
- Material developed through USDA's Team Nutrition Training Grant

TNTG Year:2021

Nutritious, Delicious, Wisconsin Videos

Agency/Organization: Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction


The Nutritious, Delicious, Wisconsin videos were developed to promote the Harvest of the Month program . Each video features one Wisconsin produced food, highlighting the agricultural history, nutrition information, and other fun facts about the product. The videos can be used in the classroom; however, they were specifically developed for

TNTG Year:2021

Food Learning Activity Sheets

Agency/Organization: Iowa Department of Education


The local food learning activity sheets can be used to educate students about foods that are found in school lunch and breakfast menus. The learning activity sheets provide physical activities, learning activities and taste testing activities that can be implemented in classrooms to teach students about 12 different foods.

TNTG Year:2021

Food Fact Sheet Posters

Agency/Organization: Iowa Department of Education


The food fact sheet posters can be used to educate students about foods that are used in the school lunch and breakfast program. Food fact sheet posters can be on display in the cafeteria or anywhere throughout the school building.

TNTG Year:2021

Build a Healthy Lunch and Breakfast Reimbursable Menu Posters

Agency/Organization: Iowa Department of Education


The menu posters were designed for school food service directors and managers to be utilized as menu posters to assist students in selecting meal choices that make a reimbursable meal. In particular, the Build a Healthy Breakfast menu poster is designed to encourage school food service staff to print and

TNTG Year:2021

Harvesting Montana Recipes: Test Schools Student Pre- and Post-Assessment, Recipe Feedback and Nutrition Education Survey, and K12 Taste Test Survey Results

Agency/Organization: Montana Team Nutrition


The recipe development project, ‘Harvesting Montana Recipes’, utilized a number of forms, attached here, to share feedback. The ‘Student Pre- and Post-Assessment’ was used to assess student knowledge about and attitudes towards the local Montana foods used in the project. The ‘Recipe Feedback and Nutrition Education Survey’ was used by

TNTG Year:2021

Test Schools K12 Taste Test Survey Results

Agency/Organization: Montana Team Nutrition


Schools used this form to report the results of student taste tests of the local recipes along with feedback related to the recipe. Target audience is School Food Service Directors.

TNTG Year:2021

Test School Student Surveys

Agency/Organization: Montana Team Nutrition


These are the pre and post surveys used to assess student knowledge about and attitudes towards the local Montana foods used in the recipe development project. Target audience is School Food Service Directors and teachers.

TNTG Year:2021

Nutritious, Delicious, Wisconsin: Connecting Nutrition Education and Wisconsin Foods

Agency/Organization: Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction


Nutritious, Delicious, Wisconsin is a series of lessons that use Wisconsin produced foods to teach nutrition concepts. The lessons are intended for third through fifth grade students. Through implementing the Nutritious, Delicious, Wisconsin lessons students will: expand food and nutrition knowledge; improve knowledge about growing, harvesting, and producing Wisconsin foods;

Heart-Healthy Meals in Early Childhood Guidebook

Agency/Organization: NYSDOH/HRI


The Heart-Healthy Meals in Early Childhood Guidebook is a step-by-step guide that walks through tips on how to reduce sodium in menus and recipes. The target audience is staff in early childhood education centers or day care settings. The link within the guidebook brings you to Cornell Cooperative Extension of

Nutrition Education and Promotion to Support Consistent Messaging in Schools

Agency/Organization: Alliance for a Healthier Generation


This 15-minute micro learning will provide strategies for nutrition education and promotion to support the consistency of foods and beverages sold and served in schools. It will also provide resources and best practice strategies for implementation.

VegOut! Challenge & Curriculum

Agency/Organization: Recipe for Success Foundation


The VegOut! 30 Ways in 30 Days Challenge is a call to action to eat 30 different vegetables within one month and offers a toolkit of resources and incentives to help everyone get to 30, including recipes, and curriculum for Pre-K - 5th grade.

