June Little Bites – Nourish your body while having fun outdoors!

Outdoor Picnic

A great way to celebrate summer is to host an outdoor picnic with your children. There has never been a better time to take advantage of being outdoors. Eating outdoors has the benefits of fresh air as well as being beneficial for mental status. Moods can be boosted, and everyone will get [Read More]

2022-04-04T09:38:20-05:00June 16th, 2021|

Dietary Guidelines for Americans

The newly released Dietary Guidelines for Americans has for the first time ever provided recommendations by life stages, from birth through older adulthood. We can use these guidelines as a foundation to MAKE EVERY BITE COUNT. We can view every meal or snack as an opportunity to make the most healthful choice for ourselves and [Read More]

2021-02-16T14:56:06-06:00February 2nd, 2021|
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