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Grains 101 Training

Child Nutrition Program:
  • CACFP – Child and Adult Care Food Programs

Resource Topic Category:
Whole Grains

Team Nutrition Training Grant:


Kansas State Department of Education-Child Nutrition and Wellness




CACFP Operators.
This course provides an overview of the grains requirements in the CACFP Meal Pattern. Topics include: recognizing the meal pattern related to grains, identifying creditable and whole grain-rich products, and calculating ounce equivalent grains. Program objectives: Define grain terms. Explore the relationship between “creditable”
and “whole grain-rich” foods. Recognize the meal pattern requirements related to whole grain-rich foods. Identify whole grain-rich foods using approved
methods. Practice calculating ounce equivalents (oz eq)
This material was developed through a FY 2016 TNTG

Contact Info:

Karen Seymour
(785) 296-2276