TNTG Year:2017

Nutrition and Physical Activity Lesson Plan

Agency/Organization: Virginia Department of Education


This resource includes a Nutrition and Physical Activity Lesson Plan targeted at school nutrition directors. The learning objectives include: 1. Understand the importance of nutrition education and physical activity promotion. 2. Be able to identify motivators of target audiences. 3. Be confident in their ability to craft a pitch to

TNTG Year:2017

Elementary Nutrition Education Lesson Plans

Agency/Organization: Virginia Department of Education


Kindergarten Lesson Plan: Kitchen Careers - This resource includes a kindergarten lesson plan for providing students with a basic knowledge of the responsibilities of a school chef and the layout of a large-scale foodservice kitchen to support their learning of the role of jobs and economics. First Grade Fun with

TNTG Year:2017

Fifth Grade Lesson Plan: Caught You being Healthy

Agency/Organization: Virginia Department of Education


This resource includes a fifth grade lesson plan that demonstrates responsibility for developing personal health habits and practicing behaviors that promote and active, healthy lifestyle.

TNTG Year:2017

Fourth Grade Lesson Plan: 4th Grade Farm Festival - Virginia Apples

Agency/Organization: Virginia Department of Education


This resource includes a fourth grade lesson plan that supports learning about government, geography, and economics by describing major products and industries of Virginia's five geographic regions.

TNTG Year:2017

Third Grade Lesson Plan: Fraction Fruitapalooza

Agency/Organization: Virginia Department of Education


This resource includes a third grade lesson plan that supports learning about fractions with fruits.

TNTG Year:2017

Second Grade Lesson Plan: Corn Husking Contest

Agency/Organization: Virginia Department of Education


This resource includes a second grade lesson plan that supports learning about plants through a corn husking contest.

TNTG Year:2017

First Grade Fun with Nutrition Lesson Plan

Agency/Organization: Virginia Department of Education


This resource includes a first grade lesson plan for making Graham Banana Bites and creating a How-To Book.

TNTG Year:2016

Forecasting Your Future - Nutrition Matters: A Curriculum for Nutrition and Wellness

Agency/Organization: Indiana Department of Education


Audience: FACS teachers who teach Nutrition and Wellness classes as well as Food Service staff who wish to partner with FACS teachers to better engage students in school nutrition. The curriculum was intentionally designed to maximize student learning and interest by integrating life skills and partnership activities with experts in

TNTG Year:2016

MyPlate Bingo Cards

Agency/Organization: Iowa Dept of Education


This set of BINGO card includes ways to incorporate nutrition and physical activity into the classroom on a monthly basis. As a class, review the BINGO card at the beginning of each month as a way to set goals related to wellness in the classroom. Brainstorm additional ideas to fill

TNTG Year:2016

MyPlate Lessons 3rd and 4th Grade

Agency/Organization: Iowa Dept of Education


These lessons are based on the USDA's Team Nutrition Serving Up MyPlate Curriculum that introduces the importance of eating from all five food groups using the MyPlate icon and a variety of hands-on activities. They have been condensed to be delivered in a 30 minute sessions.

TNTG Year:2016

Harvest of the Month Beef Video

Agency/Organization: Montana Team Nutrition, Office of Public Instruction


This video features beef, one of the Montana Harvest of the Month foods! For more information about Montana Harvest of the Month visit: . This material was partially developed through a FY 2016 TNTG.

TNTG Year:2016

Harvest of the Month Kale Video

Agency/Organization: Montana Team Nutrition, Office of Public Instruction


This video features Kale, one of the Montana Harvest of the Month foods! For more information about Montana Harvest of the Month visit: . This material was partially developed through a FY 2016 TNTG.

TNTG Year:2014

2017 SNEB Team Nutrition Poster: SD Team Nutrition- Farmers Grow MyPlate & Power Chef Challenge

Agency/Organization: SDSU Extension


This poster provides information and a link to download the Farmer's Grow MyPlate curriculum developed for k-4th grades in a classroom, summer or after-school setting. It also introduces the Power Chef Challenge activities that provide culinary and nutrition education training to school nutrition professionals, elementary and middle school students in

TNTG Year:2016

Harvest of the Month Outcomes Poster at 2019 SNA’s Annual Nutrition Conference

Agency/Organization: Montana Team Nutrition, Office of Public Instruction


A Montana Harvest of the Month poster showcasing the program and how it works. This poster was presented at SNA's Annual Nutrition Conference. This material was partially developed through a FY 2016 TNTG.