All resources are available for free download. Download and print what you need, and make as many copies as you like. You may use the materials for educational purposes as long as they are not being printed for resale. We also ask that you retain the ICN and USDA identifiers on all ICN materials that you download and reproduce.

Print materials can be made available on CD or bulk print in quantities of 25 or more by special order. ICN no longer warehouses printed materials. These print on demand special orders take 4 to 6 weeks to print, and are priced on a cost recovery basis, including shipping and handling.
Most video materials are available on DVD by special order.
Call 800-321-3054 for information.

This document library contains many different types of files.
Below is a listing of the various types, and links to the necessary programs/plug-ins to view them. All of the below programs/plug-ins are free to download and use. The links listed here are maintained by their respective third parties, ICN does not guarantee the availability of these programs.

Adobe PDF
Adobe Reader for Windows. – Link
Preview for Mac OS X. – This software is included in Mac OS X.

Microsoft Word Document
Microsoft Word Viewer for Windows. – Link
Bean for Mac OS X. – Link