Oxford, Miss. – Congratulations to ICN graduate assistant, Prabhdeep Sandha, for receiving the Mead Johnson Nutrition/Research DPG Award at the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics 2018 Food and Nutrition Conference and Expo in Washington, DC in October. Prabhdeep is a second year, Ph.D. student in the University of Mississippi, School of Applied Sciences, Nutrition and Hospitality Department seeking her Ph.D. in Nutrition and Hospitality Management with an emphasis on Nutrition Policy and an interdisciplinary minor in Applied Statistics. She is a very busy young student, and ICN is fortunate to have her as one of our student workers.
Prabhdeep was awarded first place out of three students who received this highly competitive, national award. Her project, titled Impact of Produce Intervention on Parental Intakes and Behavior, utilized two groups, a control and an intervention group. The intervention group received nutrition education, cafeteria tasting station, and take home materials and gadgets including fresh produce. Her final result showed that perceived willingness to try new vegetable and try new fruit was significantly higher in intervention group parents (~90%) as compared to the control group (~57%). The project was co-authored by Dr. David H. Holben, Research Advisor, and Michelle Weber, MS-CP Student. Prabhdeep presented her award-winning project at the FNCE Research DPG breakfast on October 22, 2018.
Prabhdeep has been at the University of Mississippi for two years and is from Jalandhar City, Punjab, India. She hopes to complete her Ph.D. in May or December 2020 and uphold the family standard as a 3rd generation post graduate. We here at ICN are confident she will do that!