Taco Pie With Beans USDA Recipe for Child Care Centers

Age Group: Ages 6-18
Serving Size: 25-50
Taco Pie With Beans consists of pinto beans combined with salsa, tomato purée, fresh bell peppers, brown rice, and spices, which are topped with cheese and then baked.
1 piece provides:
Legume as Meat Alternate: 1.25 oz equivalent meat alternate, ¼ cup vegetable, and 1.5 oz equivalent grains.
Legume as Vegetable: 0.25 oz equivalent meat alternate, ½ cup vegetable, and 1.5 oz equivalent grains.
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  • Boil water.
  • Place 1 qt brown rice (1 lb 9 oz) in each steam table pan (12′′ x 20′′ x 2½′′).
    For 25 servings, use 1 pan.
    For 50 servings, use 2 pans.
  • Pour boiling water (1 qt 1 cup per steam table pan) over brown rice. Stir. Cover pans tightly.
  • Bake:
    Conventional oven: 350 °F for 40 minutes.
    Convection oven: 325 °F for 40 minutes.
    Steamer: 5 lb pressure for 25 minutes.
  • Remove cooked rice from oven and let stand covered for 5 minutes. Stir rice.
  • Critical Control Point: Heat to 140 °F or higher.
  • Critical Control Point: Hold for hot service at 140 °F or higher.
  • Set aside for step 11.
  • Add onions, peppers, chili powder, cumin, paprika, onion powder, 1 Tbsp ancho chili powder, and water to a large stock pot. Heat uncovered over medium–high heat for 2–3 minutes, stirring occasionally. Set remaining ancho chili powder aside for step 13.
  • Recommended to cook vegetable mixture in batches of 25. Set aside for step 12.
  • Pour 1 qt 2 cups (about 2 lb) cooked rice into a food processor on medium speed for 2–3 minutes or until rice has a smooth consistency. DO NOT OVERMIX. Set remaining rice aside for step 12.
  • Pour onion mixture, pureed rice, remaining rice, and beans into a commercial mixer (batch as needed). Using a paddle attachment, mix on low speed for 5–6 minutes. DO NOT OVERMIX. Set aside for step 14.
  • Combine remaining ancho chili powder, sugar, tomato purée, salsa, and water in a large bowl. Set aside for step 16.
  • Pour 1 gal (about 7 lb 11 oz) rice and bean mixture into a steam table pan (12” x 20” x 2½”) lightly coated with pan release spray. Press surface firmly until flat and even.
    For 25 servings, use 1 pan.
    For 50 servings, use 2 pans.
  • For each pan, cut 9 tortillas in half. Place the straight edge of the tortillas around the sides of pan and overlap the remaining tortilla halves to cover the top of the rice and bean mixture.
  • Over each pan, pour 1 qt 2 cups (about 2 lb 13 oz) tomato mixture on top of tortillas. Spread evenly.
  • Sprinkle 2½ cups (about 10 oz) cheese over each pan.
  • Bake:
    Conventional oven: 350 °F for 30 minutes.
    Convection oven: 325 °F for 20 minutes.
  • Critical Control Point: Heat to 165 °F or higher for at least 15 seconds.
  • Critical Control Point: Hold for hot service at 140 °F or higher.
  • Portion: Cut each pan 5 x 5 (25 pieces per pan).
    Serve 1 piece (about 2” x 3¾”).


Nutrition Facts
Taco Pie With Beans USDA Recipe for Child Care Centers
Amount Per Serving 1 piece
Calories 269 Calories from Fat 36
% Daily Value*
Total Fat 4g6%
Saturated Fat 2g13%
Cholesterol 6mg2%
Sodium 420mg18%
Potassium 416mg12%
Total Carbohydrate 51g17%
Dietary Fiber 8g33%
Total Sugars 6g7%
Protein 12g24%
Vitamin D 1IU7%
Calcium 210mg21%
Iron 5mg28%
*Marketing Guide
25 Servings:
Mature red onions: 8 oz
Red bell peppers: 9 oz
50 Servings:
Mature red onions: 1 lb
Red bell peppers: 1 lb 2 oz


*See Marketing Guide for purchasing information on foods that will change during preparation or when a variation of the ingredients is available.
Cooking Process #2: Same-Day Service.
Mexican Seasoning Mix ¾ Cup (About 4½ oz)
Combine 1 Tbsp dried oregano, 1 Tbsp garlic powder, ¼ tsp ground cinnamon, 2 tsp sugar, 2 Tbsp chili powder, 1 Tbsp ground cumin, 1 Tbsp 2 tsp paprika, 1 Tbsp 2 tsp onion powder, 2 Tbsp dried minced onion, and 2 tsp salt.
Special tip for preparing dry beans:
OVERNIGHT METHOD: Add 1¾ qt cold water to every 1 lb of dry beans. Cover, and refrigerate overnight. Discard the water. Proceed with recipe.
QUICK-SOAK METHOD: Boil 1¾ qt of water for each 1 lb of dry beans. Add beans, and boil for 2 minutes. Remove from heat, and allow to soak for 1 hour. Discard the water. Proceed with recipe.
Once the beans have been soaked, add 1¾ qt water for every 1 lb of dry beans. Boil gently with lid tilted until tender, about 2 hours. Use hot beans immediately.
Critical Control Point: Hold for hot service at 140 °F or higher.
Chill for later use.
Critical Control Point:
Cool to 70 °F within 2 hours and to 40 °F or lower within 4 hours.
1 lb dry pinto beans = about 2³⁄8 cups dry or 5¼ cups cooked beans.
Yield / Volume
25 Servings:
About 12 lb 13 oz
About 1 gal 2 qt 1⅔ cups/1 steam table pan (12′′ x 20′′ x 2½")
50 Servings:
About 25 lb 10 oz
About 3 gal 3¼ cups/2 steam table pans (12′′ x 20′′ x 2½′′)