
- Material developed through USDA's Team Nutrition Training Grant


Results of a randomized experimental evaluation study conducted to determine to what extent the Pick A Better Snack lessons and the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program increased participating students’ knowledge of nutrition, increased their favorable attitudes towards eating fresh fruits and vegetables, and improved their recognition and identification of the


These colorful materials were developed to support middle and high school salad bar events in which salad bars are introduced and/or new items are added to the salad bar.


Target audience: parents of elementary students Purpose: to showcase the Power Up With Produce program and the accompanying messages from MyPlate and the 2015 Dietary Guidelines, and to share resources that promote school meals and encourage children to make healthier food choices


Note to ICN: All resources (surveys included) for Power Up With Produce should be categorized under NUTRITION EDUCATION Audience: elementary students Purpose: To inspire students to make healthy food choices using a live school assembly with local athletes and Power Panther. Messages from MyPlate and the 2015 Dietary Guidelines were