Search for all Child Nutrition Program – Operator Submitted Resources
TNTG Year:2020
Taste of California Recipe Standardization in Small Bites Workshop
Agency/Organization: California Department of Education
This powerpoint training provides guidance to child nutrition program (CNP) staff, including nutrition service directors, nutrition specialists, and cafeteria managers, on how to standardize recipes for the school meal program, using the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)’s three phase approach. This training includes information on how to feature locally …
TNTG Year:2022
Team Nutrition Readiness and Retention Training Program Webinar 18: Accommodating Dietary Practices with School Meals + Demo
Agency/Organization: Virginia Department of Education
Target audience: School nutrition directors Objectives: 1. Describe reasons to accommodate students with dietary practices in school nutrition programs 2. Describe common dietary practices among students 3. Recall recipe concepts and ideas to make dietary accommodations in school nutrition programs 4. List steps toward accommodating a variety of dietary practices …
TNTG Year:2022
Team Nutrition Readiness and Retention Training Program Webinar 5: Writing Standardized Recipes
Agency/Organization: Virginia Department of Education
Target audience: School nutrition directors The materials focus on writing standardized recipes in school nutrition programs. Objectives: 1. Define standardized recipes and explain why we need them in school nutrition programs. 2. Describe the process for bringing a non-school recipe to the school meal tray. 3. Utilize tools and resources …
TNTG Year:2022
Team Nutrition Readiness and Retention Training Program Webinar 4: Developing Cycle Menus and Accommodating Students with Special Dietary Needs
Agency/Organization: Virginia Department of Education
Target audience: School nutrition directors The materials focus on developing cycle menus and how to support students with special dietary needs. Objectives: 1. Explain the benefits of cycle menus 2. Summarize the steps to create cycle menus 3. Develop a recipe data bank to assist in cycle menu development 4. …
TNTG Year:2022
Spanish Mini Posters on Meal Components
Agency/Organization: Alabama State Department of Education
The ICN translated mini-posters in Spanish from our FY 22 Team Nutrition Training Grant funds on the following topics: Dark Green Vegetables, Red Orange Vegetables, Fruits, Grains, and Meat/Meat Alternatives.
TNTG Year:2022
Menu Writing Tips & Tricks
Agency/Organization: North Dakota Department of Public Instruction
This is an in-person training for menu planners. There are about 20 or 30 minutes of content with a menu building activity built in. The objectives are to learn the benefits using a cycle menu and work together to build a menu that has variety and fulfills the meal pattern …
TNTG Year:2021
Taste Test Ballots
Agency/Organization: Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
These taste test ballots may be used to collect feedback from students. Each ballot is designed specifically for the intended age group.
TNTG Year:2021
Nutritious, Delicious, Wisconsin Toolkit
Agency/Organization: Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
The Nutritious, Delicious, Wisconsin Toolkit provides information to help school nutrition professionals implement a Wisconsin Harvest of the Month program at their school. The toolkit contains recipes featuring Wisconsin agricultural products, information on local procurement, promotional materials, and educational resources. The Wisconsin Harvest of the Month program is intended to …
Montana’s Taste Testing Guide and Taste Testing Ballots for Elementary and Secondary Students
Agency/Organization: Montana Team Nutrition
Taste testing guide with tools to host taste testing events in the classroom or the cafeteria. Target audience is School Food Service Directors and teachers.
TNTG Year:2021
Taste Test Ballots for Secondary Students
Agency/Organization: Montana Team Nutrition
Taste test ballots for secondary students used to determine student approval ratings for the Harvesting Montana Recipes Contest; recipes created for the 2021 Team Nutrition Grant. Target audience is School Food Service Directors and teachers.
TNTG Year:2021
Taste Test Ballots Elementary Students
Agency/Organization: Montana Team Nutrition
Taste test ballots for elementary students used to determine student approval ratings for the Harvesting Montana Recipes Contest; recipes created for the 2021 Team Nutrition Grant. Target audience is School Food Service Directors and teachers.
