Emergency Response Pocket Guide

Emergencies may disrupt food service operations and increase food safety risks. Although closures may occur in some cases, during many emergencies food service in schools continues. Some schools may also be designated as shelters and may need to provide food to the community. As a school nutrition professional, you play a critical role in ensuring that children continue to have access to safe meals during emergency situations. Developing, reviewing, and following an effective emergency response plan is an important component of your food safety program. This pocket guide is designed to help child nutrition program operators respond to emergencies but can be utilized by any nutrition assistance program operator in a variety of emergencies. Always follow local, State, and Federal food safety regulations and contact the local health authority as soon as an emergency impacts your food service operation. These resources can also be on USDA’s website at: https://www.fns.usda.gov/ofs/food-safety-emergency-response

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