
- Material developed through USDA's Team Nutrition Training Grant

Agriculture & Nutrition Education Toolkit

Agency/Organization: Indiana Grown for Schools Network


This toolkit provides resources and support for agriculture education, nutrition education, food systems, hands-on applications, and community engagement within the Agriculture & Nutrition Education pillar of farm to school.

School Gardens Toolkit

Agency/Organization: Indiana Grown for Schools Network


The school gardens toolkit is a resource that provides support and information for ways to use school gardens, build support, determine school garden readiness, incorporate outdoor & indoor gardens, when and how to harvest, garden maintenance, benefits of school gardens, and more!

Indiana Grown for Schools Procurement Toolkit

Agency/Organization: Indiana Grown for Schools Network


This toolkit provides a general introduction to local procurement, which includes the benefits of local procurement and local foods, an overview of Indiana Grown for Schools, and definitions to more easily understand the technicalities and logistics of procurement. Broken up into four different chapters, the Buyer and Grower sections discuss

Harvesting Montana Recipes

Agency/Organization: Montana Team Nutrition


Harvesting Montana Recipes toolkit provides 6 recipes which feature locally grown foods to Montana schools and communities. Recipes are provided in 6, 50, and 100 servings to allow for use in both early childhood education and K12 school food service. Target audience is School Food Service Directors, teachers and community

Montana's Harvest of the Month Recipe Cards

Agency/Organization: Montana Team Nutrition


Montana's Harvest of the Month Recipe Cards. Six recipes which feature Montana grown foods. Nutrition education for classroom teachers, after school programs, and early childhood education programs. Target audience is teachers.

Virginia Harvest of the Month Point-of-Service (POS) Signs

Agency/Organization: Virginia Department of Education Office of School Nutrition Programs


Virginia Harvest of the Month (HOM) is a program that promotes eating seasonal foods, increasing fruit and vegetable consumption, and supporting local economies. Sponsored by the Virginia Department of Education, Office of School Nutrition Programs (VDOE-SNP), Virginia HOM provides ready-to-use materials for classrooms and cafeterias to educate children about the

Virginia Harvest of the Month Posters

Agency/Organization: Virginia Department of Education Office of School Nutrition Programs


Virginia Harvest of the Month (HOM) is a program that promotes eating seasonal foods, increasing fruit and vegetable consumption, and supporting local economies. Sponsored by the Virginia Department of Education, Office of School Nutrition Programs (VDOE-SNP), Virginia HOM provides ready-to-use materials for classrooms and cafeterias to educate children about the

Virginia Harvest of the Month Lesson Plans and Activities

Agency/Organization: Virginia Department of Education Office of School Nutrition Programs


Virginia Harvest of the Month (HOM) is a program that promotes eating seasonal foods, increasing fruit and vegetable consumption, and supporting local economies. Sponsored by the Virginia Department of Education, Office of School Nutrition Programs (VDOE-SNP), Virginia HOM provides ready-to-use materials for classrooms and cafeterias to educate children about the

Now More Than Ever; Farm to School Podcast Series

Agency/Organization: IL Farm to School Network@ Seven Generations Ahead


The Now More Than Ever podcast series is about the critical importance of strengthening community connections to fresh, healthy food and local food producers. Now, more than ever, Farm to School is a key force in aiding the transition to a safe and just school environment as it enhances local

Illinois Harvest of the Month Taste Test Toolkit

Agency/Organization: IL Farm to School Network@ Seven Generations Ahead


TASTING NEW FOODS LEADS TO ACCEPTANCE! Utilizing taste tests is a great way to introduce young eaters to fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as help planning what recipes will be effective on your meal line. We developed a Taste Test Toolkit to complement K-12 Harvest of the Month celebrations

Pennsylvania Harvest of the Month

Agency/Organization: Pennsylvania Department of Education


Pennsylvania Harvest of the Month (PA HOM) is a program developed by the Pennsylvania Department of Education and Project PA (Penn State University) to promote a local agricultural product each month through schools, child and adult care centers/day care homes, and summer feeding sites. The program aims to provide participants

Local Food for Little Eaters in Georgia

Agency/Organization: Georgia Department of Early Care & Learning


This guide walks individuals through the process of local purchasing, defines different types of purchasing for CACFP, and discusses the process for finding and purchasing local foods in Georgia.

