Country Fried Steak -
USDA Recipe for Schools

Age Group: Ages 6-18
Serving Size: 50-100
1 steak provides 2 oz equivalent meat/meat alternate and .25 oz equivalent grains.
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  • Gravy: Melt margarine in a large stock pot.
  • Add ½ cup 1 Tbsp (about 2 ½ oz) flour. Cook uncovered over medium heat for 8-10 minutes. Stir frequently until golden brown. Set remaining flour aside for step 8. Recommended to cook in batches of 25.
  • Add mushrooms, tomatoes, onion powder, ½ tsp pepper, and ½ tsp salt. Cook for 2 minutes.
  • Slowly add chicken stock, and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to medium.
  • Add dijon mustard, stirring constantly until thickened. Set aside for step 14.
  • Critical Control Point: Heat to 165 °F or higher for at least 15 seconds.
  • Critical Control Point: Hold for hot service at 135 °F or higher.
  • Combine remaining flour, salt, and pepper in a small bowl. Stir well.
  • Pour 1¾ cups (about 4 oz) seasoned flour, onions, ground turkey, and ground beef into a commercial mixer (batch as needed). Using a paddle attachment, mix on low speed for 2 minutes. DO NOT OVERMIX.
  • Using a No. 10 scoop, portion ¼ cup 3 Tbsp (about 4 oz) meat patties onto a sheet pan (18” x 26” x 1”). Flatten 25 meat patties into an oval shape in each pan. Sprinkle ½ tsp remaining seasoned flour evenly over each meat patty.
    For 50 servings, use 2 pans.
    For 100 servings, use 4 pans.
  • Bake:
    Conventional oven: 350 °F for 25-30 minutes.
    Convection oven: 300 °F for 15-25 minutes.
  • Critical Control Point: Heat to 165 °F or higher for at least 15 seconds.
  • Transfer steaks to a steam table pan (12” x 20” x 2½”).
    For 50 servings, use 2 pans.
    For 100 servings, use 4 pans.
  • Pour 1 qt (about 1 lb 11 oz) gravy over each pan.
  • Critical Control Point: Hold for hot service at 135 °F or higher.
  • Serve one steak.
*Marketing Guide
50 Servings:
Mushrooms: 6 oz
100 Servings:
Mushrooms: 12 oz


*See Marketing Guide for purchasing information on foods that will change during preparation or when a variation of the ingredients is available.
Cooking Process #2: Same Day Service
Yield / Volume
50 Servings:
About 14 lb 3 oz
About 1 gallon 3 quarts ⅓ cup/50 steaks
Pans: 2 steam table pans (12” x 20” x 2½”)
100 Servings:
About 28 lb 6 oz
About 3 gallons 2 quarts ¾ cup/100 steaks
Pans: 4 steam table pans (12” x 20” x 2½”)