Marinated Black Bean Salad USDA Recipe for Schools

Age Group: Ages 6-18
Serving Size: 50-100
This flavorful side, Marinated Black Bean Salad, combines black beans, corn, green peppers, red peppers, and salsa with a variety of spices.
½ cup (No. 8 scoop) provides:
Legume as Meat Alternate: 1 oz equivalent meat alternate, ⅛ cup red/orange vegetable, and ⅛ cup starchy vegetable.
Legume as Vegetable: 0.25 oz equivalent meat alternate, ⅛ cup legume vegetable, ⅛ cup red/orange vegetable, and ⅛ cup starchy vegetable.
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  • Dressing: Combine lime juice, parsley, cumin, garlic, ancho chili powder, cilantro, olive oil, honey, and apple cider vinegar. Stir well. Set aside for step 3.
  • Combine black beans, corn, green peppers, red peppers, salsa, onions, and jalapeños in a large bowl. Stir well. Set aside for step 3.
  • Pour 1½ cups (about 14 oz) dressing over 3 qt (about 5 lb 3 oz) vegetables. Stir well.
  • Transfer 3 qt 1½ cups (about 5 lb 13 oz) bean salad to a steam table pan (12" x 20″ x 2½").
    For 50 servings, use 2 pans.
    For 100 servings, use 4 pans
  • Sprinkle 2 cups (about 8 oz) cheese over each pan.
  • Critical Control Point: Cool to 41 °F or lower within 4 hours.
  • Critical Control Point: Hold at 41 °F or below.
  • Portion with No. 8 scoop (½ cup).


Nutrition Facts
Marinated Black Bean Salad USDA Recipe for Schools
Amount Per Serving 0 ½ cup (No. 8 scoop)
Calories 136 Calories from Fat 27
% Daily Value*
Total Fat 3g5%
Saturated Fat 1g6%
Cholesterol 5mg2%
Sodium 198mg9%
Potassium 280mg8%
Total Carbohydrate 21g7%
Dietary Fiber 3g13%
Total Sugars 7g8%
Protein 6g12%
Vitamin D 1IU7%
Calcium 118mg12%
Iron 2mg11%
*Marketing Guide
50 Servings:
Mature red onions: 6 oz
Red bell peppers: 1 lb 4 oz
Green bell peppers: 1 lb
100 Servings:
Mature red onions: 12 oz
Red bell peppers: 2 lb 8 oz
Green bell peppers: 2 lb


*See Marketing Guide for purchasing information on foods that will change during
preparation or when a variation of the ingredients is available.
Cooking Process #1: No Cook
Mexican Seasoning Mix ¾ Cup (About 4½ oz)
Combine 1 Tbsp dried oregano, 1 Tbsp garlic powder, ¼ tsp ground cinnamon, 2 tsp
sugar, 2 Tbsp chili powder, 1 Tbsp ground cumin, 1 Tbsp 2 tsp paprika, 1 Tbsp 2 tsp
onion powder, 2 Tbsp dried minced onion, and 2 tsp salt.
How to Cook Dry Beans
Special tip for preparing dry beans:
OVERNIGHT METHOD: Add 1¾ qt cold water to every 1 lb of dry beans. Cover and
refrigerate overnight. Discard the water. Proceed with recipe.
QUICK-SOAK METHOD: Boil 1¾ qt of water for each 1 lb of dry beans. Add beans
and boil for 2 minutes. Remove from heat and allow to soak for 1 hour. Discard the
water. Proceed with recipe.
Once beans are soaked, add 1¾ qt water for every 1 lb of dry beans. Boil gently with
lid tilted until tender, about 2 hours. Use hot beans immediately.
Critical Control Point: Hold for hot service at 140 °F or higher.
Chill for later use.
Critical Control Point: Cool to 70 °F within 2 hours & to 40 °F or lower within 4 hours.
1 lb dry black beans = about 2¼ cups dry or 4½ cups cooked beans.
Yield / Volume
50 Servings:
About 11 lb 10 oz
About 1 gal 1 qt 3¼ cups/2 steam table pans (12" x 20" x 2½")
100 Servings:
About 23 lb 4 oz
About 2 gal 3 qt 2½ cups/4 steam table pans (12" x 20" x 2½")