CACFP iTrain Simple Lesson Plans
These trainings cover a range of topics to assist CACFP professionals in meeting program requirements. These 15–30 minute lessons are designed for CACFP professionals with limited training.

CACFP iTrain Simple Lesson Plans
These trainings cover a range of topics to assist CACFP professionals in meeting program requirements. These 15–30 minute lessons are designed for CACFP professionals with limited training.
- Adjusting Standardized Recipes
- Choosing Alternatives to Deep-Fat Frying
- Common Terms in the CACFP
- Creating a Breastfeeding-Friendly Environment
- Emergency Preparedness During Power Outages in Child Care
- Infant Age Groups – What Are the Basics?
- Introducing the CACFP to Families: Steps for Success
- Keep Food Safe: Clean, Sanitize, and Disinfect
- Keep Food Safe: Control Food Temperature
- Keep Food Safe: Wash Hands the Best Way
- Major Food Allergens
- Menu Planning Basics for CACFP
- Micro-Purchasing in the CACFP
- Record Keeping Basics for CACFP
- Separating Fruits and Vegetables at Meals and Snacks
- Serving Juice in Child Care
- Small Purchasing Procedures
- Tofu Requirements in the CACFP
- Understanding Common Food Marketing Terms
- When to Request a Medical Statement in the CACFP