Step-by-Step Recipe Standardization Guide for the CACFP

The Step-by-Step Recipe Standardization Guide for the CACFP is a comprehensive guide designed to facilitate recipe standardization within the CACFP. The “how-to” manual serves as a complete resource, detailing the initial recipe development stage to the final implementation. It outlines the benefits of standardized recipes and details the recipe standardization process, which includes recipe verification, product evaluation, and quantity adjustment. The guide also provides practical tools and templates. Among these are a CACFP standardized recipe template and resources for taste-testing, essential for ensuring recipe quality and consistency. Additionally, the guide includes recipe conversion charts and useful Food Buying Guide tables and figures, ensuring the ability to navigate ingredient quantities and conversion efficiently and successfully. CACFP professionals may find this guide helpful:

  • as an introduction to the recipe standardization process, offering a clear understanding of the recipe standardization process,
  • as a supplemental tool to recipe development strategies, and
  • when leading staff training on recipe standardization and conducting informal evaluations, such as taste testing, to gauge recipe success and satisfaction.

Intended Audience:

CACFP Adult Day Stay Center Directors & Staff
CACFP At-Risk After School Directors & Staff
CACFP Child Care Center Directors & Staff
CACFP Emergency Shelter Managers & Staff
CACFP Family Child Care Home Providers
General Child Nutrition Professionals
Sponsoring Organizations
State Agency Staff
Summer Food Service Program Managers & Staff

Subject: Menu Planning

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Step-by-Step Recipe Standardization Guide for the CACFP

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Step-by-Step Recipe Standardization Guide for the CACFPMay 30, 2024 Download
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