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- Material developed through USDA's Team Nutrition Training Grant

CACFP Grains Quick Reference Guide

Agency/Organization: Maryland State Department of Education


This quick reference guide provides information on identifying creditable grain products, identifying whole grain-rich (WGR) items, WGR recordkeeping requirements, grain-based desserts, and sugar limits for cereal. Includes hyperlinks to relevant resources. Audience: Appropriate for all CACFP

Using Ingredient List to Determine Whole Grain-Rich Products

Agency/Organization: Maryland State Department of Education


Agencies can use this visual job aid to follow a simplified 3-step process to determine if a food item is whole grain- rich using the ingredient list.

Maryland Using Ounce Equivalents for Grains in the CACFP-Adult Day Care Online interactive course

Agency/Organization: Maryland State Department of Education


Online interactive course that explains the transition to using ounce equivalents to measure grains in the CACFP for Adult Day Care. Includes key resources and how to use the USDA’s Grains Measuring Chart for the CACFP. Approximately completion time: 1 hour Audience: CACFP agencies serving adults

Maryland Using Ounce Equivalents for Grains in the CACFP

Agency/Organization: Maryland State Department of Education


Online interactive course that explains the transition to using ounce equivalents to measure grains in the CACFP. Includes key resources and how to use the USDA’s Grains Measuring Chart for the CACFP. Approximately completion time: 1 hour Audience: CACFP agencies serving children

Maryland Whole Grain-Rich Foods: Why They Are Important, and How to Include in Menus (Module 3 of 4

Agency/Organization: Maryland State Department of Education


Online course that helps users understand the importance of adding whole grains to CACFP menus. Topics include how to identify whole grain-rich products, and the CACFP whole grain requirements. Approximate completion time: 20 minutes Audience: Appropriate for all CACFP, but designed for child care

CACFP Grains Chart

Agency/Organization: North Dakota Department of Public Instruction


CACFP Grains Chart: Grain items must be whole grain or enriched or made with whole-grain or enriched meal and/or flour, bran, and/or germ. For meals and snacks served to children and adults, at least one serving of grains per day must be whole grain-rich. This chart is a guide for

TNTG Year:2018

Quick Train on Grains: A Short Tutorial on Using the Grains Measuring Chart to Calculate Oz Eq

Agency/Organization: Kansas State Department of Education


Training Objectives include: Learn the definition of ounce equivalents Review the Meal Pattern for grains in the CACFP Confidently be able to use the Grains Measuring Chart to determine if grain products meet the minimum requirement for ounce equivalents for grains in the CACFP.

TNTG Year:2018

Ounce Equivalents for Grains

Agency/Organization: Oregon Department of Education


Target Audience: CACFP Organizations. Purpose: Review of crediting grains using the ounce equivalent serving sizes. Learning Objectives: Understanding Ounce Equivalents, know the available resources.

TNTG Year:2018

Creditable and Whole Grain Rich Grains

Agency/Organization: Oregon Department of Education


Target Audience: CACFP organizations. Purpose: Review of requirements for the grains component, including creditable and whole grain-rich (WGR) grains. Learning Objectives: Review of grains component and resources.

Converting Grains to Ounce Equivalents in the CACFP

Agency/Organization: Virginia Department of Education


This resource was developed for Virginia CACFP operators; it was implemented during the VDOE Office of School Nutrition Programs 2020 Virtual Director/Sponsor Conference. The resource includes an overview of grain oz. equivalents and USDA resources.

TNTG Year:2016

Grains 101 Training

Agency/Organization: Kansas State Department of Education-Child Nutrition and Wellness


CACFP Operators. This course provides an overview of the grains requirements in the CACFP Meal Pattern. Topics include: recognizing the meal pattern related to grains, identifying creditable and whole grain-rich products, and calculating ounce equivalent grains. Program objectives: Define grain terms. Explore the relationship between “creditable” and “whole grain-rich” foods.