Pittsburgh Post Gazette, authors Bob Batz Jr., Joshua Axelrod, and Dan Gigler, August 24, 2020
This article provides an overview of how schools have adapted their meal services to accommodate both remote learners and students physically attending schools in the Pittsburg, Pennsylvania area. In the Penn-Trafford School District, students will dine in the cafeteria. The cafeteria will have new features, such as sneeze guards, social-distance stickers, and “without toppings bars.” The Pittsburg Public Schools opted to go fully virtual, and offers grab-and-go meals five days a week at more than 25 pick-up sites. The Hampton Township School District is utilizing a hybrid model that will have students physically attend schools two days a week, where they will send students home with meals to be eaten on days they are learning remotely.
Full story, here: https://www.post-gazette.com/news/education/2020/08/24/School-lunch-breakfast-COVID-19-USDA-Food-Bank-No-Kid-Hungry-Allies-for-Children/stories/202008180124