Taste Like a Chef
Agency/Organization: Muskegon Area Career Tech Center
This taste test tool is intended to help students 'taste like a chef' when trying new menu items at school lunch or breakfast.
TNTG Year:2019
Eating the Rainbow Salad Bark Checklist
Agency/Organization: Montana Team Nutrition
The Eat the Rainbow Checklist is designed to determine if your salad bar is meeting smart menu planning and customer service best practice standards. It can be used as a training or goal setting tool for your lunch program.
TNTG Year:2019
Roadmap to Building Quality School Meals
Agency/Organization: Montana Team Nutrition
This tool is designed specifically for school nutrition programs operating the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs. This self assessment tool can help new food service directors begin their journey on the road to serving quality school meals, while experienced food service directors can use it to continue to …
Vermont Seasonal Cycle Menu Toolkit
Agency/Organization: Vermont Child Nutrition Programs
A tool for managers, directors, and menu planners. The Seasonal Cycle Menu Toolkit is composed of four interconnected sections: 1. Printable six-week fall, winter and spring seasonal cycle menus with meal components 2. Menu planning and production records tools pre-populated for each seasonal cycle menu 3. USDA certification worksheets for …
Foods and Beverages Sold Within the Cafeteria
Agency/Organization: Alliance for a Healthier Generation
This micro learning is to provide information about food regulations for school meals and Smart Snacks within the cafeteria. This information supports collaboration to promote the school meals program and provide education opportunities to advocate for healthier options.
TNTG Year:2017
Healthy Kansas Menus Revised - SNP
Agency/Organization: Kansas State Department of Education-Child Nutrition and Wellness
Healthy Kansas Menus revised in 2019, include additional foods from dark green, red/orange, dry beans/peas subgroups ensuring greater variety of fresh fruits and vegetables offered. Updated menus are also lower in sodium meeting sodium Target 2.
TNTG Year:2017
Veggie-licious! Workshop Overview and Agenda
Agency/Organization: Montana Team Nutrition, Montana State University, Office of Public Instruction
A workshop that explores delicious new recipes and strategies to get students excited about trying new vegetables and helps school food service professionals brainstorm ways to mix up their typical "menu go-tos” for the service line, salad bar, and grab and go meals.
TNTG Year:2017
Production Record
Agency/Organization: Virginia Department of Education
This resource includes a production record template with salad bars included.
TNTG Year:2017
Tips for Incorporating Virginia Harvest of the Month into Salad Bars
Agency/Organization: Virginia Department of Education
This resource includes tips for incorporating Virginia Harvest of the Month fruits and vegetables into salad bar menus.
TNTG Year:2017
Standardized Recipe Checklist, Style Guide, and Template
Agency/Organization: Virginia Department of Education
Standardized Recipe Checklist - This resource includes a checklist to determine whether a recipe meets the criteria for a standardized recipe. Standardized Recipe Style Guide - This resource includes a style guide for standardized recipes. Standardized Recipe Template - This resource includes a standardized recipe template.
TNTG Year:2017
Menu Planning and Development Lesson Plan
Agency/Organization: Virginia Department of Education
This resource includes a Menu Planning and Development lesson plan with the following learning objectives: 1. Understand the importance and value of strategic menu planning. 2. Be able to plan for unexpected menu issues.
MyPlate Menu Templates
Agency/Organization: Iowa Department of Education
This material was developed through a FY 2016 TNTG. MyPlate Menu Templates can be used for school breakfast and lunch menus that include fun facts, jokes, and the Discover MyPlate characters.
MyPlate Menu Template - Blue
Agency/Organization: Iowa Department of Education
Editable menu template promoting MyPlate. "This material was developed through a FY 2016 TNTG"
What is a Reimbursable Meal - Parent Information Sheet
Agency/Organization: Iowa Department of Education
What is a reimbursable meal information sheet for parents and school staff.