Getting Started: Georgia Farm to Early Care and Education Guide

Agency/Organization: Georgia Department of Early Care & Learning


The Getting Started: Georgia Farm to Early Care and Education Guide is intended for early care and education providers, directors, administrators, families, and partners. The guide provides beginner information on how to implement all aspects of Farm to ECE including gardening, hands-on food education, family engagement, and action planning. This

Local Plates, Global Minds: A case study in local food procurement for public institutions

Agency/Organization: Friedman School of Nutrition at Tufts University


This is a case study that follows the introduction of local food and Farm to School programming for the first time at Boston Public Schools. Qualitative data were collected to understand successes and barriers that occurred over the past three years as BPS began local food procurement. The resource can

Farm to Summer Challenge Toolkit

Agency/Organization: Colorado Department of Education School Nutrition Unit


SFSP sponsors participating in the Farm to Summer Challenge can use this toolkit to help them execute the Farm to Summer Challenge. The toolkit includes resources and ideas for taste testing events, nutrition education, and even social media tips to promote the event.

Farm to Summer Site Activities

Agency/Organization: Colorado Department of Education School Nutrition Unit


SFSP sponsors can use this resource at summer sites to encourage participation. The resource includes a bingo card and local foods passport children can fill in as they eat fruits and vegetables throughout summer.

Farm to Summer Produce Pick

Agency/Organization: Colorado Department of Education School Nutrition Unit


SFSP sponsors can use this resource to identify new, seasonal recipes to test at summer meal sites. Each standardized recipe contains an associated handout that can be paired with a taste test or used alone for nutrition education. The handouts can even be printed and sent home with children.

Farm to Fork Activity

Agency/Organization: Visualz


Engage children in learning where the food we eat comes from with fun and educational activities in the Farm to Fork Fun! Appropriate for ages 7-11

Harvest of the Month - Harvest with Holly

Agency/Organization: Georgia Department of Education School Nutrition Program


Harvest with Holly videos explore Georgia's Harvest of the Month initiative by discussing how these items grow, where they grow in Georgia, and how they get from the farms to school meals all across our state. Episodes feature examples of how items are used in School Meals and ideas for

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Serving Bison and Beef in USDA Child Nutrition Programs

Agency/Organization: SDSU Extension


Target Audience: Any individual involved in F2S procurement, especially for Federal Nutrition Programs and in South Dakota Purpose: Provide responses to commonly asked questions about serving beef and bison in South Dakota CNP meals and snacks.

Getting Started with School Gardens

Agency/Organization: Utah State Board of Education


This is a quick guide for anyone interested in starting a school garden.

Farm Field Trip Guide- English

Agency/Organization: Utah State Board of Education


This guide helps teachers or other group leaders plan a farm field trip from start to finish. The guide is available in English and Spanish.

Illinois Harvest of the Month Program Training Guide

Agency/Organization: IL Farm to School Network @ Seven Generations Ahead


IL Harvest of the Month helps child feeding sites and garden sites buy, grow, and serve more local food while teaching kids about healthy eating, nutrition, and local food. Our program guide shares best practices for early childhood thru grade five.

FRESHFARM FoodPrints Curriculum

Agency/Organization: FRESHFARM


Interdisciplinary, standards-based food and garden education curriculum for PreK - 5th grade; sequenced according to seasonal topics and adaptable for a range of uses from embedded programming, to supplementing classroom or virtual learning.

Illinois Farm to School Network Taste Test Toolkit

Agency/Organization: IL Farm to School Network@ Seven Generations Ahead


We know that students are sometimes reluctant to try new foods. It can often take multiple exposures to build acceptance. The IFSN guide is designed to help feeding and garden sites conduct quality taste tests for children in grades Pre-K-5.