Over 14,000 Trained in 2017

By the end of 2017, ICN will have conducted over 400 on-site trainings in 45 States and Guam reaching over 14,000 participants with free materials and training. Included in these numbers are the CACFP Meal Pattern Requirements training for which ICN provided 92 trainings in 24 states and territories and reached approximately 3,711 participants.

Using a network of regional trainers, ICN delivers free face-to-face training sessions to child nutrition professionals across the country and in U.S. territories.  ICN also conducts pre-conference sessions and other presentations at national and state association meetings.

ICN Trainings by State 2017


For answers to questions or for more information about training opportunities, email the ICN Training Team at, training@theicn.org or call 800-321-3054 and ask to speak to a member of the Training Team.

You can also get information about current sessions offered and other FAQs on the website – theicn.org