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The Institute of Child Nutrition Archives recently visited Anchorage, Alaska collecting oral histories at the AKSNA (Alaskan School Nutrition Association) Conference.

The AKSNA represents the hundreds of dedicated school nutrition professionals across the vast and wonderful state of Alaska. They are a group of dedicated professionals, that care about child nutrition so much that they make it a priority to serve Alaskan school children every day.

The variety of involvement range from cooks, bakers, food service workers and delivery drivers to warehouse personnel, coordinators, managers, supervisors and directors. All working together through the association.

Their goal: “We strive everyday to provide nutritious, federaly regulated school meals in most cases for less than the cost of a latte.”

The dedication these members have to child nutrition and serving the children of their state healthy, balanced meals is incredible! We are so impressed and inspired by AKSNA, that we are calling them Child Nutrition Heroes.

Here are a few Child Nutrition Heroes we have met so far:

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Meet Lydia Wirkus

To reach the schools Wirkus will be inspecting, she begins her journey via jet.

Then, she has to switch to a propellor 4-seater.

Finally, Wirkus gets on a snowmobile or a 4-wheeler to reach the schools.

Wirkus also takes her sleeping bag and sleeping cot with her because she knows she will probably be spending the night in the school.



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Meet Walter Williams


Although Williams only serves 600 students. They are spread over 23,000 square miles!

Such Dedication!




For more visit the Oral History Project Section of the Child Nutrition Archives!