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Team Nutrition Readiness and Retention Training Program Webinar 5: Writing Standardized Recipes

Child Nutrition Program:
  • NSLP – National School Lunch Program
  • SBP – School Breakfast Program

Resource Topic Category:
Menu Planning

Team Nutrition Training Grant:


Virginia Department of Education




Target audience: School nutrition directors

The materials focus on writing standardized recipes in school nutrition programs.

1. Define standardized recipes and explain why we need them in school nutrition programs.
2. Describe the process for bringing a non-school recipe to the school meal tray.
3. Utilize tools and resources to ensure new recipes are compliant with the meal pattern
4. Identify steps for conducting a yield test.

Resources were developed with Culinary Solution Centers, LLC, the K-12 Culinary Team (
The survey was developed with Virginia Tech.

Contact Info:

Katelynn Stansfield