The new Institute introduced itself on the national stage by delivering two winning training sessions at the ASFSA Annual National Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada, July 20 and 23, 1991: Financial Success and the original 10 Minute BLT.

On Saturday, July 20, 1991, The Institute delivered its first American School Food Service (ASFSA) Pre-Con: Hoyle’s Winning Hand for Financial Success. This training provided 3 hours certification credit. It was presented by Dr. Laverne Hellums and Dr. Dennis H. Ferguson. ASFSA ANC, Las Vegas.

Dr. Dennis H. Ferguson

Dr. Dennis H. Ferguson

Dr. Laverne Hellums

Dr. Laverne Hellums

The Education and Training Work Group of RETAB, led by Shirley Watkins and Laverne Hellums (Education and Training Division Director for NFSMI), developed the Breakfast Lunch Training (BLT) training concept designed to deliver capsuled information to assist child nutrition managers in providing staff training in limited time segments.
On July 23, 1991, the first Breakfast Lunch Training (BLT) module titled Ten Minute BLT Chips, was unveiled in a 1-hour education session at the American School Food Service Association (ASFSA) Annual National Conference in Las Vegas, NV.
E1-91. 10 Minute B-L-T: Breakfast Lunch Training for School Food Service Managers.

Hundreds of conference attendees lined up at the door to get into the education session.

Hundreds of conference attendees lined up at the door to get into the education session.

Dr. Jeanette Phillips delivers the 10 Minute BLT at the ASFSA ANC in Las Vegas, Nevada, July 23, 1991.

Dr. Jeanette Phillips delivers the 10 Minute BLT at the ASFSA ANC in Las Vegas, Nevada, July 23, 1991.

JP (Jeanette Phillips): We were so new that they wanted to see what we looked like, and what we were doing, and what in the world this thing was, this National Food Service Management Institute. I think it was curiosity that brought a lot of people into that room. And it was standing room only.
JM (Josephine Martin): The lines, the lines formed outside the room.
JP: We probably had a thousand of the three thousand people that were there. So, it was a wonderful meeting and we were so nervous about that meeting, as you remember, where everything was and whether we had enough to hand out, and the expectations for that meeting. But I can visualize the room now, and you probably can, too, because it was packed and everybody was standing. I think it was more of curiosity than of information, but they soon found out and we have had good responses at the national meetings, I think, since.
Dr. Josephine Martin and Dr. Jeanette Phillips Oral History Interview.