Distribution Association, to Diane Stark, Legislative Analyst, regarding the requirements of the Commodity Distribution Reform Act to use the commercial sector for the distribution of State Department of Agriculture (USDA) commodities, June 22, 1990. 2 pages.
2.22: Letter from Marshall Matz, Counsel, American School Food Service Association, to The Honorable Gus Hawkins, Chairman, Education and Labor Committee, U.S. Housed of Representatives, regarding Child Nutrition, and ASFSA support of three Senate Committee on Agriculture amendments to the 1990 Farm Bill, July 10, 1990. 2 pages. 4 copies.
2.22: USDA Commodity Distribution Program: Warehousing and Distribution Requirement, not dated. 3 copies.
2.22: Letter from Mary Klatko, Supervisor, Food & Nutrition Service, on ASFSA letterhead, to David L. Johnson, Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition & Forestry, expressing concern about the Commercial Warehousing and Distribution regulation, June 20, 1990. 1 page.
2.22: Letter from Mary Klatko, Supervisor, Food & Nutrition Service, on ASFSA letterhead, to Edward Barron, Deputy chief Counsel, U.S. Senate, Committee on Agriculture, expressing concern about the Commercial Warehousing and Distribution regulation, June 20, 1990. 1 page.
2.22: Letter from Mary Klatko, Supervisor, Food & Nutrition Service, on ASFSA letterhead, to Terri Nintemann, expressing concern about the Commercial Warehousing and Distribution regulation, June 20, 1990. 1 page.
2.22: Letter from Mary Klatko, Supervisor, Food & Nutrition Service, The Howard County Public School System, to Diane Stark, Legislative Analyst, expressing concern about the Commercial Warehousing and Distribution regulation, June 20, 1990. 1 page.
2.22: Letter from Mary Klatko, Supervisor, Food & Nutrition Service, The Howard County Public School System, to Diane Stark, Legislative Analyst, expressing concern about the Commercial Warehousing and Distribution regulation, June 20, 1990. 1 page.
2.22: Letter from Mary Klatko, Supervisor, Food & Nutrition Service, The Howard County Public School System, to Mary Jane Fiske, House Education & Labor Committee, Senior Legislative Associate, expressing concern about the Commercial Warehousing and Distribution regulation, June 20, 1990. 1 page.
2.22: Letter from Mary Klatko, Supervisor, Food & Nutrition Service, The Howard County Public School System, to Maureen Long, expressing concern about the Commercial Warehousing and Distribution regulation, June 20, 1990. 1 page.
2.23: Sec. 201. School Lunch Study, not dated. 1 page. 2 copies.
2.23: Sec. 1779. School Lunch Studies, not dated. 1 page.
2.23: 2471, A Bill to provide for a study of the National School Lunch Program, and for other purposes, 101st Congress, 2d Session, April 19, 1990. 3 pages. 2 copies.
2.23: Memorandum from Marshall Matz, Washington Counsel, and Kevin Dando, Government Affairs Specialist, to 1990 Farm Bill Conferees, regarding School Lunch, September 17, 1990. 1 page.
2.23: vLeahy Nutrition Amendment, School lunch study, not dated. 1 page.
2.23: Leahy Nutrition Amendment, Commodity Acceptability Information, not dated. 1 page.
2.23: Report Language for Amendment 56, not dated. 1 page.
2.23: Sec. 201. School Lunch Study, not dated. 1 page.
2.23: A Bill in the House of Representatives to require the Secretary of Agriculture to study and report on programs authorized under the National School Lunch Act and the Child Nutrition Act of 1966, [Discussion Draft], 101st Congress, 2d Session, July 27, 1990. 4 pages.
2.23: Commercial Warehousing and Distribution, not dated. 1 page.
2.23: Leahy Nutrition Amendment, not dated. 3 pages.
2.23: Six faxes relating to the School Lunch Study. 6 pages.
2.23: Press Release from the United States Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry, regarding unanimous consent for the following technical items which will be attached to the 1990 farm bill on the Senate floor as a committee attachment, June 29, 1990. 4 pages.
2.23: Letter from Marshall Matz, Counsel, American School Food Service Association, to The Honorable Gus Hawkins, Chairman, Education and Labor Committee, U.S. House of Representatives, regarding Child Nutrition, and ASFSA support of three Senate Committee on Agriculture amendments to the 1990 Farm Bill, July 10, 1990. 2 pages.
2.23: 2471, A Bill to provide for a study of the National School Lunch Program, and for other purposes, 101st Congress, 2d Session, April 19, 1990. 3 pages.
2.23: Study Findings [Draft], not dated. 2 pages.
2.23: Memorandum from Robert I. Margolin, Director, Division of Education Support Services, State of Connecticut Department of Education, to Superintendents of Schools, regarding National School Lunch Program, April 30, 1990. 2 pages.
2.23: Proposed Amendment, School Lunch Study, not dated. 1 page.