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- Material developed through USDA's Team Nutrition Training Grant

TNTG Year:2018


Target Audience: CACFP Center-Based Organizations. Purpose: Discuss best practices for integrating different cultural foods in a CACFP menu. Learning Objectives: What is Cultural Foods and a roadmap to serving cultural foods.


Target Audience: CACFP Operators. Purpose: Review and walk-through of the USDA Food Buying Guide website and associated tools. Learning Objective: Understand the purpose of the Food Buying Guide and know the functions that are available.


Target Audience: CACFP Center-Based Sponsors who use Family Style Meal Service. Purpose: Overview of the requirements when utilizing Family Style Meal Service. Learning Objectives: What is Family Style. Reviewing Common Scenarios.


Target Audience: CACFP Center-Based Sponsors with Afterschool At-Risk Programs or Adult Day Care Programs. Purpose: overview of CACFP Offer Versus Serve (OVS) requirements. Learning Objectives: Understand what OVS is and its requirements.


Target Audience: CACFP Center-Based Organizations with Adult Day Care Centers. Purpose: Provide targeted information on the adult meal pattern. Learning Objectives: 1. Review the adult meal pattern. 2. Provide resources.


Target Audience: CACFP Center-Based Organizations. Purpose: Helping CACFP operators review their menus for CACFP meal pattern requirements. Learning Objectives: 1. Review the menu monitoring checklist. 2. Go over a menu example.


Target Audience: CACFP Center-Based Organizations. Purpose: Provide an overview of the CACFP Meal Pattern. Learning Objectives: 1. Understand the CACFP meal pattern including who it serves and the meal components. 2. Where to find resources.


This handout provides a list of creditable and not creditable foods for the CACFP infant meal pattern.


This resource provides recipes to prepare healthy and delicious meals that meet meal pattern requirements and the optional best practices to further improve nutritional quality of the meal served.


The CACFP Menu Checklist with Best Practices can be used by childcare centers and home providers to make sure their menus are in compliance with the CACFP meal pattern and optional Best Practices. Menu planning tips along with links to Iowa's CACFP New Meal Pattern Menu with Best Practices and


At-Risk After school Meal Program Operators. Materials included in this resource: 2-Week Cold Cycle Menu 2-Week Hot Cycle Menu 4-Week Snack Cycle Menu Recipes with menu planning component information and HACCP instructions Daily Production Records for each cycle menu Weekly shopping list including all ingredients from each cycle menu This


All Child Nutrition Program Operators. Hear information about what gluten is and where it is found; and what a person on a gluten-free diet can and cannot eat.” Program objectives: Understand celiac disease and gluten intolerance. Discuss gluten-free diet management. Know what documentation is required to accommodate children with disabilities.


MassCAMPS is a six-part online training series to provide training and technical assistance to CACFP providers (center-based and family day care) on meeting the meal pattern requirements. The modules address fruit and vegetables, grains, meat/meat alternates, infant feeding, an overall meal pattern review, and menu planning. The online modules are