Financial Management: A Course for School Nutrition Managers

This training was developed for site-based school nutrition managers and supervisors. Participants receive instruction on the relationship of program cost and revenue, standard security practices to protect the financial integrity, budget management, increasing productivity and decreasing waste, and staff responsibility for sound financial management practices. Lesson topics:

  • Financial Management
  • Production Records
  • Forecasting
  • Menu Item Costs
  • Product Screening
  • Inventory Controls
  • Meal Equivalents
  • Labor Costs


KEY AREA: 3: Administration

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Financial Management: A Course for School Nutrition Managers

TitleDate addedDate modifiedDownload
Financial Management Managers - Instructors ManualOctober 23, 2017April 09, 2018 Download
Financial Management Managers - Participants WorkbookOctober 23, 2017April 09, 2018 Download
Financial Management Managers - PresentationOctober 23, 2017May 16, 2024 Download
Financial Management Managers - Pre-Post-AssestmentOctober 23, 2017April 09, 2018 Download
Financial Management Managers - Assessment Answer KeyOctober 23, 2017April 09, 2018 Download

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Three Things to Remember:

  • ICN requires at least 8-10 weeks’ advance notice before the training date to schedule and plan a training session.
  • ICN Consultant Trainers must train a minimum of 4 hours in a single day.
  • A minimum of 25-30 participants is required for ICN to provide a training session.

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