Search for all Child Nutrition Program – Operator Submitted Resources


- Material developed through USDA's Team Nutrition Training Grant


This is a case study that follows the introduction of local food and Farm to School programming for the first time at Boston Public Schools. Qualitative data were collected to understand successes and barriers that occurred over the past three years as BPS began local food procurement. The resource can


Target audience is CACFP state agency, institutions, sponsoring organizations, and facilities (centers and day care home providers). This training was developed to provide guidance to CACFP program operators on how to develop their menu planning skills, learn how to create and use cycle menus and practice working with the menu


SFSP sponsors participating in the Farm to Summer Challenge can use this toolkit to help them execute the Farm to Summer Challenge. The toolkit includes resources and ideas for taste testing events, nutrition education, and even social media tips to promote the event.


SFSP sponsors can use this resource at summer sites to encourage participation. The resource includes a bingo card and local foods passport children can fill in as they eat fruits and vegetables throughout summer.


SFSP sponsors can use this resource to identify new, seasonal recipes to test at summer meal sites. Each standardized recipe contains an associated handout that can be paired with a taste test or used alone for nutrition education. The handouts can even be printed and sent home with children.

Organization: Visualz


Engage children in learning where the food we eat comes from with fun and educational activities in the Farm to Fork Fun! Appropriate for ages 7-11


Cooking demonstration videos from Texas's Region 4 Education Service Center CACFP Meal Service Academy. Target audience is CACFP providers.


Flavor combinations are a great way to enhance your recipes! We have made several combinations of seasonings that take into account student preferences. These can be stand alone spice blends (used in flavor stations) that may be used by students to enhance their meals. We have included a copy of


Harvest with Holly videos explore Georgia's Harvest of the Month initiative by discussing how these items grow, where they grow in Georgia, and how they get from the farms to school meals all across our state. Episodes feature examples of how items are used in School Meals and ideas for


This resource discusses the fit, coverage, comfort, and types of face coverings. The target audience for this resource would be School Nutrition Professionals in the K-12 environment. The video was developed by the Georgia Department of Education School Nutrition Program. Please note: Mask requirements (or mandates) are not discussed.


This recipe is intended for school nutrition professions in the K12 channel for menu planning purposes. The parfait offers a savory twist on the traditional yogurt parfait and is meant to appeal students' expanding and adventurous pallets.


This recipe is intended for use by School Nutrition professionals when planning nutritious, delicious and on-trend meals for students in the K12 channel.


This recipe had been previously submitted and approved for placement on the site. Since then, a correction to one portion was made and I would like to have this version replace the prior one if possible. ID 5962652 Chicken Alfredo Pizza: Also, if possible, if the point person listed


Target Audience: Any individual involved in F2S procurement, especially for Federal Nutrition Programs and in South Dakota Purpose: Provide responses to commonly asked questions about serving beef and bison in South Dakota CNP meals and snacks.


This training module will support district leaders in sustaining and implementing Local School Wellness Policy (LWP) efforts by providing technical assistance , professional development , and connecting to resources to support local districts and sch


This training provides strategies and best practices for evaluating current School Nutrition Program operations and adopting innovative approaches for engaging students, marketing school meal programs and boosting participation numbers.


School Nutrition Foundation's LEAD to Succeed™ trainings are designed to help school nutrition professionals identify, strengthen, and develop communication skills. Module 1/LEARN to Master Difficult Conversations is worth three (3) CEUs.


The information provided includes feedback from industry manufacturers, school district professionals, distributors, food bank representatives, and cooperative coordinators on how to resume operations.


Milk substitutes served to participants without a disability must be nutritionally equivalent to cow’s milk and meet the nutritional standards for fortification of calcium, protein, vitamin A, vitamin D, and other nutrients found in cow’s milk.


All organizations participating in the CACFP are responsible for maintaining a menu that meets meal pattern requirements. Give yourself peace of mind by completing this self assessment! If any boxes remain unchecked, menu changes are needed.


Increase CACFP snack variety by selecting different components and foods for each snack, offering a 3rd component or extra of any creditable item, and choosing a name that excites your eaters!


Variety is possible! CACFP sites can create unique menus without stovetops, ovens, or a full time cook! This list includes cold entrée ideas for lunch and dinner. Simply add sides and milk to each entrée as needed. Let's get creative!


This 4-part training series was created for those responsible for maintaining a compliant CACFP menu. Organizations have the opportunity to assess their menu and supporting documentation to ensure compliance and strive to meet best practices


The three-part Infant Training series from the Arizona Department of Education provides detailed information on the infant meal pattern and meal service, and everything you need to know about formula, breast milk, the introduction of solid foods, and infant feeding requirements. Disclaimer: Please note that some information shared in the


This is a quick guide for anyone interested in starting a school garden.