Happy National Make Lunch Count Day! Lunch is an important meal because it not only nourishes the body but the brain as well. Eating lunch reduces stress by providing a break from the activities of the day and gives energy for the afternoon.


Get in all you’re MyPlate servings: Focus on making healthy food and beverage choices from all five food groups: fruits, vegetablesgrainsprotein foods, and dairy to get the nutrients you need.


Take it outside: Being outside refreshes our attention spans so that we can continue to have the physical and mental energy to complete the day!


Try something new: It is always fun to explore new recipes and discover healthy combinations. You never know, you might just find a new favorite lunch dish!


Share with a friend: What better way to enjoy lunch than with the good company of a friend! This is also a great way to try something new by trying each others lunch or even switching lunches completely.