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Massachusetts Children's Access to Meals Planned Smart (MassCAMPS)
Child Nutrition Program: - CACFP – Child and Adult Care Food Programs
Resource Topic Category:
Menu Planning
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Educati
MassCAMPS is a six-part online training series to provide training and technical assistance to CACFP providers (center-based and family day care) on meeting the meal pattern requirements. The modules address fruit and vegetables, grains, meat/meat alternates, infant feeding, an overall meal pattern review, and menu planning. The online modules are accompanied by two training manuals, "Behavioral Strategies for Improving the Nutrition of Young Child" and "School gardens in Early Education and Care Programs."
The project also included the development of a culinary demonstration of three CACFP-reimbursable meals. The video can be viewed here: https://vimeo.com/205339630
The goal of MassCAMPS was to provide childcare providers participating in the CACFP with training and technical assistance to create and maintain a healthier childcare environment.
Contact Info:
Shannon Raymond
(781) 338-6471