Apples and Almond Butter image

Apples and Almond Butter USDA Recipe for Family Child Care Centers

Age Group: Ages 3-5
Serving Size: 6
Pair crisp apple slices with creamy almond butter for a naturally sweet snack.
½ cup fruit
½ oz eq meat alternate
Source: Team Nutrition CACFP Easy Recipe Project
3.67 from 6 votes

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Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 0 minutes
Total Time 10 minutes


  • Wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
  • Serve ½ cup apple slices (about 5–7) and 1 Tbsp of almond butter (see notes). Serve immediately, or keep cold at 40 °F or lower.


Nutrition Facts
Apples and Almond Butter USDA Recipe for Family Child Care Centers
Amount Per Serving 0 ½ cup apple slices and 1 Tbsp almond butter
Calories 130 Calories from Fat 81
% Daily Value*
Total Fat 9g14%
Saturated Fat 1g6%
Cholesterol 0mg0%
Total Carbohydrate 12g4%
Total Sugars 7g8%
Protein 3g6%
Calcium 59mg6%
Iron 1mg6%
*Marketing Guide
  • Contains tree nuts (almonds). Sunflower seed butter or soy nut butter may be used in place of almond butter. Some sunflower seed butters and soy nut butters are produced on equipment shared with tree nuts and, in some cases, peanuts.
  • Choking Prevention: Nut butters can be a choking risk for children under the age of 4. To reduce risk of choking, spread the almond butter in a thin layer on the apple slices.
  • To keep fresh cut fruit from turning brown, coat them with an acidic juice, such as lemon or orange, or use a commercial anti-darkening agent.
Yield / Volume